forced marriage

Chapter 112

Chapter 112
Compared to last night when he rested fairly well, Chu Qiuci was really in a bit of a panic.Seeing the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, Ye Chan suddenly couldn't bear it.

And even the way he looked at himself was cautious.But he held his hand so firmly, as if as long as he didn't say something, he would never let go.

At this moment, Ye Chan really didn't know what to say.Although she couldn't bear it, she didn't want what happened yesterday to happen again.

After one night, her anger also subsided a little, and she looked at Chu Qiuci without avoiding it: "I think it will take a while for me to recover, you really don't want to come to me these days."

Chu Qiuci watched helplessly as she broke free from his hand, and then walked forward alone.

He followed, somewhat flattering, but also helplessly said to Ye Chan: "Xiao Chan, my face still hurts."

Ye Chan just noticed that half of his cheeks were still a little red, Yan went back to the building yesterday because he lost his strength.But she still didn't look back: "Remember to apply the medicine when you go back."

"Is Xiao Chan concerned about me?" Chu Qiuci was a little happy.He was impulsive last night, and now as long as he admits his mistake, Ye Chan will definitely forgive herself.

Who knew that Ye Chan said coldly: "I'm afraid that you will delay the progress of the crew."

Chu Qiuci was silent, not knowing how to respond.

What Ye Chan didn't expect was that it wasn't Chu Qiuci who really delayed the crew's schedule that day, but herself.

It has been a week since the last kissing scene, no matter what the public opinion is like, the crew is still rushing to the schedule calmly, the unhappiness between Ye Chan and Chu Qiuci was also hidden in the crew very good.

And today, it was time to shoot the second kiss scene.Ye Chan was a little dizzy last night, she didn't even read the script before going to bed, but seeing this scene today, she had a headache.

The second kiss scene happened when the hero already had a crush on the heroine, so Ye Chan didn't need to take the initiative to seduce him like last time.

But the kiss scene also pays attention to the natural flow, Ye Chan is still a female ghost, the kiss scene filmed at this time should be more cold and beautiful, and not bloody like the previous horror scene.

Domestically produced horror films seem to always feel that the scarier the better, "Ghost Story in a Deserted Village" is a special case. The script is full of cuteness, coolness, and horror. Most importantly, the emotions of the hero and heroine are also well integrated. .

And their relationship is not the highlight, which makes these three kiss scenes and one bed scene very important.It can be said that these four scenes play a decisive role in how the feelings of the hero and heroine are reflected in the hearts of the audience.

But when Ye Chan was filming, she couldn't find her status.Compared to himself, Chu Qiuci is really a professional-level actor. Although he only filmed a kiss scene before, this scene went smoothly for him.

The director looked at the screen, and Chu Qiuci in the picture was approaching Ye Chan little by little.Ye Chan didn't have a coquettish dress today, only a pale complexion, black eyes and bright red lips.

This kind of appearance is definitely not as good-looking as those modern white-collar workers, but in Chu Qiuci's eyes, Si Si's image overlaps with Ye Chan's.The love in his eyes was so obvious, the picture slowly zoomed in, Chu Qiuci's hand had already touched Ye Chan's cheek lightly, and his lips were imprinted on Ye Chan's lips following the movement.

His eyes closed slowly, as if he was tasting a rare delicacy. It was obviously night, but this night, because of this kiss, it had an extra taste.

Ye Chan should have responded, but it was two seconds later than the scheduled time. The director said angrily: "Cut!", and the two separated quickly.

Ye Chan knew it was her own fault that the scene didn't happen, she was a little embarrassed, she lowered her head, waiting for the director to come over.

Sure enough, Cheng Dao couldn't sit still with his outburst of temper. Of course, he could see that Ye Chan was a little out of shape today, or in other words, this newcomer surprised him one after another, and finally he was out of shape today.

"Ye Chan, what's the matter with you?" Cheng Dao was still concerned about the face of the two of them, so he didn't make too much noise, but Ye Chan still felt that the air pressure in his body was low: "Qiuci's feelings are too strong, and you are not so strong at this time." I love the heroine so much, you just kissed her, it felt like the third kiss scene, remember to adjust next time."

Chu Qiuci nodded, the director was right, he did show some emotions just now.In fact, he didn't expect that after so many years of filming, when he was acting with Ye Chan, he always made such unavoidable mistakes.

Fortunately, this second kiss scene was not as sensational as the first one, and those who had no show at night did not come to watch it.

Cheng Dao saw that Chu Qiuci had a good attitude, and his anger was relieved, but it didn't mean he didn't reprimand Ye Chan.

"Ye Chan, what's the matter with you? Aren't you in a good state a few days ago? Why are you still in a daze today? When Chu Qiuci kissed you, your initial resistance was not bad, but what about your response? Stupid? You are acting in a horror movie, not a school romance, have you grasped the essence of it?"

After Director Cheng scolded Ye Chan, he gave them a meaningful look: "No matter what happens in private, I don't want you to delay the filming of the crew. You are actors and you are not young. I will teach you these words. ? Lin Qing understands this truth!"

Director Cheng's words made Ye Chan's face burn.Tonight, she is really not professional. When she sees Chu Qiuci, she will think of what he did to her last night, and think of that burning kiss.

So when she saw that he was about to kiss her, she was naturally distracted, and she was in a bad state, so she might not be able to see what was filmed.

Ye Chan is self-willed, but she is still very conscientious in the film crew. The director scolded her like this, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. She lowered her head and apologized: "Director Cheng, I know I was wrong..."

Ye Chan sighed in her heart as she hadn't been scolded like this for many years.

Chu Qiuci also spoke at this moment: "I have not met Cheng Dao's requirements, so I should say sorry to you."

Director Cheng saw Ye Chan with her head down, and thought she was about to cry. When a big man scolded a little girl for crying, it was not an honor, he waved his hand: "I'll give you half an hour to adjust your emotions. I don't want you to cry later." To see such a scene again."

"I see." Ye Chan responded in a low voice, and then walked to the rest area on the side.

Chu Qiuci followed her, but Ye Chan obviously didn't pay attention to him. After sitting on the stool, she picked up the script and read it.

Chu Qiuci handed over a bottle of water and asked, "Would you like some drink?"

Ye Chan looked much more tired than usual because of her makeup.

(End of this chapter)

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