The girl who was born with supernatural powers

Chapter 701 Still Has the Ability to Protect Itself

Chapter 701 Still Has the Ability to Protect Itself
Hearing Chu Yao's words, it was her parents who asked first.

"When did you start changing?"

As far as they could remember, their daughter never seemed to change.

However, since they got the purification book, they have doubts.

"It started when I woke up with a high fever a few days before my birthday."

She knew they were aware, but they treated her as normal.

"Then are you still her?"

There are all kinds of wonders in this world, and it is not impossible to resurrect a dead body.

"Yes, it has always been, but I was killed and reborn from my previous life and returned to my childhood, that is, when I woke up that time."

She answered her mother's words truthfully, she was indeed reborn after being killed.

Her mother didn't ask any further because it was enough to know that she was their daughter and not someone else occupying their daughter's body.

When they're done asking, it's everyone else's turn.

The first is her grandfather.

"The scene just now? You know people from this sect. What you said just now means that you are their founder."

Chu Yao just wanted to say that this question is really sharp.

"Yes, I am their founding father."

She didn't say anything else, waiting for them to guess for themselves.

"How old are you now, how is it possible."

This was what her third uncle said, and she looked at Chu Yao suspiciously.

"It's a long story, how about this, you guys have a sip of tea first, and I'll talk to you slowly."

This tea is a good thing, if you don't drink it, it's a waste.

Seeing that they all drank their own tea, she began to talk to them about reincarnation.

Starting from Yan Yao's first life, then the first life, the second life, and the fourth life.

Now the memory of the third is gone, you want to say whether it is the fifth life or not.

The fifth life is the current life as her Chu Yao.

So does she still need to remember? Not at all.

She was really curious about what her memory of the third life looked like.

After finishing speaking, Chu Yao secretly took a look at her family.

Maybe these things are hard to accept, but they all said that there are no wonders in this world.

I heard her say that it was the memory of Chu Yao's previous life before she died.

They had the urge to kill Yi Yancheng. They knew this boy, he had pursued his daughter, but they didn't expect him to be such a person.

"So I have many potential enemies, and there are many potential enemies in the Xia family. I asked my four cousins ​​to practice, partly because I was afraid that they would touch you.

At least let them practice, you can delay me for a while, come back to save you, right? "

These are her last words at the end.

The Xia family all looked at Chuyao, they didn't expect her to have so many identities.

But no matter what, she became a member of their Xia family in this life, so she will always be their Xia family.

"Then what level is your current strength?"

This is what her uncle asked, and it is what all of them want to know.

"I am now a ghost cultivator, not an immortal cultivator. According to the level of the underworld, I am now at the level of a ghost emperor, which is the level of a god in the God Realm."

He crossed the fairy world directly, because the level of ghost generals in the underworld is equivalent to the level of immortals in the fairy world.

Therefore, her strength can still protect herself.

If the Xia family knew her thoughts, they would definitely answer, you are already a god-like existence in our secular world. In your eyes, is your strength limited to self-protection?

(End of this chapter)

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