forced marriage

Chapter 236 Video

Chapter 236 Video
When Shen Qingtu heard her words, he just smiled, his eyes clearly said, Ye Chan, you are such a stupid human being.

Afterwards, he said with disgust: "It's better for you to sleep on the ground, you'd better lie down there with peace of mind."

After finishing speaking, it didn't matter whether Ye Chan gritted her teeth or gnashed her teeth, she lay down and continued to sleep, regardless of his slightly painful wound.

Ye Chan simply didn't get angry with him anymore, and went to turn off the light by herself, then lay upright on the bed, then turned her back to Shen Qingtu, and greeted Shen Qingtu's family again from the bottom of her heart.

Because there was a camera in the bathroom, Ye Chan didn't dare to take a bath anymore, she just hoped.These five days can pass sooner, or Chu Qiuci can find himself sooner.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Chan actually fell asleep.

But Shen Qingtu, who was lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes.He glanced at Ye Chan's back, heard her even breathing, and knew that she was fast asleep.

Ye Chan was still wearing the clothes prepared for her by the people here, and there was no bedding on the floor. Ye Chan was a little cold when she fell asleep, so she slowly shrunk her body into a ball.

Shen Qingtu sat up in a strange way, and wanted to call Lin Qi and ask Lin Qi to carry Ye Chan to the bed.

But it suddenly occurred to him that he disliked Ye Chan so much in front of others, if he did this again, would others think too much?There is nowhere to put my face.

So Shen Qingtu hesitated for a moment, then stood up, walked slowly to Ye Chan's side, and with all his strength, carried Ye Chan onto the bed.

When Ye Chan was lying down on the bed, Shen Qingtu stared at her face, still comforting himself, he wanted to play for two more days, if she just got sick like this, it would be too much for him.

Just now, because of hugging Ye Chan, his mouth has been broken open, but he still wants to lie down again nonchalantly.

Unexpectedly, just as he approached, Ye Chan's eyelashes moved, and her breathing was not too steady.If it wasn't for sure that Ye Chan was already asleep, he would think that Ye Chan was just pretending.

Now, it may be that she is not used to having herself lying beside her. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and sees sleeping in her own bed, she might mock herself again.

Shen Qingtu couldn't help but think of the information leak she said before, and still taunted herself, even if the information of the White House in the United States was leaked, his information would not be. After all, he has the most advanced firewall here, and there are layers of security checks .

In the past few years, hackers have failed to attack successfully several times.

Not wanting Ye Chan to wake up, Shen Qingtu finally walked to the sofa a little angrily.

So this night, the place where the two lived happened to be switched.

On the second day, Shen Qingtu woke up early, saw that Ye Chan was still asleep on the bed, carried her down, and put her on the ground again.

After that, Shen Qingtu snorted softly, making Ye Chan think that she was sleeping on a carpet.

Not long after Shen Qingtu returned to the bed, Ye Chan woke up leisurely.

The evil biological clock, she doesn't even need to look at the time, she knows it's still early.

Taking a look at the surrounding furnishings, not far from here is the bed, and Shen Qingtu is still lying on it.

Ye Chan curled her lips, her favorite thing to do every day was to secretly scold Shen Qingtu in her heart.Not only Shen Qingtu, but she also chanted about Chu Qiuci.

At this moment, Chu Qiuci had just woken up in the study not long ago. Yesterday he started working overnight and hacked into many systems, trying to find Ye Chan's whereabouts, but there were no clues.

What the man said last night was also ambiguous. It is estimated that Ye Chan was taken away by some powerful person, and neither party should offend that person.

So he actually only slept for a few hours at night. Now after waking up, he sneezed twice and rubbed his nose, thinking that he might also be a little sick.

He was not in a hurry to eat, but continued to operate on the interface he found last night.

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. There was a security system, why did it make him feel so familiar?
After cracking it later, he discovered that the source code of the system's security system was actually written by him.

Since it is his thing, it is not difficult to decipher it.

When the images inside were displayed bit by bit, he almost saw the first one, and he found something wrong with it.

Because although there are beautiful scenery here, he clearly feels that there are a few places where guns should be hidden.

Ordinary people, even if they have guns, will not be of this scale.

When he slowly flipped down, he basically confirmed his guess.In addition, after comparing with what the man said last night, he immediately confirmed that the owner of this villa complex was the one who kidnapped Ye Chan.

He anxiously flicked through the videos and images he had taken in the past two days, and finally saw Ye Chan's video!
He was so happy, he greedily looked at Ye Chan's face, afraid that he might miss something.Not seeing each other for a few days, he was going to be tormented mad by missing him.

There are not many videos including Ye Chan, which means that she is not in the monitoring area all the time, is she locked in the room?

So he retrieved some videos again, and as a result, he just opened it, and felt that he was about to get a needle's eye, because in the video, it turned out to be a naked man taking a bath!

Chu Qiuci didn't look at it carefully at first, but after turning it off, he realized that the man looked a little familiar. When he opened it again, trying to ignore the disgust in his heart, he was sure that this man was Shen Qingtu.

No wonder someone kidnapped Ye Chan, Chu Qiuci originally thought it was his former enemy.Now it seems that is not the case.

But precisely because the other party was Shen Qingtu, Chu Qiuci was even more worried, after all, this is a pervert who doesn't play cards according to common sense.

After watching the videos of the past two days, when he saw that Shen Qingtu imprisoned Ye Chan in his room and even let Ye Chan wait while he was taking a shower, he had already made up his mind. Shen Qingtu must be killed.

Ye Chan should be living in Shen Qingtu's bedroom, but no matter how Chu Qiuci searched, he couldn't find the surveillance camera in the bedroom.It was because he couldn't be sure that he was even more worried.

Will Xiaochan be bullied?Will you be wronged?Shen Qingtu, this bastard, what's the point of targeting himself, targeting Xiaochan?
Now that they have found where Ye Chan is, Chu Qiuci is ready to act.

And Ye Chan is still lying on the carpet at the moment, thinking leisurely, it seems that sleeping on the carpet is quite comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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