Chapter 572 The Godfather
On April [-]th, Cher's full moon, Song Zihui and Tony flew over from China together.

Xueer turned into a little princess, and everyone rushed to hug her.

Song Zihui and Chu Jinxuan gave Xueer a mutton fat jade Buddha pendant, while Tony gave Xueer a glass emperor green jadeite Buddha pendant.

Tang Xiaoyu and the others also gave gifts, but they were not as valuable as Song Zihui and Tony.

But, no matter what, it was all in their hearts, and Tang Ming and Cornelia happily accepted it.

"Are you making an appointment?" Tang Ming looked at the two Buddha statues and asked Song Zihui and Tony with a smile.

"Well, at first Tony wanted to give Xueer a pair of glass-colored imperial green bracelets, but I thought at the time, this is not good, this is not to compare me, after my earnest persuasion, he gave a Buddha statue pendant instead." Song Zihui He said bluntly, "Old Tang, you don't mind if I do this?"

"Why don't you mind? I really mind. The Buddha statue pendant is only worth a few million, and the bracelet is worth at least tens of millions. The difference is more than ten times. Since you destroyed it, please make up for the difference." Tang Ming told him Just kidding.

Song Zihui shouted: "Old Tang, you are too... well, I can't find words to describe you, I can only tell you one thing, whether you want money or not, you need life."

"What do I want your life for?" Tang Ming shook his head and pondered for a while, "Well then, you sell yourself to pay off the debt, let Jinxuan go back by herself, and you stay in the ranch. When will I pay off the money? let you out."

Tony smiled and said, "Don, I don't think this is a good way. You should think of a smarter way."

"Yeah, after hearing what you said, I don't think so. He is so lazy and can eat, so he can't create much value. Even if he can't pay off so much money for hundreds of years, what should I do!" Tang Ming was stunned, and looked distressed again.

Song Zihui laughed and scolded: "You two, okay, just make fun of me."

After making a joke, Tony picked up Xueer and teased Xueer a few times. She smiled happily and didn't recognize her life at all. Tony sighed: "Xueer is so cute!"

Then he turned his head and said to Tang Ming and Cornelia, "Can I be Xue'er's godfather?"

In the West, godfather means adoptive father. It used to have a strong religious meaning, but now it has become secular.

Tang Ming said with a smile: "Of course, I think Xue'er will be very happy to have another papa who dotes on her."

"Thank you." Tony thanked Tang Ming happily, then took out a box and handed it to Tang Ming, "This is my gift to Xue'er."

Tang Ming took the box, opened it, and found a pair of jade bracelets inside, and asked, "This is?"

Tony explained: "This is the pair of bracelets that I was going to give Cher the full moon."

"I said, how can I convince you so easily? So you're going to use it here." Song Zihui suddenly realized, "I won't be Xue'er's godfather anymore, Old Tang, when you give birth to a son, I'll give it to you Son as godfather."

In China, the word godfather has been played badly, and everyone hates this word.

"Then let's make a deal." Tang Ming nodded.

At noon, Tang Ming held a small reception in the courtyard of the villa to celebrate Xue'er's full moon.

Not too many people were called, and there were only more than 20 people together.

Xueer was handed over to Su Huiqin to hold her, while Cornelia entertained the guests with a glass of juice.

After a month of confinement, today is finally over.

"This month has suffocated me, I want to celebrate, let's have a drink." Cornelia clinked glasses with Chu Jinxuan and Shen Qiufeng, took a sip of juice, and Chu Jinxuan also took a sip Fruit juice, only Shen Qiufeng drank wine.

They were chatting here, and Tang Ming and Tang Xiaoyu walked to the side to talk.

"Why, haven't seen you for a while, do you feel strange?" Tang Ming asked with a smile.

He found that Tang Xiaoyu hadn't been very active since he came this time, and he seemed a little dull, so he went out of his way to chat with him now.

Tang Xiaoyu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't say it.

"Is it because of that?" The thing Tang Ming said was that he sent Kelly to kill Philip. Tang Xiaoyu knew the ins and outs of the incident, and felt a little scared, and didn't even know how to face Tang Ming.

Tang Ming patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, the matter is over, don't think about it anymore."

Tang Xiaoyu said: "I know, uncle, I will work hard."

Then they changed the subject and stopped talking about it, and talked about something else.

After chatting for a while, the atmosphere became more relaxed, but Tang Ming knew that the relationship between Tang Xiaoyu and him would never be the same as before.


Stayed at the ranch for one night. The next morning, Tang Ming and his group flew to the Gold Coast and set off on a yacht.

Tang Ming and Cornelia brought Xueer here, Su Huiqin was worried and followed them.

After a day and night of sailing, the yacht came to Taoyuan Island and docked at the pier.

Su Huiqin stayed on the yacht to look after Xueer, while Tang Ming and the others went to the island.

At the end of January, the island's pier and airport were completed.

Song Qian recruited a group of people from China and Australia and became the staff of the terminal and airport.

Tang Ming met them and expressed condolences to them.

Working on Taoyuan Island is very hard work. There is only electricity, but no running water or internet.

If it wasn't for the high wages, it would be impossible to recruit people. Even so, few people were recruited in Australia, and most of them were from China.

However, Tang Ming felt that this was very good. Under the same conditions, he would of course prefer to use Chinese employees.

Then they came to the Seven Star Cliff Castle, where one-third of the construction has been completed, and it will be completed in three to five months, but it will take a long time to complete the interior decoration.

Tang Ming has planned to start collecting some oil paintings and sculptures to decorate the interior of the castle.

Similarly, he will also collect some Chinese antique calligraphy and paintings to decorate Chinese gardens.

It's just a pity that the construction of the Chinese garden has not started yet, and we are looking for a suitable construction team.

After staying on Taoyuan Island until noon, they set off again on a yacht, heading for the island Tony bought.

By evening, the yacht approached the island.

They stood on the deck, looking at the scenery of the island in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"What name are you going to name this island?" Tang Ming turned to ask Tony.

"Seagull Island, how do you feel?" Tony said what was in his heart, and then asked for other people's opinions.

"There are indeed a lot of seagulls here."

"Your own island, you can name it whatever you want, don't ask us."

"Seagull Island, the name sounds nice."


Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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