forced marriage

Chapter 196 Comparison

Chapter 196 Comparison
Chu Qiuci leaned against Ye Chan. She could clearly smell the alcohol on his body, but it might vary from person to person, but it didn't smell bad at all, and it was a bit seductive.

If he hadn't held her tightly in his arms like a big dog, and said such "arrogant" words, Ye Chan might not have pushed him away.

Now Ye Chan stretched out her hand and pushed it: "Chu Qiuci, that's not what you say, Yin Qiao and we are not from the same world."

After all, Chu Qiuci is an actor, even if he already has a high status in China, it is different from a businessman.

In the past few years Ye Chan has been in the entertainment industry, she has clearly seen that many talented girls are squeezed out by other actresses just because they don't want to obey the unspoken rules.And what do those actresses have, they can soar into the sky when they are next to a rich man.

Ye Chan never wanted to mention these messes, but she had no right to intervene.

For many years, she just felt helpless with Huaxia's current situation.Take herself as an example, why did she sign with three such good crews when her acting skills were so bad before?Isn't it because she is also with the funding group?

Many powerful people can crush them with one finger.

It's not that she looks down on Chu Qiuci, she really admires Chu Qiuci.In the field of actors, Chu Qiuci is a leader in China. Even if there are many veteran actors, when they play against him, they can be killed by him.

Ye Chan appreciates how serious he is about his work. In fact, apart from being a little "eccentric", he is really a person who can set a benchmark for others.

Anyway, the field is different, so there is no need to compare with them. Chu Qiuci is already good enough now, and jealousy is not the way to eat it.

Ye Chan pushed him away, and the man quickly hugged him again, this time his tone was still a bit stubborn: "I'm just more handsome than him, better born than him, richer than him, Xiaochan, I didn't say anything Big talk. What is not a world, I want to pull him off the altar, it is the easiest thing."

When Ye Chan heard the first few sentences, she felt quite dumbfounded.

Who is Yin Qiao?Although she didn't know it carefully, she also heard that her family background was good, and she might be related to Yin Xiu Wentang, but it was too far away, and she hadn't had much contact with her before.

She is clear about Chu Qiuci's side, isn't it that his father is just a rural teacher and his mother is an ordinary girl from Switzerland.Chu Qiuci didn't make his debut as a rich second-generation official, second-generation red and third-generation official. When he debuted, he was just an ordinary person.

However, there is an advantage in debuting with this identity. Many rich second generations are not as good as these ordinary people because they are too well protected by their families, and they are not as good as these ordinary people. Feiyang was so domineering that fans later had a bad impression of those people.

Chu Qiuci is an actor who is very good at managing his own image. For so many years, even if he is just a passer-by, there is nothing to criticize when mentioning Chu Qiuci.

Ye Chan thought that Chu Qiuci was jealous, so she wanted to compare with Yin Qiao, so she comforted him: "No matter what, you are yourself, we really don't need to compare with him. Chu Qiuci, In my heart, you are really excellent. I never cared what kind of person Yin Qiao is. I just think that he invested such a large amount of money in the crew this time, even though I am just an actor. , I should also thank him, I didn’t think about anything else.”

Hearing Ye Chan's praise of him, Chu Qiuci felt a little flattered in his heart, and Ye Chan had clarified some things, so he didn't care too much about Yin Qiao stealing his credit.

But on the point of being stronger than Yin Qiao, Chu Qiuci was still extremely persistent.

When Shi Shao drove all the way from the hotel to the manor, Chu Qiuci talked all the way, and criticized Yin Qiao to the point where he couldn't see it all.

In his mouth, Yin Qiao is an upstart who is ugly, old, and childish, not as rich as him.

Ye Chan thought, Yin Qiao also has a large number of fans in S City. Many girls all over the country like to call her husband on Yin Qiao's Weibo, and they call her husband very affectionately.

Chu Qiuci, do his fans know about Yin Qiao when you say that?

But why does such Chu Qiuci still make Ye Chan feel a little cute?
When he arrived at the manor, he was more or less sober from the wine, but he could kiss Ye Chan anyway, so he deliberately pretended to be drunk and let Ye Chan help him to walk inside.

Ye Chan glanced at Shi Shao, who was not far away, and said to Chu Qiuci very depressedly: "Do you know, you are such a big man, it will cost me money to support you like this? Are you excited? Shi Shao is right behind, why don't you let him help you?"

As she said that, she moved Chu Qiuci's shoulder on her arm and moved it up.

In fact, Chu Qiuci didn't put most of his weight on Ye Chan anymore. Although she was not short, with such a small body, he always worried that he might crush her.

So he hummed: "I am a man, and he is also a man, I despise him."

Shi Shao was not far away, and he could hear Chu Qiuci's words, so he smiled helplessly.

Ye Chan curled her lips: "Since you detest men, why did you choose them back then?" In fact, after arriving at Chu Qiuci's side, you will find that his team configuration is quite strange. man.

She said that all men have bad roots, and he, Chu Qiuci, seems to be no different. Doesn't this mean that he also likes working with women?

Chu Qiuci thought to himself, liking a woman and choosing a woman are two different things.

Besides, he only likes a woman like Ye Chan.

Leaning her head slowly, her lips were pressed against Ye Chan's ears. Ye Chan's ears were already sensitive. When he leaned over like this, she almost burst into tears. If she was not biting her lips, she might Just screamed out.

"Because there is only one woman I want to be close to."

Ye Chan was shy and reached out to thump him: "Don't be shameless."

Thinking that when he was drunk before, it was Chu Qiuci who took care of him, Ye Chan couldn't let him lay down on the bed, and let him fend for himself.

In fact, Ye Chan is like this, maybe a lot of times, she is very willful and completely follows her own mind, but as long as others treat her a little better, she can return it very much.

So to take care of Chu Qiuci, she not only moved neatly, but also didn't complain.Even if Chu Qiuci took a bath, he couldn't let himself accompany him.

So he pushed Chu Qiuci into the bathroom and signaled him to go in to take a bath by himself. Ye Chan also warned: "You wash for a while, you will smell all over your body."

(End of this chapter)

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