forced marriage

Chapter 145

Chapter 145
Seeing that she was unmoved, Shen Qingtu became even more curious.You know, his gun looks small, but it actually has a huge recoil. Looking at Ye Chan's slender wrist, if she shoots it with one hand, it might break her bones.

But Shen Qingtu still wanted to see Ye Chan lose control, so she moved closer to her. Ye Chan was wary of him, but suddenly felt a strange aura approaching. She moved so unconsciously that she didn't react when the kitchen knife touched her finger.

She was cutting vegetables with her right hand, and the thumb of her left hand was injured. Because of too much force, half of her nails were about to be cut off, and the piece of meat was even more crumbling.

The blood flowed down in an instant, and the amazing thing was that she didn't feel much pain, she just stared at the bright red fingertips in a daze.

Shen Qingtu just wanted to scare her, but he didn't expect that she would actually cut her hand, and the woman who was cold before was now staring blankly at the wound, which made him think it was quite cute.

But if it keeps flowing like this, Ye Chan's fingers are no longer needed, so he grabbed her hand suddenly, took her out of the kitchen, and said with disgust as he walked: "How stupid can you be?" Is it a little?"

Only then did Ye Chan realize that her hand was hurt, and she let out a cry of pain, "Let me go!"

Even if her hand was injured, she didn't want Shen Qingtu to touch her.Besides, who is she hurting because of this man?If he didn't approach suddenly, how could he cut his hand?

Shen Qingtu led Ye Chan up to the upstairs room, the blood from her fingertips dripped on the ground, staining the carpet all the way red.

Ye Chan noticed this carpet when she first entered the door. It was extremely difficult to clean at first glance. With so much blood on it, she might have to throw it all away.So Ye Chan actually forgot about the injured hand in an instant, and was still secretly happy.

Shen Qingtu felt that he had never seen such a stupid woman when he grew up.He can understand that she hurt her finger, but she can tell from the way she chops vegetables that she is not good at cooking.

But what is going on now?Felt so happy to have soiled the carpet in your villa that you forgot about the pain?Could her heart be bigger?

So when Shen Qingtu threw the medicine over to her, he squeezed Ye Chan's hand vigorously.

Originally, the ten fingers connected to the heart, Ye Chan would not feel much pain if he didn't touch it, and he was injured so badly, but Shen Qingtu pinched it so hard, Ye Chan's eye circles immediately turned red.

The piercing pain made her hands tremble uncontrollably.

"You lunatic!" Ye Chan finally couldn't help cursing, but instead of being angry, she smiled when she saw Shen Qingtu: "Yeah, I'm a lunatic. Seeing you in such pain makes me feel very happy."

Ye Chan looked at his soft but crazy eyes, and gritted her teeth: "How can you let me go? I still have a job, so I can't delay here."

The production crew had a total of two days off. Not only did she not rest well, but she was also entangled by such a lunatic. Ye Chan's heart almost collapsed!

Shen Qingtu sneered: "Baby, you don't think I'll let you go, do you? Being an actress can make you as much money as you want, and I can give you anything you want, so you can live in this villa with peace of mind from now on." .”

"Shen Qingtu, what do you think of me?" Ye Chan couldn't care less about dealing with the wound on her hand now, she just wanted to know, is Shen Qingtu really so boring that she must be imprisoned?

Shen Qingtu blinked: "Baby, of course it's a mistress."

Ye Chan couldn't bear it anymore: "Don't call me that!"

"Oh, what do you call that? Little thing?" Shen Qingtu still spared no effort to irritate Ye Chan, and he was very happy when he saw the angry expression on her pretendingly indifferent face.

Ye Chan felt that she seemed to see Yan Huilou more than ten years ago, just as childish and ridiculous.

Knowing that there was no way to communicate with this man, she took a deep breath and began to treat the wound.

The injury was on her hand, plus she was still angry and her right hand was shaking all the time, so she couldn't do a simple thing like cleaning up and bandaging.In the end, the gauze was wrapped crookedly, and a pile of medicine was spilled out.

Ye Chan had already broken the pot anyway, and it wasn't her medicine that was spilled.Shen Qingtu was getting more and more disgusted at the side, Ye Chan was about to wrap it up with great difficulty, but saw this man sitting opposite her, and took off her gauze again.

Ye Chan really had a mouthful of old blood stuck in her chest, and asked Shen Qingtu with red eyes: "Are you sick?"

Shen Qingtu's fingers were very slender, after removing the gauze, he helped Ye Chan start to disinfect again neatly.Seeing Ye Chan trembling in pain and shrinking his fingers straight back, he was overjoyed. He raised his head and answered Ye Chan: "I'm sick."

"If you are sick, you have to go for treatment!" Ye Chan said angrily, "Do you need me to introduce you to a few more hospitals?"

"No need." Shen Qingtu smiled wickedly: "My disease can only be cured by torturing you."

"You're not sick, you're a pervert!" Ye Chan went around and began to scold Shen Qingtu again.

Shen Qingtu just looked at her with a smile, and Ye Chan noticed that he picked up the alcohol slowly, and sprayed it on Ye Chan's wound amidst Ye Chan's exclamation.

Ye Chan was in so much pain, she pretended to be calm before, but now she was torn apart by Shen Qingtu, she didn't know where the courage came from, and kicked Shen Qingtu fiercely: "You crazy!"

After kicking, she regretted it a little, but found that Shen Qingtu didn't have any feelings of vengeance, but touched her fingers with some ambiguity, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to disinfect again?"

Ye Chan was afraid of pain, so she didn't dare to say anything.

Shen Qingtu achieved her goal, and she was extremely happy, and finally treated her wound neatly.

Ye Chan watched him bandaging herself, and felt that he was very skilled, and the bandaging was indeed much better than her own.

She couldn't hold back, but still asked, "You seem to know how to bandage."

Shen Qingtu didn't bother Ye Chan this time, asking her to cook or something, but propped her hands on the carpet, leaned back slightly, and replied vaguely: "Well... If I say yes, then Don't you want me to love me like a virgin? You women are like this, and a man can disturb his mind with just a little thing. "

Ye Chan snorted lightly, as if she heard something interesting first.

"Holy Mother? I feel sorry for you? I want to say, no matter what injuries you suffered before, why didn't you die?"

If Ye Chan could feel sorry for a kidnapper, a person who injured her hand, what kind of weird circuit would she have in her brain?

Shen Qingtu paused for a moment, looked at Ye Chan in disbelief, and then burst out laughing: "Ye Chan, I found that you are really special. I have to say, I am interested in you again."

(End of this chapter)

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