forced marriage

Chapter 299 Spare Ribs

Chapter 299 Spare Ribs
Anyway, Hengdian is very close to City S, Ye Chan didn't want to wait until the next day to go back, so she left by plane at night.

Chu Qiuci originally wanted to pick her up at the airport, but Ye Chan insisted on going back by himself, so he had no choice but to give up.

But he had a party at night, because Ye Chan came back, he just turned it down, and the people who were going to the party called him and asked him why he didn't go, Chu Qiuci only said it was an appointment others.

Someone immediately reacted, and smiled ambiguously on the other end of the phone: "The date is still a woman, right?"

Chu Qiuci doesn't have many close friends in the circle, these people count as a few, and now he just smiled and cursed back: "You know, hang up quickly."

Ye Chan was brought back to the manor by the driver. To be honest, she didn't miss it much when she was outside, but now when she saw the manor, she felt very familiar.

After entering the villa, the little general rushed forward. Ye Chan was still carrying a box, and was thrown down by it before he could stand still.

The little general seemed to find it quite interesting, rubbing and licking Ye Chan.

When Ye Chan helped Chu Qiuci "walk the dog" before, he didn't seem to have seen the little general be so warm to anyone. After all, he has lived for many years, and now he doesn't live by being coquettish and cute. Ye Chan thinks he is aloof up.

"Okay, the little general is back." Chu Qiuci yelled at him standing not far away. The little general was not happy when he heard that, and wanted to bark his teeth at Chu Qiuci, but when he saw Chu Qiuci's eyes He didn't dare at that time, jumped up from the ground, shook his head vigorously, and then walked slowly to Chu Qiuci's side.

To be honest, seeing his steps, Ye Chan really felt that he was like a majestic general for a moment.

Chu Qiuci walked to Ye Chan's side and helped her lift the suitcase. Ye Chan had already stood up now, and even reached out to touch the little general's head: "You are really strong."

Since someone wanted to deliver her luggage, Ye Chan would certainly not refuse. While walking with Chu Qiuci, she also listened to Chu Qiuci's question: "Haven't you eaten dinner yet? What do you want to eat?"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs! Meat and meat!" Ye Chan originally only answered the last three words, but this time she added the previous sweet and sour pork ribs, allowing Chu Qiuci to easily understand Ye Chan's intentions.

But after Ye Chan finished answering, she turned her head to look: "At this point in the evening, there is no one in the villa, so why don't you ask someone from the kitchen to make it for me?"

"I can cook for you." It's not that Chu Qiuci doesn't know how to cook, but sometimes he's too busy to do it.

Ye Chan had seen Chu Qiuci's culinary skills before, and suddenly she missed him a little bit, looking at him with bright eyes: "Really cook for me?"

"Well, you go to the room and wait first, take a rest, but don't play with your phone for too long."

Ye Chan promised well, but after washing her face roughly, she took out her phone and continued the game she hadn't finished before.

Because it is downloaded directly from WeChat, she can also see the ranking of her WeChat friends.Lazy people like Ye Chan don't usually use WeChat very much, and rarely update Moments.

Many people have been added to her account, including some actors in the circle, and some staff who have worked with her.

These people should also know that she is busy and don't bother her often.But she can still see the records of other friends on the leaderboard. Those who are not as busy as her are all ranked very high. She is the only one who is still at the end of the crane.

So she rolled up her arms and sleeves directly, preparing to do a big job, and use this night to turn the tide.

When Chu Qiuci cooked the meal and asked her to eat, he saw Ye Chan lying on the bed having fun.

It's still quite hot in S City now, and she's wearing cooler clothes. When she wasn't paying attention, a piece of the dress slipped off.

Chu Qiuci's Adam's apple twitched, she stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, suppressed the guilt in her heart, and then pulled her skirt down slightly.

Ye Chan was concentrating on playing at that time, she felt that someone's hand touched her leg, but she didn't have time to pay attention to it, she just snorted softly: "You hit a pervert!"

Chu Qiuci couldn't laugh or cry, and after pulling her skirt up, he said to her: "The meal is ready, go eat with me."

Ye Chan didn't want to go there, so she ignored him.

Chu Qiuci raised his voice again and said, "Are you really not coming? The sweet and sour pork ribs were eaten up by the little general in a while."

Ye Chan temporarily suspended the game with a groan, and jumped up from the bed: "My sweet and sour pork ribs! Leave it alone and don't move!"

Chu Qiuci scolded Ye Chan with a smile in his heart, and pushed Ye Chan to the bathroom: "Go and wash your hands first."

It's still comfortable to stay at home, Ye Chan ate a lot of dinner, after eating, she originally wanted to wash the dishes, but who knew that Chu Qiuci was so diligent, she just sat at the table and watched TV for a while, and he had already finished washing, I really don't give her a chance to show off o(╯□╰)o
Chu Qiuci didn't want to use Ye Chan's help to do anything at all. When he walked over, he found that Ye Chan was watching entertainment news. It happened to be broadcasting that Director Smith's arrival in China was about to sign a contract with a domestic female star. Now many marketing accounts are The news has already been revealed. It is said that in the new movie directed by Smith, the male number one must be Chu Qiuci. No matter who the female star is, cooperating with Chu Qiuci and Director Smith is expected to hit the Oscars.

When Ye Chan listened to the broadcast on TV, she still felt a little unreal.

Chu Qiuci looked at her in a daze, dragged her to sit on the sofa, and then stuffed the pillow into her hand, which was more comfortable: "What are you thinking?"

Ye Chan turned her head to look at Chu Qiuci in a daze: "Oscar, it feels so far away from me... Do you know who Director Smith plans to sign when he comes to China this time?"

With Ye Chan, Chu Qiuci has nothing to hide: "It should be Ji Tanglan."

He had recommended Ye Chan to the director before, but Director Smith directly rejected Ye Chan after watching the two movies Ye Chan acted in.

Originally, Miya tried to contact Director Smith, but was rejected so ruthlessly, Miya didn't tell Ye Chan about it.

So, when Ye Chan found out about it afterwards, she realized what she had missed in those two movies.

Upon hearing Ji Tanglan's name, Ye Chan hummed softly, "Her."

Although she didn't say anything after that, Chu Qiuci could feel Ye Chan losing his temper.

So he hugged Ye Chan in his arms and changed the channel: "By the way, the show we shot last time happened to be aired today, do you want to watch it?"

(End of this chapter)

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