Mixed in Australia to be a local tyrant

Chapter 388 I want to give honor to Big Fatty 2 Fatty

Chapter 388 I want to award honors to Big Fatty and Er Fatty
One hundred kilograms of gold sounds like a lot, but it's not much when piled together.

However, under the light, this pile of gold shone charmingly, which is more attractive than a pile of banknotes. Maybe this is why people like gold.

As for the reason why he stores gold, it is very simple. Whether it is in troubled times or prosperous times, gold is a hard currency, and it is always beneficial to store more.

After staying in the vault for a while, he went out and locked the vault door.

"Ding ding..."

As soon as I walked upstairs, my phone rang, and I took it out to see that it was a call from Palasha, and he connected it right away.

"Hey, Madam Governor, what can I do for you?"

"Don, there will be a naturalization oath ceremony at the Brisbane City Hall at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, please be sure to attend on time."

"Don't worry, I will be there on time tomorrow."

"Well, Don, I'll wait for you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Ming called Cornelia again.

She went back to Hanwei Racecourse yesterday and is at home with her parents.

After the call was connected, Tang Ming told her about the naturalization swearing-in ceremony tomorrow, and asked her to go back to Gold Coast to wait for him tomorrow, and they went to the naturalization swearing-in ceremony together.

"Ah, my dear, the naturalization swearing-in ceremony is usually held on the National Day, and it is rarely held on an ordinary day, unless a big or very influential person is naturalized." Cornelia felt very surprised.

Tang Ming smiled and asked, "Honey, am I not a big shot?"

Cornelia thought for a while and said, "It seems that it was really held for you."

Tang Ming already figured it out. This incident must have something to do with Palasha. He said helplessly, "It seems that I owe Palasha another favor. I don't even know how much I owe her."

Cornelia smiled and said, "I feel that Ms. Palasha must be trying to draw you into her camp and support her running for prime minister."

Tang Ming said: "It's okay to ask me to pay, but I can't work hard."

Cornelia smiled and said: "You don't need to say it, we all know that you are a local tyrant, and you are not short of money!"

She paused, and then said: "Honey, you must dress more formally tomorrow, otherwise you will be very rude."

Tang Ming said: "Okay, I will go there in a suit, but first I have to find out if the suit I bought last year is still there."

Cornelia said quickly: "Don't look for it, I'll go back to the Gold Coast right away to buy you a new suit, and I'll change it when you come over tomorrow."

Tang Ming said, "Honey, why don't I pick you up, and let's go back to the Gold Coast together."

"Okay, come here." Cornelia nodded.

After Tang Ming made an agreement with Cornelia, he called Andy again and asked him to bring two security personnel over.

Taking the big fat and the fat two with them, they drove a straight nine to Hanwei Ranch, picked up Cornelia, and flew directly to the Gold Coast.

I drove to the city, went shopping in the mall, bought a few suits and went back.


The next morning, in Tang Ming's bedroom.

Cornelia stood opposite Tang Ming, helped him fasten his tie, smoothed out the wrinkles on his suit, and walked around him a few times before finishing the job with satisfaction.

Tang Ming looked in the mirror, looked at Cornelia's figure in the mirror, and asked, "Honey, am I handsome today?"

Cornelia said: "Handsome, very handsome."

Tang Ming asked in surprise: "Why do I feel that you are so reluctant, are you just perfunctory me?"

Cornelia shook her head and said, "I was thinking about something else just now."

Tang Ming asked: "What are you thinking?"

Cornelia smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

"Bang, bang, bang."

Just as Tang Ming was about to say something, there was a knock on the door, and then someone outside the door shouted: "Boss, the time is almost up, we should set off."

"Okay, I see." Tang Ming shouted, stretched out his hand to Cornelia, and said, "Let's go, dear."

Cornelia put her hand on his, and they went downstairs holding hands.

Two cars were heard in the yard, they got into the back one, and then the two cars drove out of the villa and walked towards Brisbane.

It was [-]:[-] when we arrived at Brisbane City Hall. The car was parked outside. Tang Ming and Cornelia walked over under the protection of Andy and two other security personnel.

Brisbane's City Hall is very distinctive. Built in [-], it uses Queensland's unique brown-yellow sandstone and wood as building materials. It is the largest and most magnificent city hall in Australia.

It is also a typical neoclassical building.

The entrance hall is tall and majestic columns, which remind people of ancient Greek temples.

Because it is a very valuable historical asset, it is called "Million City Hall" and is a very important scenic spot in Brisbane.

There is a small square in front of the building, on which a lot of people have gathered, some chairs are placed on one side of the small square, and an orchestra is standing on the other side.

"Don, you are here. This is Cook, the mayor of Brisbane."

Seeing them coming, Palasha led a few people to meet him, and introduced a person beside him to Tang Ming.

"Ms. Governor, Mr. Mayor, hello."

"Mr. Tang, very nice to meet you."

Tang Ming stretched out his hand and shook hands with them. At the same time, he felt that Cook's name sounded familiar. After thinking about it for a while, he remembered, isn't Cook the CEO of Apple?I didn't expect the mayor of Brisbane to be called by this name.

Then they introduced the people around them to each other, exchanged some pleasantries, and walked to the side to sit down.

Sitting next to Tang Ming, Palasha said, "Tang, I want to inform you of good news."

Tang Ming asked, "What good news?"

Palasha said: "Your Excellency the Governor called me yesterday, and he has included the big fat and two fats in the list of honors for Queen's Day, and will award them OAM honors, rewarding them for cracking the killing of US agents. make a contribution."

Tang Ming couldn't believe it after hearing this, and asked in surprise, "Ms. Palasha, are you right?"

Palasha took a look and asked back, "Don, what do you think?"

Tang Ming suppressed the surprise in his heart, shrugged, and said, "Okay, I believe it."

"It's so exciting that my big fat and fat two are going to be awarded honors." Cornelia almost jumped up excitedly.

The Australian honor is a great honor, otherwise Tang Ming would not be so surprised, and Nelia would not be so excited.

There are four levels of Australian honors, from high to low, they are AC, AO, AM, OAM. There are two award ceremonies every year, namely National Day and Queen's Day. Each time hundreds of people are awarded honors. They are all Elites from all walks of life.

Although Big Fatty and Erpang were only awarded the lowest honors, this is the first time an Australian honor has been awarded to an animal, and the attention will definitely be very high.

(End of this chapter)

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