Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 363 Past Glory

Chapter 363 Past Glory

After sending Liang Zhong and the town leaders away, Cheng He basically had nothing to do.

Opened today, but now he has nothing else to do.Manager Fang made good arrangements. Although today is the first day of operation, the staffing arrangements and other aspects have been arranged quite well, so things went smoothly and there was no hectic situation.

As long as it goes well and everyone performs their duties, there will be no problems.

In this way, Cheng He, the boss, can take a break for a while.

He was in a good mood today, so he left Liu Zhicheng and Su Youyue's family at home for dinner.One of them is the person who supported the opening today with practical actions, and the other is the person who developed Sulan and named it. Cheng He is very grateful.

Human relations are like this, if others are worthy of him, he will be worthy of others.

Today's dinner was very sumptuous. Cheng He specially cooked a large table of dishes and brought out a bottle of white wine.

The people at one table were gasping for breath, feeling particularly delicious.

Counting it, Liu Zhicheng had dinner in this small courtyard several times.When he was full of wine and food, he looked at this relaxing courtyard again, and said, "This kind of environment, this kind of life, is the day I dream of."

Seeing his demeanor and conversation, Su Youyue never regarded him as an ordinary person.At this time, he added: "That's easy, just buy a room here, can't you live a life like this?"

He remembered that not long ago his wife also said that she wanted to buy a house to live in Taohua Village.

Liu Zhicheng shook his head and said, "No way, you still have to struggle at a young age, and the burden on your shoulders is still heavy."

There was a sense of fatigue in the words.

Cheng He used his mobile phone to check Liu Zhicheng's company, but found nothing online.

If he hadn't brought a tour group of 300 people here today, he would have no idea that the company he works for is so big.

But their company's address is really in Nanshan City.

Why is there no news about such a big company on the Internet?

He asked: "What exactly does your company do? Why can't I see the news on the Internet?"

Liu Zhicheng drank some wine tonight, and his face turned red.

He said helplessly: "Let's go to our company, it's hard to explain in one word! The burden is too heavy, but the responsibility can't be shaken off, so let's do that."

If he hadn't drank some wine, he might not have said these words.

He asked Cheng He and Su Youyue: "Do you remember that there was an advertisement for a product called Daqiao washing powder? It happened a long time ago."

As soon as the words were said, Su Youyue immediately said excitedly: "Oh, you are so young, how can you still know this? Cheng He is too young, he may not know. I am too familiar with Daqiao laundry detergent, and this advertisement is popular I was probably younger than you are now, but the ad was very popular at that time, and it was broadcast every day."

What happened nearly 30 years ago has never been mentioned before, but when it is mentioned suddenly, it makes people feel kind.

Su Youyue is older than Cheng He and Liu Zhicheng, this happened when he was still young.

For a moment, he suddenly felt time slipping away.Back then, this brand of laundry detergent advertisements were played continuously every day.

However, it may be that the reform and transformation of state-owned enterprises failed or something, and gradually no voice was heard.

But Cheng He said: "Who said I don't know! When this advertisement was broadcast, although I was young, I still heard it! 'Daqiao laundry detergent, Nanshan daily chemical', who doesn't remember this advertisement!"

Su Youyue waved her hand: "When you heard it, it was probably the last bit of news about this advertisement. You are too young."

At Cheng He's age, he may have been only a few years old when he heard this advertisement.

The times have created batch after batch of people. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, but the waves before have disappeared without a trace.

Daqiao washing powder, a brand that was once brilliant across the country, was ahead of the times, but it also disappeared completely.

It was really emotional to be brought up suddenly.

Cheng He asked Liu Zhicheng: "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

When Liu Zhicheng was full, he leaned on the back of the chair, raised his head naturally, looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the yard, and said, "The laundry powder of Daqiao was reorganized and contracted later. My grandfather was the director of the factory at the time, and he took over the mess. , have been trying my best to maintain it. In short, try to make people have food, but it is also very difficult."

Su Youyue looked surprised: "Your family inherited?"

In the last century, many state-owned enterprises were reorganized, resulting in a wave of layoffs. How many people felt hopeless, and how many people encountered the opportunity to make a fortune, and the fate of those batches of state-owned enterprises was also very different.

Popular brands at the same time included "Golden Gong Ham Sausage", "Little Foreigner", "Lianmianzhen", "Little Swan" and so on.

By the way, it seems that there are also "Robust", "Golego", "Wahaha", "Baiqueling" and so on.

Whenever you mention it casually, you can feel as if time has gone back 30 years.Some enterprises are brilliant, some are lonely, and some are reorganized into others.After some brands have been dormant for a long time, they are suddenly favored by a consortium. Using the old reputation of the brand, putting new wine in old bottles, and rebuilding the reputation, they can also become popular again.

However, only they themselves know the stories behind the reorganized corporate brand.

After the reorganization and contracting of Daqiao brand laundry detergent, because it shoulders the expectations of many people, the transformation is also very difficult.Although I have thought of various ways to change it, and even changed its name several times to support it until now, but it has long since changed beyond recognition.

The glory of the past has become the past, and it has become the memory of Su Youyue and his generation.But the company after the rectification is no longer the original one.

Today, the huge mechanism is still there, as are the responsibilities and missions, but the path is getting narrower and narrower.

As the successor of the third generation, Liu Zhicheng really wants to come up with an effective and good way to handle this big task well, but this is not an easy task!
Many state-owned enterprises are now struggling to maintain a loss of billions or billions a year, let alone a company that is much smaller in scale?
Although the contracting has been reorganized, as a member of the older generation, grandpa's way of doing things is completely different from the current people.

If you follow Liu Zhicheng's approach, cut it off if it doesn't work, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain, cut off the burden, and only leave the departments and projects that can generate benefits, so that in a short period of time, you can see great results .

Just relying on the huge gold-lettered signboard of "Daqiao brand laundry detergent" in the past, it can generate a huge brand effect.It can be said that this is a good hand!

But grandpa disagrees.

If so, what is the point of the company's interests?
Where are the old employees and old people who have worked for decades?What will they live on in the future?How many families rely on factories to survive?

This is what Liu Zhicheng worries about.

He has a lot of ideas, but he can't use them, and he can't avoid grandpa.After all, he is not in charge of the factory now.

However, it is so difficult to make some achievements and prove to grandpa.

To be honest, not all companies today are useless, at least the old team is still very qualified.

If there is a person with strong execution ability who can call all these people together, great things can really be achieved.

Among other things, his grandfather, for example, now looks like an old retired old man who basically doesn't care about things, but he is still in contact with many people.

When it was a state-owned enterprise, he was the director of the factory, and the old leaders are still related now.

Just for this level, he didn't want to disband the factory either.

So, trouble!The burden is great, and the responsibility is also great, but it is not so easy to get rid of.It is difficult to move forward.

Liu Zhicheng also drank too much today, so he vaguely mentioned some problems.

If we really want to go deeper, we can talk about this matter for three days and three nights.

In fact, he was quite envious of Cheng He.

Compared with his mess, the tourism project of Peach Blossom Village must be much smaller.But he is free, he can do whatever he wants, and he can do it whenever he wants.

Now as long as he manages properly and rises steadily, his future is very promising.

Moreover, his place is good, and the people are leisurely, so he doesn't have to deal with so many people every day, which is exhausting.

After drinking some wine, the worries that usually don't appear on his face suddenly surfaced.

Seeing his emotions, Su Youyue found it quite difficult.

The size of the stall is just superficial, and the boat is too big, so it’s hard to turn around!
However, after talking about others, what about yourself?In middle age, his career is suddenly blocked, and his son is facing the high school entrance examination, and he is not worried. Life is not a mess!

Everything else is fine, take your time; but it's about career, it's depressing!

When he first published his thesis last year, how many companies offered him good conditions and wanted to lure him away, but he didn't leave after thinking about it; but now he has been involved in right and wrong for no reason, how can people swallow this tone!
After drinking, these unspeakable thoughts came to my mind.

Naturally, the family couldn't talk about it. First, she didn't understand it, and second, she couldn't do anything about it, and it made her depressed for no reason.

What about outside?Who to tell?
If you know it, let’s cast aside the insidious and ruthless company executives together with him; if you don’t know, you should also ridicule him, because a middle-aged man still can’t manage his own career.

Saying it is just adding trouble.

Su Youyue's wife was also at the table, and saw that her man was a little depressed after drinking some wine and chatting for a while, so she persuaded her: "Okay, old Su, don't worry about the past. The company loses you, that is the company's loss. We should be happy when we come out to play. Let's talk about the big things when we go back. "

Although she didn't know the details of her man's job, she still understood the righteousness and didn't make trouble with him because of sudden unemployment and no income.

She was not like other women, blaming the man for not knowing how to curry favor with the higher-ups, which resulted in no one coming out to protect him now.

The matter has come to this, and the man is also very sad.

She knew that people at the table would not be happy because the topic was always going around, so she said with a smile: "You guys are just like that. You talk non-stop after drinking a little wine, and you don't care about others. Xinxin, aren't you very happy?" boring?"

Cheng Xinxin was full, so she sat on a chair and listened to her father's words like a bible.

It's really boring for adults to talk!

She nodded, and said in a childish voice: "Well, you adults talk too much, you should cut it down."

The childish words made everyone at the table laugh.

Yes, life is a mess, but it has to go on!Annoyance is also a must, and not annoyance is also to be over, it is better to let go of these messes for the time being.

Well, the meal is eaten, the wine is drunk, and the conversation is almost finished, the people at the table are ready to leave.

It's still early, so you can enjoy the sunset or take a walk in the fields.Don't waste time on these sentimental feelings about wine.

Cheng He sent them out.

Cheng Xinxin walked out holding her father's hand, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "Dad, our teacher said that we need to bring a towel with us tomorrow."

"What towel do you bring?" Cheng He wondered.

"It's just... just a towel for making games," Cheng Xinxin said.

"You're a game maker? What do you want?" Cheng He was at a loss.

Sometimes the kindergarten will ask the children to bring some things, such as a potted flower, a small fish, etc., and the teacher will teach the children to learn to observe.

But what's the point of bringing a towel?I don't know what specifications I want, the child is too young, and I can't explain these things clearly.

Cheng He was in the class group and sent a message to ask the teacher.

Asking kids to bring things to school is a joke.

There are a lot of reports on the Internet. Some teachers asked the children to bring small fish. As a result, one child brought a two-pound "small fish" there.

Also, some teachers asked the children to bring a 2-foot stick, but the children heard it as a 2-meter stick, not to mention how high the rate of turning heads is.

Fortunately, there is an exchange group now, so you can ask.

 Thank you for the support of [Drunken Lights Watching Axe], thank you for the support of [Dust Mo 12], [111101233637882], [160810150125003], and thank you for your recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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