Mixed in Australia to be a local tyrant

Chapter 175 Uses of Xiahe Fruit

Chapter 175 Uses of Xiahe Fruit

From the second day of the first lunar month, the Tang family had many relatives and friends visiting every day. Until the fifth day of the first lunar month, the number of people did not decrease, but increased.

Although many of them are distant relatives who have not been in touch for many years, they have to entertain people when they come. Tang Ming has nothing else to do every day, and he sits at home to receive guests. Also a little tired.

On the evening of the fifth day, the family discussed it and decided to return to Australia tomorrow.

The next morning, Tang Feng and Tang Rui drove a car separately and took their family to Songjiang Airport.

Tang Xiaoyu followed on the plane, got off the plane in the capital, and then transferred to Shanghai to find Song Zihui.

Before he got off the plane, Tang Ming gave him a key and asked him to hand it over to Song Zihui.

This is the key to the Songjiang warehouse. There are one hundred and three golden tree logs in the warehouse. Song Zihui asked someone to process these logs into furniture and various cultural objects.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane landed at Brisbane Airport.

After getting off the plane, Tang Ming felt relieved for some reason. Although Australia is not his hometown, there are not so many disturbances in China, and it is a place that makes him feel relaxed and at ease.

It was already past twelve o'clock midnight Australian Eastern Time. They picked up the car and drove to the Gold Coast.

It was almost two o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the beach house. They took their things into the house and went back to their rooms to rest.

Tang Ming went to the bathroom to take a shower, lay on the bed, and his consciousness entered Xia He's cave.

He has been researching Xia Heguo for the past few days, but there has been no result. He doesn't know what happened to Xia Heguo's last ability.

But today the situation has changed. The heart of Xiahe is a green plant less than ten centimeters high on the outside, and inside is a virtual circular sand table, just like a small map in the game, which can display the In all cases, every plant and tree can see the specific data here. He uses this to check the conditions of various plants in Xiahe Cave every day, but today there are three small light spots on the edge of the virtual sand table. one small.

This made Tang Ming very curious about what these three light spots were, and his consciousness approached one of the big light spots.

In an instant, he had a very vague feeling that this spot of light seemed to belong to Fatty. At the same time, he felt that his consciousness was attached to Fatty, and he could see the situation around Fatty.

He could see his body lying on the bed, the closet not far away, and the coconut trees outside the window.

Tang Ming was very surprised. He didn't expect this kind of change. He looked at it from a novel angle for a while, his consciousness returned to his body, he sat up from the bed, and looked at Big Fatty. He was sleeping next to Er Fatty. He didn't know What happened just now.

"What's going on here? I seem to be attached to the big fat body just now."

A doubt arose in Tang Ming's mind, but he figured it out right away. This should be Xia Heguo's fourth ability, which created a connection between animals and Xia He's heart. The consciousness of the owner of Xia He's heart can attached to the animal.

But why did this ability appear after a few days?

Tang Ming soon had the answer in his mind. It might be that the fat man and the fat man had digested Xia Heguo, or Xia He fruit had just integrated into the body of the big fat man and two fat men. There was no other explanation.

As for the three light spots he saw just now, two large ones and one small one, the two big ones should represent the big fat and the two fat ones, and the small one should represent Xiao Bai.

And what is the use of this ability? He hasn't figured it out yet, but it feels very fun. In addition to being able to attach to Big Fatty Erpang and Xiaobai, he can also attach to Chouchou, and he can be with Chouchou. Soaring in the sky, you can also attach to the fish, and follow the fish to explore the mysterious ocean.

After thinking for a while, his excitement passed and he was so sleepy that he stopped thinking about it and closed his eyes to sleep.

At around seven o'clock in the morning, Tang Ming got up, and the big fat and the fat two also woke up. Tang Ming called them to go for a run on the beach outside.

After running on the beach for a while, he saw that the big fat and the fat two ran away. He stood still, and his consciousness entered Xia He's heart, approaching the light spot representing the big fat, and then his consciousness attached to it. Fat body.

He sensed a weak consciousness in Fatty, which should be Fatty's consciousness.

This was something he didn't sense last night, maybe because Fatty was sleeping and his consciousness had entered a dormant state, or maybe he was too excited so he ignored it.

He didn't dwell on this issue, but observed the fat man's consciousness.

Fatty's consciousness is very simple, apart from eating is playing, and his attachment to Tang Ming, there is nothing else.

Besides, only he can feel Fatty's consciousness, Fatty's consciousness can't feel his consciousness.

He saw Erpang next to him through Dapang's body, and saw small crabs and shells under the sand.

At the same time, he experimented to see if he could control Fatty's body, and the results showed that he could only be attached to Fatty's body, but could not control Fatty's body.

"So it's like this. You can't control the animals. You can only attach to the animals as a bystander. That's not bad." After Tang Ming understood, his consciousness returned to his body. Fatty still didn't realize what was going on in his body. Still running around with Erpang.

Tang Ming looked at it for a while, and thought: "Although animals cannot be controlled, can they affect their consciousness and order them to do something?"

Thinking of this, he attached his consciousness to Fatty again, and at the same time issued a command to Fatty's consciousness to make it squat on the ground and not run around.

Fatty's consciousness received this order, and he was a little confused. He didn't know who made it squat on the ground. It seemed to be Dad. It was a little uncertain, but it still squatted on the ground very obediently.

Er Pang was running happily, when he suddenly lost sight of Fatty, he turned around and saw Fatty squatting on the ground, turned around and ran to Fatty's side and yelled a few times, Fatty still squatted on the ground without moving.

Tang Ming's consciousness returned to his body again, and he was very excited. Although he couldn't control the animal's consciousness and body, he could order the animal to do some things.

This ability is very useful. It can be attached to animals to see things that cannot be seen or heard normally.

Of course, Tang Ming is not a voyeur, he will not use this ability to spy on others, it will only be used in useful places.

After Tang Ming understood this ability, he opened his eyes, walked up to Fatty, waved his hand at Fatty, and said, "Go and play."

Fatty stood up, wagged his tail at Tang Ming, and ran away with Erpang. Tang Ming was thinking about this ability while walking to the beach.

Suddenly, Tang Ming saw a big fish washed up by the tide, and the big fish stranded on the shore and did not move.

He went over to check it out and realized he didn't recognize the fish.

It was two meters long and had several huge wounds on its body, which is what caused the fish to become stranded.

If it is not treated in time, even if the fish is returned to the sea, it will not survive.

Tang Ming took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of the fish, planning to go back and find out what kind of fish it was.

He stood still for a while, touched its skin, and sent it to the water pool in Xiahe Cave.

At the same time, his consciousness entered Xiahe Cave to observe the fish's condition.

It felt the benefits of the pool water, opened its mouth and swallowed the pool water.

Seeing this, Tang Ming was relieved. With the pool of water, the fish's injuries would heal soon.

After walking around on the beach for a while, I walked back to the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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