Chapter 707

However, the Xia He fruit is too small, and the blue whale's is too big, and it will disappear if thrown into the sea. How to let the blue whale eat the Xia He fruit is a problem.

"What are you thinking?" Cornelia saw Tang Ming staring at the blue whale in the sea in a daze, and came over and asked.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about how to bring the blue whale back to Taoyuan Island and let it stay in the waters near Taoyuan Island." Tang Ming came back to his senses and said.

"The sea area near Taoyuan Island has too little food for blue whales, isn't it suitable for blue whales to live in?" Cornelia asked suspiciously.

"There is nothing suitable or not. As long as the blue whale can stay, it is much easier to buy a fishing boat and feed it every day than to find food by itself." Tang Ming suddenly thought of a way to put Xiahe fruit is put into the belly of the fish, and then the fish is thrown to the blue whale to eat, so that the blue whale can eat the Xiahe fruit in the fish's stomach.

"It's okay, but let's find a way to keep the blue whale." Cornelia agreed, but still had some doubts.

"Leave this matter to me. I already have a solution." Tang Ming said confidently.

"What way?" Cornelia asked curiously.

"It's a very simple way, as long as you keep feeding it, it will stay after you get used to it," Tang Ming said.

"Can this method work?" Cornelia asked incredulously.

"You'll know if you try it." Tang Ming said.

Of course, Tang Ming didn't tell Cornelia that this method needs to use Xiahe fruit and the pool water in Xiahe cave to be effective.

Xiaheguo can control the actions of blue whales to a certain extent, and the temptation of pool water to animals is fatal, and blue whales are of course no exception.

"I'm going to get some fish and shrimp." Tang Ming said, picked up an empty bucket next to him, walked to the kitchen in the cabin, and asked the chef for a bucket of fish and shrimp that were not too big.

When carrying it out, taking advantage of no one's attention, he took out a Xiahe fruit from Xiahe Cave, put it into a fish, and then poured some pond water into the bucket.

Although the pool water will be diluted soon after being poured into the sea, the taste of the fish and shrimp soaked in the pool water will also become different, which will definitely attract blue whales.

Back on the deck, pour the fish and shrimp to the mouth of the blue whale.

The blue whale opened its mouth and swallowed the fish and shrimp and the surrounding seawater. Tang Ming knew that the matter was over.

The next morning, when the yacht returned to Taoyuan Island, the blue whale caught up with the yacht.

When approaching Taoyuan Island, the blue whale spotted a group of dolphins nearby and swam towards them.

The dolphins also welcomed the blue whale and took it in quickly, and together they swam around the yacht.

Back on Taoyuan Island, Song Zihui and Tony also said goodbye, and returned to China by plane.

After a few more days, the blue whale and Xia Heguo in the body were completely integrated, and now there is no need to worry about the blue whale running away.

At the same time, a fishing boat that Tang Ming asked to buy also arrived.

Tang Ming turned into a fisherman, went out to sea to fish and feed the blue whales, and lived a leisurely life.


After Tang Ming fed the blue whale, he just returned to the shore in a fishing boat, when he suddenly received a call from Cornelia, who told Tang Ming that Baird and Belin had arrived and asked Tang Ming to go to the airport.

Tang Ming arrived at the airport by car, and the plane that Baird and Belinda were on had already landed, and they got off the plane.

"Welcome back, are you having fun outside?" Tang Ming immediately ran over to greet them.

Baird and Belinda are obsessed with travel and have just returned from Europe.

"I'm very happy. If we didn't come back to see your castle, we would have already set off for the United States," Baird said.

"Come on, baby, let grandma hug you." Belinda smiled when she saw Cher in Cornelia's arms, and clapped her hands to hug Cher.

Although Baird and Belinda have been traveling and haven't seen Xueer for a long time, Cornelia often takes Xueer to chat with them, so Xueer still knows them, and she called obediently: "Grandma .”

"Oh, the little one is so good." Belinda didn't expect Xueer to recognize her, and felt very pleasantly surprised, and hugged Xueer happily.

After standing by the plane and talking for a while, they drove back to the castle.

"Baird, Belinda, welcome."

Tang Jianguo and Su Huiqin greeted them at the gate of the castle.

"Thank you." Belinda said, "Oh, the castle is so beautiful and magnificent, please show me and Baird a visit."

"Okay, Mom, come with me." Cornelia smiled.

Cornelia took the lead, accompanied by Tang Ming, Tang Jianguo and Su Huiqin, and took Baird and Belinda to visit the castle.

In the evening, the chef prepared a sumptuous dinner, and the family sat in the dining room to eat.

"Son, Xiaoya, your mother and I have lived in Taoyuan Island for a while. We discussed it during the day and decided to return to the ranch in the near future." Tang Jianguo said suddenly.

"Okay, whenever you want to go back, let Butler Jeffrey arrange a plane for you." Tang Ming nodded in agreement.

"How about it, Baird and I will spend another day on Taoyuan Island tomorrow, and let's go back together the day after tomorrow." Belinda suggested.

"Okay." Tang Jianguo and Su Huiqin agreed after thinking about it.


At night, Tang Ming hugged Cornelia to watch the sea view, and Cornelia said, "Honey, I also want to go back to Australia with my parents."

"Why, tired of living in the castle?" Tang Ming asked with a smile.

"No, I just feel that the ranch is our home, and I miss going home for too long." Cornelia said.

"Taoyuan Island is also our home." Tang Ming smiled, "Okay, then let's go back with our parents the day after tomorrow. Anyway, there is a plane, so we can stay at the ranch for a few days, and then go back to Taoyuan Island for a few days. "

"Yeah." Cornelia nodded.

"Tomorrow I'll go to Tuvalu to see it, and I'll go back to Australia with you the day after tomorrow. I haven't visited it since the reclamation and island building," Tang Ming said.

"Then take some photos for me to see." Cornelia said.

"Okay, no problem." Tang Ming nodded with a smile.

The next morning, Tang Ming set off for Tuvalu on a yacht.

Tuvalu is relatively close to Taoyuan Island, and it takes a whole morning yacht to get there.

Compared with the last time I came here, the place has changed a lot. Several islands and reefs in Tuvalu have disappeared, covered by sand sucked up from the seabed, and the seawater has become relatively turbid. The construction team from China is working nervously. Operation.

This construction team has a deep relationship with the Chinese military and has participated in China's island-building project in the South China Sea.

Tang Ming met with the Chinese construction manager, asked about the progress of the project, and returned to Taoyuan Island in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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