Chapter 550

Since Tang Ming told Prince Asud about Wu Zhishi last time, they haven't talked on the phone again. They don't know what's going on. Now that the deputy general manager of China Aviation Industry Corporation is here, Tang Ming wants to ask ask him.

Seeing Tang Ming approaching him, Manager Xie was a little surprised. He had been following Mr. Li, so he naturally knew how Mr. Li treated Tang Ming. He didn't dare to neglect Tang Ming, so he asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Tang?"

Tang Ming said: "Hello, Manager Xie, I would like to ask how the purchase of Wuzhi Shi in Pakistan is going?"

"This..." Manager Xie was a little hesitant. Although this matter is not considered a state secret, it cannot be said nonsense to outsiders, let alone in front of President Li.

Mr. Li smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Xie. Speaking of which, Wuzhi can be sold out of ten, thanks to Mr. Tang. Otherwise, the Pakistani government would not purchase it easily."

Manager Xie was even more surprised, and so were the others. They didn't understand how Tang Ming had something to do with this matter?
Tang Ming was not too surprised by Mr. Li's words. Pakistan is China's all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, and such things will not be hidden from the Chinese government.

Tang Ming wouldn't talk about it in front of everyone, so he said to Manager Xie, "Let's go to the side and talk about it."

"Okay." With Mr. Li's words, Manager Xie had no worries, and walked to the side with Tang Ming.

Tang Ming didn't hide it from him, and told him everything. Manager Xie was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the reason why Wu Zhi Shi was exported for the first time was because Tang Ming wanted to buy a Wu Zhi Shi as a toy.

At this moment, Manager Xie admired Tang Ming completely. Although Tang Ming's behavior was a bit absurd and most people would never do such a thing, it proved that Tang Ming had unimaginable strength if he could do it.

Manager Xie's attitude towards Tang Ming became very enthusiastic, and said: "Now we have reached the final stage, and there are only some disputes on the quantity and price. I believe we can negotiate soon. In a few months, Mr. Tang will be able to get his wish. gone."

Tang Ming said: "Great, I'm relieved now."

After they finished speaking, they returned to the team. Many people were interested in what they said, but no one dared to ask more questions.

At this time, more than a dozen people walked towards them. Tang Ming looked up and saw that they were people from five companies, and Gan Guofu was among them.

They are also the owners of this factory, occupying 40.00% of the shares of the factory.

Among them, Northwest Animal Husbandry holds 19.00% of the shares, and the other four companies hold [-]% of the shares.

They greeted Mr. Li first, and then walked to Tang Ming to talk to him.

A group of them visited the factory, and when the time came, the completion ceremony began.

Ouen himself came on stage as the host, and President Li, Tang Ming, Secretary of the Western Regions and several others delivered speeches respectively.

The completion ceremony was over, and it was already noon. After eating a meal in the factory cafeteria, everyone left.

But Owen stayed. He has delayed a lot of things because of his injury, and he needs to deal with it before he can go back.

When they arrived at the airport, Tang Ming said goodbye to Mr. Li and got on the plane.

The first stop of the plane was Shanghai, picked up Song Zihui and Chu Jinxuan, took off again, and flew to Songjiang.

After the plane landed, they got off the plane in the golden Rolls-Royce Phantom, drove out of the airport, and met Tony outside.

"Tang, Cornelia, Song, Jinxuan, welcome back."

After Tony greeted them, he gave Tang Ming and Song Zihui a warm hug.

Song Zihui smiled and said: "People who don't know think you are the landlord, and Old Tang and I are guests."

Tony said: "You are the guests, what's so strange about that."

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, Song Zihui shivered from the cold, and said: "Okay, don't talk here, let's talk in the car if you have anything to say."

Tony said kindly: "Okay, let's get in the car and chat, it's warm in the car."

Tang Ming asked Cornelia to take Tony's car and go back to the resort with them first. He and Andy drove a golden Rolls Royce to the warehouse.

Tang Ming asked Andy to wait outside. He walked into the warehouse, took out some very advanced instruments from Xiahe Cave, checked the entire warehouse up and down, and confirmed that there were no cameras or bugs before entering Xiahe Cave. Thirty tons of gold alcohol were taken out from the inside.

After finishing the work, he walked out of the warehouse, locked the door and returned to the car, sat down and walked to the resort.

It was completely dark when they arrived at the resort. Tang Ming and Andy got out of the car and walked into Tony's villa. They immediately felt a burst of heat and it was very warm.

"Don, Andy, you are back, dinner is ready, let's eat first, and go to the hot spring after dinner."

Tony greeted Tang Ming and Andy, walked to the restaurant, and sat down to eat.

After eating this sumptuous dinner, the three of them and Andy came to the hot spring behind and soaked in it.

"It's cool, soaking in hot springs in winter is so cool..."

Soaking in the hot spring pool, Song Zihui shouted excitedly.

At this time, snowflakes began to fall from the sky. Tang Ming raised his hand, and a snowflake fell into his palm and melted immediately.

Tony looked up and admired the snowflakes, and said, "When it snows, I like to soak in the hot springs and enjoy the snow scenery. It's very poetic."

Song Zihui smiled and said, "Come on, you, a foreigner, don't know anything about poetry and painting."

Tony said dissatisfiedly: "Song, I am not happy when you say that. Although I am an American, I am very yearning for Chinese culture, otherwise I would not come to China. understand deeply."

Song Zihui stopped talking immediately. Apart from managing the company and dating girls, Tony usually studies Chinese culture. Classical books such as the Analects of Confucius, Sun Tzu's Art of War, and the Book of Changes are fluent, and Song Zihui cannot compare.

Seeing that Song Zihui was silent, Tony said triumphantly, "Song, have you surrendered?"

Song Zihui insisted: "I can lose to you, a foreigner, so I can compare, but give me some time, and we will compare when we meet next time."

"Hehe..." Tony let out a mocking laugh.

Tang Ming was afraid that Song Zihui would lose face, so he said, "Okay, don't talk about it, tell me about the situation of the health care product company and the beverage company. It's the end of the year, how was the sales situation last year? How much money can I get?" ?”

"Let me talk about the situation of the health care product company, and let Song talk about the situation of the beverage company." Tony said, "Last year, the sales of the health care product company were 670 billion yuan, and the net profit was 450 billion yuan. I am going to take out 400 billion for dividends, I will share 200 billion, you will share 160 billion, and Cornelia will share 40 billion."

(End of this chapter)

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