Mixed in Australia to be a local tyrant

Chapter 642 The Gold Contest in the Ranch

Chapter 642 The Gold Contest in the Ranch
The game was quickly decided, and a Chinese cowboy in his 20s won.

Many cowboys cursed regardless of Tang Ming and Cornelia being there.

Of course, they are not cursing the Chinese cowboy who won, but the cowboy who made them lose money.

"Congratulations." Tang Ming walked over and said to the Chinese cowboy.

"Thank you teacher...boss." The Chinese cowboy said.

"Since we are alumni, you can just call me Senior Brother." Tang Ming smiled, "By the way, what's your name?"

Songjiang University of Science and Technology would send over a batch of cowboys every one or two months, the number ranging from a few to 20. Except for the first few batches, Tang Ming was not very familiar with the later ones.

"Brother, my name is Chen Xiao, and I have just been to our ranch for three months." Chen Xiao said.

"You've only been here for three months, so why is your horse riding so well?" Tang Ming asked in surprise.

"I am a Mongolian, and I have been riding a horse since I was a child." Chen Xiao explained.

"So it's like this." Tang Ming suddenly said.

After chatting with Chen Xiao a few more words, Tang Ming, Cornelia and Mike rode away.

"Mike, do people often race horses in the ranch?" Tang Ming asked.

"Once a day or two, boss, don't worry, I will watch them and won't let them delay work." Mike said.

"No, you misunderstood me. There are too few entertainment activities in the ranch. I am very happy that everyone can hold some entertainment activities spontaneously." Tang Ming said, "How about we hold a horse race in the name of the ranch?" Bar?"

"Horse racing? Boss, what do you think?" Mike asked.

"I also had a sudden idea. Since everyone likes horse racing, let's hold a big one. Everyone in the ranch can participate. Select the strongest group from all the participants and let them compete and win. The winners can get some prizes." Tang Ming said.

"That's right, but only one competition is too monotonous. We can do several more competitions, or we can add some more events, such as hurdle races, horse-cart racing, etc." Cornelia said.

"My wife is right. A game is indeed too monotonous. Let's add some more events, including hurdle races and horse-cart racing." Tang Ming said.

"It's a good idea. I think everyone will like it. If the boss can award some prizes, everyone will be happier." Mike said.

"Mike, what do you think should be the prize?" Tang Ming asked.

"You are the boss, you have the final say, but I can't be your boss." Mike said with his hands spread out.

"Let me think about it..." Tang Ming thought for a while, and said, "How about gold? Isn't there a track and field gold league in the world? Let's also hold a horse racing gold grand prix."

"Of course." Mike said.

"Then, each champion will be rewarded with [-] kilograms of gold, the runner-up with [-] kilograms of gold, and the third runner-up with [-] kilogram of gold. Everyone who enters the final will also receive some small prizes as encouragement." Tang Ming said.

"Boss, isn't the reward too big?" Mike asked hesitantly.

"It's okay, it's not a big deal. Money can't buy me happiness." Tang Ming waved his hand, signaling him not to care about this little prize.

"Okay, leave this matter to me, and it will be held in ten days, okay?" Mike asked.

"No problem, let's set it in ten days." Tang Ming said.


Tang Ming and Cornelia rode around for a while. Su Huiqin called and said that Xue'er was hungry. They went back and walked to the door of the house. They met Tang Xiaoyu and Shen Qiufeng who had just returned. Tang Xiaoyu asked: " Uncle, I heard that the ranch will hold a horse race, and No.1 will be rewarded with ten kilograms of gold."

"Isn't the news spreading too fast? Even you know!" Tang Ming asked in surprise.

"That is, what news in the ranch can be hidden from me?" Tang Xiaoyu said proudly.

"You are Bai Xiaosheng from our Tang family, okay?" Tang Ming walked into the house after speaking.

"Uncle, wait." Tang Xiaoyu stopped him and said, "Uncle, you haven't told me if it's true yet."

"It's true, but it's not that No. 1 has a ten-kilo gold reward, but that every No. 1 has a ten-kilo gold reward." Tang Ming stopped, turned around and said.

"Really, besides flat horse racing, what else is there?" Tang Xiaoyu said.

"Isn't there no news in the ranch that you can hide from you? Go and find out yourself." After Tang Ming finished speaking, he ignored him and turned to go upstairs.

"If you ask, just ask, you think I can't find out, I'm just too lazy to ask." Tang Xiaoyu muttered behind him.

Tang Ming went back to the house, called Stilwell and asked him to prepare a prize.

"Three pieces of ten-kilo, five-kilo, and three-kilo gold bricks each, two hundred one-hundred-gram gold bars, and four thousand small gold ornaments weighing a few grammes. Is the number I said correct?" Stilwell said.

"Yes, hurry up and prepare, and deliver it to the ranch within ten days." Tang Ming said.

"Okay." Stilwell agreed, "But boss, you can't favor one person over another. The people in the mining company are also your employees."

"I have also learned the idiom of favoring one over another!" Tang Ming laughed, "Then what do you think?"

"I've been working hard to learn Chinese. My idea is..." Stilwell thought for a while and said, "Boss, I'll ask when I return to the company. If anyone wants to participate, you can't stop me."

"Okay, I promise you, although you won't get any prizes for participating." Tang Ming smiled.

"Boss, I'm not happy for you to say that. We also have people who can ride horses here." Stilwell said.

"Everyone in the ranch can ride a horse except my precious daughter," Tang Ming said.

"Boss, you're so good at hitting people, I'll definitely pick a few strong ones to pass over." Stilwell said.

"Okay, I'll wait." Tang Ming said with a smile.


After chatting with Stilwell, it didn't take long before Song Qian and O'En also called, saying they wanted to bring people over to participate in the competition, and Tang Ming agreed.

Tang Ming reckoned that Stilwell must have told them, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it, since there were more people and it was more lively.

In the evening, Cornelia also said that she would participate in the competition, which made Tang Ming's head dizzy.

The next day, Tang Ming discussed with Mike and decided to add a women's group to the flat race, with the same rewards as the other three races.

The cowboys in the ranch all know the news that there will be a horse race in the ranch, and everyone is practicing, hoping to get good results in the race.

Registration started on the third day, and by the time the registration deadline in the evening, more than 3000 cowboys had signed up, and the registration rate had reached more than 90.00%. Most of them had registered for all three events.

On the fourth day a lottery was drawn and the trials began.

After five days of selection, including the women's flat race, all the finalists of the four events have been selected, and they are waiting for the finals.

(End of this chapter)

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