forced marriage

Chapter 284

Chapter 284
With Chu Qiuci leading the way, getting out of the maze went smoothly, and it didn't take 5 minutes in total.

Among them, Ye Chan also expressed her opinions. For example, when Chu Qiuci thought it was going to the left, Ye Chan thought it was going to the right.Chu Qiuci didn't let her go, so Ye Chan asked the photographers angrily: "Did we walk this way just now, didn't we just go in from here!"

Those photographers also told her dumbfoundedly: "No, we didn't go this way, you remember wrong..."

Ye Chan had no choice but to return to Chu Qiuci's side resentfully, and hummed twice: "This time, you will win."

So after following Chu Qiuci's route, Ye Chan was still very embarrassed. She also knew now that the routes she pointed to were definitely wrong.

Chu Qiuci didn't care, but took out the task card and continued to look at it with Ye Chan.They continued to move forward according to the above prompts, but they came to a pond.

The notice above said that this was the last link in their chain of missions this morning.

The original task had nine rings, and I don't know how they did it, so the third ring was over.

Now there are basically no lotus flowers in the pond, and some are residual lotus, but the large lotus leaves are still green and green, extending to the distance.

Ye Chan noticed that the lotus leaves on the pond were a bit sparse, and the task card clearly said that they should step on the lotus leaves.

Ye Chan is Sparta again. "Standing on the lotus leaf?" She directly asked Chu Qiuci next to her, "Does the program team think that after completing a few missions, we can get through the two veins of Ren and Du and learn the skills of peerless lightness kung fu?"

Chu Qiuci smiled softly at Ye Chan, "You think we're filming a martial arts drama?"

Ye Chan also smiled a little shyly: "You know, I'm shooting a fantasy drama right now." After all, she played a nine-tailed fox.

It's just that the time when the Nine-Tailed Fox cast its magic power has not been photographed, otherwise maybe she can really fly over here? ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Chu Qiuci patted her on the head directly, and said to her: "Don't think about it too much, I'll go and see what's going on with the lotus leaf."

When he approached the pond, Ye Chan was still looking at him worriedly from behind: "Be careful, don't fall, it feels very sour, and after three baths, it may not be able to get rid of the stinky smell." Taste."

Chu Qiuci moved his foot back calmly, thinking, Ye Chan, you have won.

After such an inspection, it was found that there was something wrong with the lotus leaf.It turns out that there are many fake lotus leaves in this pond. These lotus leaves are so realistic that even if you look carefully, you may not be able to distinguish them.

Chu Qiuci first tested it with his hands. It turned out that some lotus leaves were relatively stable and could be stepped on, but other lotus leaves were wobbly, and they might fall off soon after stepping on them.

But the lotus leaves are so sparse, you have to use all the fake lotus leaves to get there, right?

Chu Qiuci tried again, and suddenly had an idea.

He waved to Ye Chan, called Ye Chan over, pointed to the fake lotus leaf and said, "Now we're going to step on the lotus leaf, and I'll explore the way."

But Ye Chan stopped Chu Qiuci from going forward. Although he was not bad, he was a man after all. He kept fit all the time. In fact, he was very heavy. How did Chu Qiuci get hindered during the two passes, so he volunteered: "Let me go find the way, you can help me by following me."

Ye Chan has already set foot on the first lotus leaf. She was wearing embroidered shoes, but now she has put on the outer shirt again. The appearance of the ancient costume is in harmony with the whole lotus pond. Chu Qiuci looked at him like that Fairy-like but somewhat enchanting, I feel like she is really a fairy descending to earth.

Her feet were quite small, and she was testing the lotus leaf in front with her toes at the moment. Seeing that she was really unbalanced, Chu Qiuci stepped on the lotus leaf under Ye Chan's feet with one foot.

Then he said to Ye Chan: "You put your foot on mine, and I can help hold my ankle a little bit."

Ye Chan also thought the idea was good, so she stepped on his foot, Chu Qiuci bent down slowly, and fixed Ye Chan's ankle.

With him behind her, Ye Chan suddenly felt more confident.In fact, the first distance is relatively easy to walk. Ye Chan can find a relatively solid lotus leaf if he takes a few steps.

Chu Qiuci followed behind Ye Chan, and when Ye Chan's body was unbalanced and almost fell, he was the one who supported her waist and helped her stabilize her figure.

Compared to the two of them, those photographers would not be so hard-pressed. Ye Chan was almost halfway there when she turned around and realized that these photographers were actually sitting on the boat!
Hmph, having a boat is amazing!

After the second half of the journey, it was very difficult to walk. It was almost difficult for Ye Chan to find the two adjacent lotus leaves.

She looked at Chu Qiuci with a sad face: "What should I do? Those who are not reliable must have two feet to stabilize."

Chu Qiuci was also considering the intention of the program group before. This project of crossing the pond is actually quite difficult, but it does not mean that it is impossible to pass.

Later, Lotus Ye couldn't stand up to others. It is estimated that many people will think that the program group is bullying people.

Chu Qiuci thought of the reason why the program group can divide men and women into one group, it must be because there is a need for two people to cooperate tacitly.

At this time, Ye Chan's words reminded him.

Use two feet to stabilize... Yes, why didn't he think of it!
So Chu Qiuci directly raised his head and looked at Ye Chan: "Go forward, stand half a foot on the lotus leaf, and when I also step on it, go forward half a step!"

Ye Chan also suddenly understood what Chu Qiuci meant, so she slowly stepped half of her foot on the unsteady lotus leaf. Before her body could shake, Chu Qiuci stepped on the lotus leaf behind her again. The lotus leaf of the foot.

In this case, with two feet on both sides, Chu Qiuci deliberately controlled his strength, even if he stabilized the lotus leaf.

When they succeeded in this step, Ye Chan and Chu Qiuci looked at each other and exchanged a look of joy.

It works!

In the same way, Ye Chan still opened the way ahead, and she was getting nervous now, if she fell, she would not be alone, it would also drag Chu Qiuci down, so she was very careful in testing.

In this way, they walked three quarters of the pond.

At this time, several groups had already reached the pond.Along the way, they have encountered various situations, and they have already lost a lot of time, so the stipulated time is almost here.

Seeing that Chu Qiuci and his partner walked so cautiously, these people gave up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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