forced marriage

Chapter 234

Chapter 234
Ye Chan wanted to swear at this moment, but after holding back for a while, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Then how did other people get you here?"

Shen Qingtu and the others said naturally: "I carried it up."

Ye Chan looked at the figures of the two of them, thinking that she is not short, but it must be very difficult to hug such a heavy man.And hugging Shen Qingtu, how to think, how to make her feel disgusted in her heart.

So she stood there without moving, and finally said the only thing that was not a good attitude since the afternoon: "If you want to be hungry, then you can stay in bed all the time. I just happen to lose weight and go on a diet."

After Ye Chan finished speaking, she sat on the side angrily, thinking, don't try to threaten me with anything.

Shen Qingtu has also paid attention to the domestic situation recently, and knows that Ye Chan is going to play Su Daji in "Fengshen Yanyi".In fact, he felt that Ye Chan's face was a little too tender.

But even if it's not tender, it's useless, after all, he didn't want Ye Chan to leave.In the past few days, it was just to tease her while she was still alive.

So he asked Ye Chan directly: "Are you sure you won't get me up there?"

Ye Chan turned her head directly, hehe twice.

Shen Qingtu didn't say anything, and took out his mobile phone directly.After pressing it twice, it was quickly connected over there.

Ye Chan stared blankly, and heard Shen Qingtu say: "...One copy, yes, send it up."

She suddenly had some bad guesses in her heart, and sure enough, when the door was knocked open and Lin Qi brought all the things over, she knew what Shen Qingtu was talking about.

This man clearly asked Lin Qi to set up a very luxurious table beside his bed, and arranged it a bit before putting the food on it.

After all, Shen Qingtu was wounded, and he couldn't eat many things, but Ye Chan had been hungry all day, and actually wanted to eat, looking at Shen Qingtu even though there was only a bowl of vegetable porridge beside her, she was about to drool up.

After packing up, Lin Qi turned around and went out, without looking at Ye Chan from the beginning to the end.

Ye Chan actually wanted to call him, but Lin Qi rushed for some reason, and before Ye Chan could speak, he had already closed the door.

Shen Qingtu arranged all the bowls and chopsticks, and then glanced at Ye Chan, with a hint of showing off in his eyes, as if he was greedy for Ye Chan, and delivered the food to his mouth.

Ye Chan couldn't eat it anyway, so she simply stopped watching, thinking in her heart that the food he ate today must have been made with particularly bad ingredients, and I hope he will recover from his stomach upset after eating it.

Shen Qingtu ate happily, but in fact, his thoughts were all on Ye Chan.Thinking of the glimpse in the bar that night, Shen Qingtu asked extremely coldly: "You are a nurse, you want to watch me eat."

Ye Chan turned her head: "Say it directly, I will feed you."

After saying this, Ye Chan regretted it.Sure enough, the smile on Shen Qingtu's face deepened: "Actually, your proposal is not bad, I agree."

Ye Chan took another step back, obviously not wanting to feed Shen Qingtu.

Shen Qingtu just chuckled: "Before, everyone pretended to be good all day long, but someone said that they failed in a few words? Ye Chan, you are not suitable for pretending to be good at all."

Ye Chan didn't know how to behave other than turning her head again.Shen Qingtu was immediately found by her to do something: "Didn't I say, let you feed me?"

Ye Chan protested: "Why, don't you have long hands?"

Shen Qingtu really put down his chopsticks, and after swallowing everything in his mouth, he said to Ye Chan, "It doesn't matter if I have long hands or not. If you don't feed me, your hands will be gone soon." Shen Qingtu He grabbed Ye Chan's hand directly, and Ye Chan pulled it out fiercely, but didn't break free.

She couldn't feel anything through the thick gauze, but Shen Qingtu rubbed her palm lightly with the gauze: "Or let's save the hands for last and cut your black hair first." , just cut it to my length, what do you think?"

Ye Chan looked at his hair, in fact, it was not very short among boys, and looked a bit handsome.But if you look at it for girls, it is quite short.

Ye Chan cursed in her heart, and finally, under Shen Qingtu's teasing gaze, she stepped forward and picked up the porridge in her hand.

The porridge looked like nothing, but Ye Chan could feel her index finger twitch when she smelled it, the kitchen must have put a lot of thought into it.

Ye Chan also squeezed the spoon into her hands and was stirring slowly. She looked at the position next to Shen Qingtu and sat down directly.

But on the surface she was stirring the porridge, but in fact she was thinking, if Shen Qingtu still asked her to kneel on the ground, then she would just throw this bowl of porridge on his face, and at worst, she would be killed. Did she, Ye Chan? Temperless people.

Fortunately, Shen Qingtu waited until after the meal, and never mentioned the matter of making Ye Chan kneel.

After dinner, he also asked for a walk, but this time, he was not prepared to get into a wheelchair, and he found a pair of scissors from nowhere.

Ye Chan's black hair has been kept for a long time, and it took a lot of effort to take care of it, so it is so black and shiny, and she is reluctant to cut it.

So when Shen Qingtu threatened her with her hands before, she could still contradict her a few words, but now, even if she tried her best, she still wanted to get Shen Qingtu up.

Later, when Ye Chan mentioned these experiences, she felt that they were tears of bitterness.

Shen Qingtu just likes to see her baring her teeth and grinning, still needing no strength.She looked very thin, but was actually very heavy. Ye Chan couldn't hold him at all, and would eventually carry him on her back, but when Shen Qingtu lay on her back, she almost didn't stand up.

Finally got Shen Qingtu onto the wheelchair, her back was already covered with sweat.When she wiped the sweat from her forehead and stood beside Shen Qingtu, she actually raised her chin at him and smiled flauntingly.

The corner of Shen Qingtu's mouth also drew an arc, which was a little different from the previous one, but it was fleeting, so Ye Chan didn't see it.

He was too lazy to turn the wheelchair by himself, so he told Ye Chan: "Cuihua, take me for a walk."

Ye Chan: "..."

It's such a mistake that has caused eternal hatred. How could she have given herself such a name in the first place!
Pushing Shen Qingtu forward resignedly, Ye Chan almost greeted all eighteen generations of his ancestors, because he always chose the most difficult and detour route.

Ye Chan wasn't in good health at first, and high-intensity shooting was a kind of exercise, but he couldn't stand his tossing again and again.

Finally, when he went back.Ye Chan was almost paralyzed from exhaustion, but this man had to make an inch of it to let Ye Chan wait for him to take a bath!

If Ye Chan had the strength, she would have thrown his wheelchair over.

(End of this chapter)

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