Chapter 543

You're welcome, two families, four people sat around the fire, and the cold night suddenly became colder.

Cheng Shi and Cheng He drank, and they sat next to each other.

Bai Qian and Zhou Yunan didn't drink, they sat on the side, talking quietly, smiling from time to time.

Cooked in the hanging pot with gurgling noises, the seasoning is mixed with eel and bacon, and when it is almost cooked, it emits a mouth-watering aroma.Cheng He only put some radishes, mushrooms, etc. in at this time, and put the rest of the dishes in a hurry.

Seeing that the heat is almost ready, he inserted the eel with his chopsticks, and it moved with a light touch. He said, "Okay, come on, try it, and see if it tastes good."

Cheng Shi said: "If you do it yourself, what else can you say?"

As he said that, several pairs of chopsticks were stretched into the pot, and there was a sound of smacking lips in the small courtyard.

They couldn't help inciting their mouths when they ate the spicy pot, which was very satisfying.

Cheng He said: "It's a pity that it's eel, not fat. If it's chicken or duck, it's fine, dog meat is also fine, and mutton is also fine."

While eating, Bai Qian said with a smile: "Come on, it's just a supper, do you still want to go to heaven?"

Cheng Shi continued, "Then what's the problem? I'll bring a chicken tomorrow."

His daughter-in-law also said: "I just asked you to bring something, but it turned out that you were fine, so I took a bottle of wine."

Cheng Shi's mouth was full of oil, and he touched another glass with Cheng He, and said: "It's too late to kill the chicken at this time, and I have to pluck the hair, when will I be able to eat it?"

Bai Qian said: "No, no, if you really killed the chicken and brought it here, how can you finish it?"

Originally, I couldn't finish eating and asked them to come.

The two men drank wine when they ate spicy food, and the two women drank tea when they ate spicy food.

Zhou Yunan drank it and found it tasted sweet and sour, with an inexplicable aroma, and asked, "Xiaoqian, what kind of tea is this?"

Bai Qian smiled proudly: "This is herbal tea. I learned how to make it myself. Isn't it good?"

Zhou Yunan asked, "What kind of herbal tea?"

"It's tea made from dried flowers and plants. Look, the tea residue is here." Bai Qian brought the teapot over, opened the lid, and there was a cotton bag inside, which was bulging.

She also saw some prescriptions in the book, and she felt pretty good, so she tried to make them herself, and usually drank them to relieve greasy, or to appetize or something.

Many of the materials are made of some kind of wild flowers and leaves of some kind of trees in the nearby mountains.

For example, mulberry leaves after frost have the effects of evacuating wind-heat, clearing lungs and moistening dryness, clearing liver and improving eyesight, and have the effect of treating wind-heat cold, lung heat and dry cough, etc. Usually, making a cup of tea or something can play a role in health care role.

Not to mention such as Luo Han Guo, Poria cocos, wild chrysanthemum, etc., which are already known for their efficacy.

Zhou Yunan praised: "Xiaoqian, your hands are so skillful, teach me too."

Two out-of-town daughters-in-law chatted chatteringly, and Cheng He and Cheng Shi drank one cup after another.

It was very cold in the yard, and it didn't take long for their heads and backs to be covered with some dew, but facing the fire, it wasn't cold, and it wasn't too hot to dry their mouths, which was just right.

The previous dishes are almost eaten, and the easy-to-cook dishes will be put in later, and they will be eaten as soon as they are hot.

In the fire below, the sweet potatoes were still roasting. Cheng He had a drink sometimes, and when he remembered, he turned them over.

Bai Qian said: "That's it, I only said to eat sweet potatoes, but now I can't eat sweet potatoes, what should I do?"

Cheng Shi asked, "Did you dig sweet potatoes today? Did you dig a lot?"

"Fortunately, it can weigh two hundred catties," Cheng He said.

He didn't have much, besides eating some, he didn't have many sweet potato vermicelli for processing.It is mainly because sweet potatoes are also expensive to make vermicelli.

However, it's almost enough to eat, and it's not a daily meal. I usually have some breakfast and cook some chicken soup vermicelli, which is almost enough.

Home-grown sweet potatoes are used to process vermicelli, so you can eat them with confidence, at least they are real ingredients, unlike what was exposed on the Internet, unscrupulous merchants mixed gelatin into sweet potato flour in order to reduce costs and brighten the color, no matter what happens How to eat people.

If you grow your own and eat it yourself, probably the benefits are here.

Although I have worked all day and sweated all day, the sweat is worth it.

Bai Qian was worried that no one would eat the roasted sweet potatoes, but there was nothing wrong with that, so she just roasted a few small sweet potatoes, and the rest of the people helped and shared them.

Even Cheng Shi, who is used to eating, said: "Well, this sweet potato is delicious and sweet. I think your sweet potato should be sweeter?"

A few people ate and drank, chatted about some irrelevant topics, and told some ghost stories from time to time. The hot air mixed with the smell of meat rushed into the night sky of the mountain village.

After eating and drinking enough, Cheng Shi and his wife left, and Cheng He and his wife were ready to wash up and go to bed.

Bai Qian said with a guilty face: "Look, we stole good food again, and that guy Xinxin didn't even eat it. My mother is simply a stepmother."

Cheng He smiled and said, "Yes, then why don't you wake her up?"

"But it was hard for her to fall asleep. If she wakes up to eat late at night, she will not get enough sleep. She will doze off tomorrow." Bai Qian said.

Speaking of it, a child's sleep is more important than eating a midnight snack.

Although the truth is this, but the adults have eaten good food but the children have not, which makes Bai Qian feel very uncomfortable.

Cheng He said: "Okay, okay, let her eat better tomorrow morning."

Before, she was hungry and couldn't sleep, but now she felt a little too full after eating, so Bai Qian started to walk back and forth in the bedroom.

Seeing her waist getting thicker and thicker, she said worriedly: "Oh, I don't know if I can reduce it in the future, husband, if I become a fat woman in the future, will you despise me?"

"will not."

"The answer is so fast, it's perfunctory at first glance."

"Don't worry, it won't. Isn't it fast now?"

"Hmph, you still think I'm long-winded!"

"I don't think you are long-winded. I speak at a normal speed."

The two of them entered the daily chattering mode again.

Cheng He lay on the bed to digest his food, his legs stretched and folded together, shaking comfortably, he resolved the moves that Bai Qian handed over one by one, and handled them with ease.

After a few rounds, Bai Qian frowned and said introspectively, "Honey, I know I'm fat now, but if someone says I'm fat, I won't be happy, but if someone says I'm thin, I think this person is Complimenting me is too hypocritical, you say, why am I such a person? Is there something wrong with me?"

Cheng He was amused by her, and said: "Yeah, there is a problem, a problem of talking to yourself, who would think you are fat or thin, and you didn't eat his rice."

Holding her stomach, Bai Qian walked up and down the room, chatting with Cheng He whatever she had to say.

She walked for a while, Cheng He said: "Okay, take a rest when you're almost done walking, don't get hungry after walking, and you still have two suppers."

Bai Qian thought that she just wanted to eat sweet potatoes before, but her man made such a romantic supper for her. She couldn't help but feel sweet in her heart, and felt that she was torturing him too much, and her heart ached.

But as soon as Cheng He said this, she flattened her mouth on purpose, and said sourly: "Okay, okay, if I'm hungry, I'll bear it by myself and don't say it, so as not to tire you again, that's all right Right? Baby, just bear with it for a while."

Cheng He said that he could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her eyebrows and eyes, and said, "Come on, your acting skills are not good, but you can't even pretend to be like that. You don't act like that in bitter scenes, and they don't move people at all. "

The two of them are like old couples who have been together for many years. They are bickering but not like each other, but it is not a plain chat, there will always be some funny elements mixed in.

Sometimes with just one movement or one look at each other, you can tell what the other is up to, and I think it's quite funny.

Compared with the happiness in front of me, what I have experienced before has become a cloud of the past and has drifted far away.

Time flows slowly in the little things, harvesting in autumn and hiding in winter, without a sound.

Just as the first batch of ALS medicines were successfully launched on the market and the desert greening test site in Mongolia was step by step, Cheng He also received a call from Jiang Yutong.

The construction period of Xiaolian Mountain has exceeded the first stage, and some parts of the glass bird watching platform have been built, so you can go and have a look and test it.

In addition, as I told Cheng He earlier, a temporary residence was built for them in Xiaolianshan, and it is now completed. They are in the process of daily ventilation, and they can go to check and accept it at any time. Architects communicate.

After speaking, she also sent some pictures to Cheng He, namely the pictures of the glass bird watching platform in Xiaolian Mountain, and the pictures of the "temporary residence" she said.

There is nothing to say about the glass bird watching platform. It is all about scientific site selection and modern construction. It mainly does not disturb the life of natural creatures, and allows visitors who come in to have an excellent view of bird watching.

Naturally, Cheng He couldn't find any faults in the scientific design, and said he would take the time to check it out.

What surprised him was—Jiang Yutong said that his "temporary residence" in Xiaolian Mountain looked like a villa in the mountains no matter how you looked at it!
The address is almost near Taohua Lake, but the location is halfway up the mountain, far away from the lake, and will not disturb the lives of those birds at close range.

Look at the style and design style of that room, no matter how you look at it, it is very advanced!

This... is this also called "temporary residence"? !

 Thanks for the support of [Heige 1973], [160717221039106], [Xiujiang Dragon King], [.], [I’m Just Opening], and thanks to friends for their recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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