A Farmer's Lady's Guide to Getting Rich

Chapter 293 Dancing Together

Chapter 293 Dancing Together
When Qi Shao went south to the city, Xiao Qian was hiding secretly in the mountains outside Shuoyang City, concentrating on supervising the production of firearms.

Although there is already an accurate gunpowder formula, it is not easy to make a safe and usable firearm.

Because black powder is quite unstable and easy to explode, several accidents have occurred during the development process.

Fortunately, he had previously built a firecracker workshop in the mountains, and brought in a lot of materials in the name of building a hot spring palace.Since it is not easy to build a palace in the cold weather, in order to add some fun to the people in the Northwest during the New Year, the firecracker workshop can focus on production.

Occasionally, there was an explosion sound, and outsiders thought it was because of the trial firecrackers, so they didn't care.

The first thing to be made is the iron artillery. This thing is a simple grenade. The shell is cast from pig iron, filled with gunpowder, and a small hole is left for the fuse. After the fuse is ignited, it will explode when thrown out.

The first batch of iron cannons produced were only the size of a fist, but when one was thrown out, it blew up a rock wall, which frightened the soldiers who had never seen it before.

When he realized that this thing was really powerful, the surprise immediately turned into ecstasy.

"With this, I won't be afraid of the Rong people's iron cavalry anymore. His grandma's, if they dare to come, I will carry a basket on my back and rush over to blow them all up... Hahaha..."

Just when everyone was shouting happily, an emergency military report was sent over.

Beirong finally started their first raid in winter. However, I don't know if it was because they were waiting to cooperate with King Zhenbei, or because they were afraid that Xiao Qian fought too hard last year.This year, they did not choose to start from the territory of Zhenbei Wangfu, but started the war in the west of Liaoning.

The scale of the first battle was small. The Rong people only plundered a small city. The mighty general Wei Wuqi went out to fight and returned with a big victory.

"Wei Wuqi, the champion of martial arts, Wei Wuqi?"

Xiao Qian felt his teeth ache when he thought of Wei Wuqi's so-called number one handsome man in Dayu and his experience of chasing Chang Ning madly. After reading the battle report, he said unhappily: "As expected of being the No. [-] champion in martial arts, he really can fight."

"That's right, with the appearance of a general like General Wei in the west of Liaoning, the lives of the people will be much better this year." As the people of Dayu, the soldiers are always happy to see the victorious staff, and they are very happy when they hear the news.

Liaoxi is bordered by King Zhenbei, and it is also adjacent to Beirong. Since Beirong does not plan to attack the northwest first this year, it will definitely push the main force to Liaoxi.

The previous small battle was probably a temptation!

Xiao Qian was well aware of the cunning of the Rong people, even though he hated Wei Wuqi very much, he still ordered people to pay close attention to the battle situation in Liaoxi, and report any abnormalities in time.

Then, he saw Chang Ning's letter.

Chang Ning is safe in Ximan, except for the letters she wrote, the people he secretly arranged have been reporting her whereabouts.

It's just that he didn't expect that Chang Ning unexpectedly found out about his mother clan this time.

The great Confucian in the world, the Shen family, Shen Antao!
Xiao Qian had never heard of such a person, but someone who can be called a great Confucian is naturally not a simple person, so it should be easy to find out.While sending someone to investigate the Shen family, he also sent detailed information about Concubine Lan to Chang Ning.

"Concubine Lan, formerly known as Lin Lan, comes from a family of martial arts in the south of the Yangtze River. She is good at using swords. She was once well-known in the martial arts of the Central Plains. When she was young, she was acquainted with the Ximan king who visited Jiangnan privately. In order to pursue love, she desperately severed ties with her family. Married into the royal court of the Western Barbarians..."

After reading this information, I found that Concubine Lan is really a woman who is desperate for love, Chang Ning was very speechless.

"Princess, hurry up, the ceremony outside is about to begin." At this moment, Xiao Ling hurriedly urged outside the tent.

Changning was staying in a tent at this time, and this tent was also where she would live for the next three days.

The Ximan royal family did not forget the legacy of their ancestors, although the royal city was already a settlement with brick and stone houses built.But every year during the Damu Conference, the King of the Western Man will always take the nobles to leave the royal city and live in tents in the suburbs for a few days, feeling the hardships of their ancestors and most of the Western Man people now.

Right now, Changning's tent is located on a large grassland on the shore of Fairy Lake outside Xikang City, with mountains and water behind, and the scenery is quite good.The high mountains shielded the icy wind, and the sunny weather made the grassland very warm.

The first sacrificial dance of the Waihu Chaohui started here.

Later, all unmarried boys and girls of the nobles will participate in this ball. They wear beautiful costumes and hold gorgeous and realistic wolf-shaped masks. They pair up in pairs and sing and dance.Sing the first sacrificial song for the people, and lead them to dance together to pray for good weather for the next year.

Chang Ning is now a princess, so she naturally wants to attend the ball. For this ball, she spent a few days trying to make up for it, and managed to learn the traditional dance of Ximan.

"Okay, okay!" Chang Ning had already put on her dance clothes, and when she heard Xiao Ling's urging, she threw the letter into the charcoal basin and burned it, and quickly picked up the mask beside her, and ran out in three steps at a time.

Rows of well-dressed boys and girls had already stood in the middle of the field outside, Chang Ning hurried to his seat, just stopped and gasped for a few breaths, and saw a person he never wanted to see standing opposite him— —Su He, the prince of Dongyan Tribe.

"Su He is considered unmarried?"

Chang Ning was surprised, turned his head and looked around, and saw Azhe Luo holding a handsome face at the other end of the line, glaring at Nuo Min who was facing him.

In the middle of the team, Princess Ayin nodded slightly at Changning with a confident look.

Nuo Min just happened to be matched with Ajeluo, and she happened to be matched with Su He. This formation arrangement is definitely manipulative.

Chang Ning knew it well, but he didn't feel nervous. Anyway, the sacrificial dance is a very solemn and well-mannered dance, and there is not much physical contact between men and women. Chance.

Just looking at Su He's face, she felt a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, she put on a mask for a while, so she couldn't even see her face, so she treated it as a pure strange man.

The huge horn blew quickly, and all the people on the field became silent. The women put their masks flat in their hands, knelt down on one knee, and stood still.The men, stepping on the beat of the drum just now, stepped forward to take the woman's mask, and gently put it on for her.

"Sister Ayilian, when the lonely king saw you that day, he felt that you were like a water lotus flower that just bloomed in summer, pure and shy..." Su He leaned forward, picked up the mask with his slender fingers, and pushed aside the long ribbon , and gently put it on for Chang Ning while talking.

He deftly pinched the ribbon with his fingers and wrapped it around the back of her head, and tied a beautiful bow. At the same time, at an angle that others could not see, he quickly stuffed a small black ball in his hand into her bun.

Chang Ning didn't feel anything at all, but she smelled a faint scent of incense on Su He's body, which was a mixture of cedar, amber, sandalwood, and musk, very similar to the scent that some men she met in her previous life loved to use. The smell of cedar cologne is warm and fresh, and it smells quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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