Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 446 Coming to America

Chapter 446
After having fun for a few days, and visiting Cheng Erxi's family in New York, Cheng He and the others officially set off for home.

Cheng Erxi is Henry's father. The exhibition in the United States this time, with the golden booth reserved for him by Henry, is really much smoother than expected.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to spend so many days in the United States with such peace of mind.

It's just that visiting Cheng Erxi's family is not in the plan of this itinerary, so I didn't prepare some representative gifts in advance, so I can only buy some randomly in the United States.

Since they went back to Taohua Village during the Chinese New Year, Henry has not had much contact with Cheng He in the past six months. The only few times are for some of his domestic investments and donations for road construction.

Every contact was just a few words in a hurry. Henry was not familiar with Chinese, and the contacts were all in English, so there was no mention of the appointment between the two parties in the United States.

In terms of personal relationship, it really doesn't matter.

Cheng He didn't think about visiting Cheng Erxi and the others at first, mainly because he didn't have Cheng Erxi's detailed address in the United States, and because everyone was busy, it was not easy to bother them if there was nothing important.

But I didn't expect that Henry would do so much for Peach Blossom Village, so I wanted to disturb him if I didn't want to.

It's not that close to New York from Ohio, and you have to fly.

Cheng He didn't bring any authentic local gifts, but cooked Cheng Erxi an authentic home-cooked meal from Taohua Village.

Although he was quite old, he seemed to be in good spirits, chatting with Cheng He, and occasionally remembered a few words of Taohua Village's dialect.

The old man is very happy.

After the visit, Cheng He's family came back by plane.The black Freeman, because of his gratitude to Cheng He, took him to see the private house and sent them the plane.

One back and one back, including the time on the road, a total of thirteen days, nearly half a month.

This time, Cheng Xinxin was really like a wanderer who had gone far away, eager to go home. After returning, she dragged her little friends along and had endless things to say.

She was still holding Bai Qian's mobile phone, flipping through the videos or pictures in it, and telling her friends what she saw, which made them envious!

Cheng He and Bai Qian didn't have such free time. When they received orders from the United States, they had to tell Yu Fei quickly, and let her watch and arrange the order, and calculate the delivery time.

There are also some customers who are negotiating, saying that they may come to Taohua Village during this period of time. Bai Qian will negotiate first, but if there is any movement, she will tell Yu Fei here, so that she can have an idea in advance and facilitate work arrangements. .

Nowadays, there are more and more orders, and even Yu Fei has an assistant to solve so many things.

Although Bai Qian's physical condition has recovered now, like Cheng He, she doesn't intervene in other affairs, but sometimes she checks the account, at least she can know the big things.

She doesn't want to put pressure on people by not interfering in things, but she can't let things go completely on her own. In a family like the Bai family, even if she doesn't care about things, she will always learn something.

In a word, business belongs to business, and favor belongs to favor.

The people in Taohua Village are kind to her, and she knows that, but only when the business is managed more properly can it develop further.Whether it's bamboo weaving or tourism projects, she treats them like this.

Cheng He brought back a large number of orders from the United States, and the whole village was very happy, and they discussed inviting Cheng He to dinner, one family at a time.

To be honest, the whole village, like Cheng He, can go to the United States for them to participate in the exhibition, go to the United States to receive big orders, no one but him!

It wasn't that his family made such a hard trip, who could receive so many orders?
In addition, there are still customers negotiating in the future, and there will be a steady stream of orders in the future, and every family will make a lot of money!As long as anyone can do things with his hands, he can make money from his craftsmanship. It is all thanks to him. It is right to invite him to a meal to express his gratitude.

So, the current situation is like this, Cheng He and Bai Qian are handing over the US list to Yu Fei in the primary school office, and the school is full of people waiting to invite them to dinner.

When Cheng He and Baiqian came out of the office, they were immediately surrounded by people, all chirping about wanting to treat guests.

When Cheng He mailed back the samples he brought back to the exhibition, he told Yu Fei roughly about the order, and even the international express delivery was signed by Yu Fei.

Therefore, she also told the people in the village the first time.

Cheng He didn't expect that the people in the village knew the news so quickly, and everyone was talking about a treat, very enthusiastic.To be honest, it gave him a bit of a headache!

If it was in the past, when Bai Qian didn't come back, she could go to any place to eat. He was not polite to others, and Cheng Xinxin had a good skin. Anyway, as long as her father was around, she could eat happily at any place.

But Bai Qian is different, she is a young daughter-in-law, it's okay to eat one or two meals at someone else's house, she will feel very embarrassed if there are too many.The last time the whole village said please, she also went with every family, which really made her skin thinner and thinner.

Therefore, Cheng He took care of her emotions and tried to push as much as possible.

Besides, now it’s not like before, no one has a shortage of food, and I can eat whatever I want at home, so I’m so comfortable, and it’s not good to eat at home.

Forget it, since you don't want everyone to eat, then no family can agree, lest you agree to this family and not to that family, if it's not good, just refuse them all.

This side insisted on asking, but Cheng He didn't really want to agree, so he simply changed his mind and changed it to a celebration. The celebration received a big order, and the whole village ate together in the ancestral hall, having a lively meal.

After saying this, people calmed down, saying that this idea is also okay, let the whole village have another meal.As they spoke, they discussed the preparation of wine and meat.

The children who were playing next to them heard it and knew that they could have a big meal again, so they jumped three feet high with joy, and ran happily to tell each other.

For them, in the past, they could only eat in the ancestral hall during the Chinese New Year, but now?How many meals have you eaten this year?
Looking at these enthusiastic people, Bai Qian said with a smile: "They are so enthusiastic."

Cheng He teased her: "What? Do you want to eat? I'll stop them now."

"Don't..." Bai Qian hurriedly stopped her.She rolled her eyes, and didn't want to say that she didn't want to go to other people's houses for dinner every day, so she pushed Cheng Xinxin out and said, "Think about it, your daughter has been in the United States for so long, and she always wants to eat the food you cook. You said, we go to other people's houses to eat every day, how long will we have to make her greedy?"

Cheng Xinxin was holding her mobile phone at the moment, looking at pictures and videos with her friends, enjoying them.

Every time the little girl opens a picture or a video, she tells her friends what happened at that time.Not to mention, she has a pretty good memory, some things have passed for several days, and she still remembers some details.

She told her friends about food, new things she saw, animals and plants that are not in Taohua Village, about the crocodile park, and about the Aviation Museum.

Cheng He originally thought that since she was so young, taking her out for a walk might not be of much use, it was just to let her expand her horizons.

But he didn't expect that even though the child is so young, she already has her own thinking, and she will use her eyes to look at this trip and tell her little friends.

With such a harvest, Cheng He feels good.

In fact, not to mention Bai Qian and Cheng Xinxin, even Cheng He himself, after such a long time in the United States, he is also eager to eat his own craftsmanship.

how to say?There is a feeling of "I haven't eaten for a long time". Although I have never been hungry, I feel that I have not eaten.

Homemade braised pork, garlic pork ribs, roasted beef brisket with dried vegetables, tomato fish, braised prawns in oil, braised chicken with straw mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Everyone left, but Cheng Shi didn't. When he was the only one left here, he grabbed Cheng He and asked his family to go to his house for dinner.

Cheng He said: "I just said that the whole family will not eat. Now you come and let me go to your house. What do others think?"

Cheng Shi said: "That's different. We are discussing things. The road we contracted for the mountain has been dug out and peach trees have been planted. I ask you to take a look and have dinner together to discuss things. This is the head office, right?" ?”

Before Cheng He left, the mountain was still being repaired, weeds were removed, some roads were dug out, and a little planning was made.These are all directed by the apprentice of the great designer Lu Wenpeng.

In addition, during the period when Cheng He didn't come back, the mountain top was made, and the peach tree seedlings were also sent over there, and they had to be planted as soon as possible.This is what Cheng He had previously discussed with others. The three-year-old peach tree seedlings will directly bloom and bear fruit next year.

Cheng He's family has been in the United States for so long, and all these things have been done. Cheng Shi took Cheng He to look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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