forced marriage

Chapter 160 Wake Up

Chapter 160 Wake Up
It was only then that Ye Chan remembered what Lin Yuemou had just said to herself. She didn't expect Chu Qiuci to still remember the whole meal.She was a little helpless: "Why do you like putting gold on your face so much?"

Chu Qiuci started the car: "I'm not putting money on my face, our marriage certificate is real."

Ye Chan choked on him, her face turned slightly red, and she secretly scolded this man for being shameless.

After returning home, Ye Chan didn't want to read the script either. Anyway, there were more than three hours before going to the airport, so she fell asleep, and when she woke up, she found that Chu Qiuci had already packed her handbags.

Lying on the bed, she felt that her current life was really comfortable, as if the person who was caught the day before yesterday was not her.

Chu Qiuci originally helped her pack her handbags, and was worried that she would get angry, but Ye Chan sighed sincerely: "I don't need to pack my luggage, it really seems like I have done a lot of things, and I feel relieved immediately."

Regarding Ye Chan's laziness, Chu Qiu obviously didn't know what to say.

On the way to the airport, Shi Shao drove them.

However, when the two arrived at the airport, they realized that the plane was a bit late, and the two waited in the VIP room for nearly an hour before taking off.

When we arrived at the destination at night, we found that it was raining.However, the rain is now slightly lighter, and it does not delay the flight.But almost as soon as they got out of the terminal, it started to rain heavily. Ye Chan looked at the sky and sighed: "Fortunately, we took an earlier flight, otherwise we would definitely be left behind at S City Airport."

The hotel the crew booked was near Mount Lushan. After all, the crew has three big sponsors who are very rich. The floors of Ye Chan and Chu Qiuci are different from those of the staff. They live with the director.

However, when we arrived at the hotel, it was obviously raining harder, Ye Chan was very skeptical, whether we would be able to start work normally tomorrow.

Now that I came here, I wanted to see the director anyway, but it was too late today, and the road from the airport was not easy to walk, so I was delayed for a while.

The director also said hello in advance, saying that since this is the case, they will come back tomorrow morning and let them rest early.

Ye Chan and Chu Qiuci separated, and when they were about to enter the door, Chu Qiuci grabbed her wrist and looked at her with a half-smile.

Ye Chan was puzzled: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Chu Qiuci narrowed his eyes: "Ye Chan, don't you think you forgot to do something?"

Ye Chan frowned suspiciously, checked her clothes and handbag again, and found that Chu Qiuci even packed her aunt's towel, what else did she forget?

Chu Qiuci pointed to his cheek, a little unhappy: "Where's my goodnight kiss?"

Ye Chan burst out laughing, and poked Chu Qiuci's face with her hand: "I'm very sure, I've never done these things before."

Chu Qiuci just grabbed her wrist and refused to let her go: "Then it's the same if you start now."

Ye Chan's little paws pressed against Chu Qiuci's hand, opened his fingers one by one, and then freed her own wrist. After that, she smiled slyly at Chu Qiuci: "You are still During the observation period, don’t think about going too far.”

After speaking, he swiped his card and ran back to the house.

Chu Qiuci shook his head, thinking that he still had nothing to do with Ye Chan.

After entering the door, Ye Chan didn't rush to take a shower, but leaned against the door panel, thinking about how Chu Qiuci smiled at her just now, she felt her heart beat a little faster.

She put her hand on her heart in a daze, her face was a little red.

What to do, she felt that she could no longer resist Chu Qiuci's smile.

The bed was changed, and Ye Chan had some worries, so she didn't sleep very well at night.Half asleep and half awake, she felt someone calling her, and finally opened her eyes, only to find that standing in front of her bed was Chu Qiuci in mountaineering suit.

Ye Chan just woke up, her mind was still not clear, her first reaction was not why this man Chu Qiuci was in her room, but picked up her phone and checked the time.

It was only a little past three o'clock in the morning, why did Chu Qiuci wake himself up?Wouldn't it be that you have to go for a run by yourself now?She wailed in her heart, no, she was tired enough filming.

Chu Qiuci stared at Ye Chan for a while, making sure that she was awake, and couldn't help smiling at her: "Xiao Chan, get up, let's go to Mount Lushan."

Ye Chan just woke up very cute, she looked like a lazy cat, as if she wished she could curl up in the bed.

Sure enough, as soon as she heard that she was going to climb Mount Lushan, Ye Chan began to act coquettishly and self-willed: "I don't want... I still have to film, I need to save my can climb it by yourself..."

Today's scene will start in the morning, and she has to memorize the script after waking up, and go to climb Lushan Mountain, so she won't even think about coming back today.

But Chu Qiuci picked her up directly from the bed: "The filming time may have changed, you should hurry up, many people in the production team have already set off."

Ye Chan blinked her eyes, a little puzzled.It turned out that this was not Chu Qiuci's whim alone, but the activity of the entire crew?Are these people not tired?Ye Chan wants to cry but has no tears.

Chu Qiuci knew that she would think wildly, and he also liked her like this. When he saw her wronged and almost cried, he finally put away his bad intentions and explained: "The mountain rain just stopped Not long after, the director and the others have inquired with the local people, saying that after this kind of rain, there will be waterfall clouds on Lushan Mountain. Let’s come here with great difficulty. The director has to choose this scene no matter what, so Ye Chan, you girl The protagonist must also get up, the director asked me to call you."

Ye Chan felt that Chu Qiuci was definitely trying to torment him on purpose, because in his words, there was always a feeling that he was holding a chicken feather as an arrow.

But... Waterfall Cloud, she hasn't seen it since she was a child. She came to Mount Lushan once, and if she didn't see it, it's really a pity.

And this is a movie in which Ye Chan is the heroine. If such a beautiful scene can be photographed as the background, wouldn't it be much better than the post-production special effects?

The most important thing is that they didn't choose this time specially to see the waterfall cloud, but it happened that the waterfall cloud appeared at this time.

Your luck has already reached this level, if you miss it again, you can't justify it, right?

So Ye Chan didn't stay in bed anymore, her intense curiosity about the waterfall cloud made her drowsiness disappear, replaced by a strong excitement and excitement: "I'll change my clothes now! Do I have a mountaineering suit too?"

Chu Qiuci pointed to the things on the side, which he had just brought over, and were also prepared by the crew for Ye Chan.

Seeing the full set of equipment, Ye Chan was overjoyed, and immediately pushed Chu Qiuci out the door: "I need to change clothes, don't stay here."

(End of this chapter)

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