Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 346 Riding a Buffalo

Chapter 346 Riding a Buffalo
Zheng Xiaoying finished her breakfast happily, hummed a song and began to clean up the dishes, and took them to the kitchen to wash.

Cheng Xinxin tilted her head and looked at her.

Not to mention, Zheng Xiaoying looks like a pretty big star, but she does a very decent job of washing pots and dishes, not pretentious, quick and clean.

It can be seen that she usually does these little things.

Cheng He remembered that he had watched a reality show before, and asked a female celebrity to plant rice seedlings. As a result, the female celebrity went to the field wearing a huge wet suit, and then stepped down, unable to pull out her feet.

That didn't look like work.

Of course, many people will say that this is what celebrities are like. Their family conditions are good, and it is normal not to do these things. They have worked very hard...

But Cheng He felt that such a show was a bit boring.

In fact, if the personality of the female star is set well, it is still easy to add points.

For example, a certain well-known actress participated in a reality show before, and just because she packed her luggage in an orderly manner, the topic was all over the sky, the praise continued, and she became popular for a while.

This can also reflect that the audience may not like to watch those hypocritical female stars.

Like Zheng Xiaoying, it's actually very good.Entering the kitchen is also graceful, and the work is quick and refreshing.

Washing the dishes is just a trivial matter, but it is a big deal when it is related to the character design, and if someone adds fuel to the flames.

Cheng He had a hunch that she could also get some praise for her image.

Well, of course, what Cheng He is most concerned about is naturally because when Zheng Xiaoying is popular again, it will be so cool to be able to go to Peach Blossom Village by the way.

Zheng Xiaoying washed the pots and bowls, and placed them neatly. The kitchen is tidy and uncluttered, and it looks very comfortable.

She wiped her hands and walked out of the kitchen.

Seeing Cheng Xinxin always dragging Cheng He's hand, "Dad, let's go, let's go... let's go..."

Cheng He let her pull, didn't move for a while, and said: "Xinxin, pull slowly, be careful that your arm is dislocated."

Zheng Xiaoying smiled and asked, "Xinxin, where are you going?"

Cheng Xinxin immediately said, "I'm going to ride a bull."

Zheng Xiaoying said: "Then I will go with you."

Well, the show is still being recorded.

She took out her mobile phone, called Zhao Lei and the others, and said, "Ms. Zhao, it's me, Zheng Xiaoying... yes, yes... that, I just had breakfast, but I can't pack it for you because there is only one bowl ..."

On the opposite side, Zhao Lei and the others looked at each other, they had finished eating.

Zhao Lei said: "Let me tell you, after such a long time, she must be eating by herself."

Li Jia also said sadly: "I guessed the beginning right, but I couldn't guess the end. She is beautiful and has an advantage over us, and she can indeed get food more easily than us. I didn't expect that others would keep her here." Eat at home!"

She was sent out to work, but in the end she worked and ate alone... well, this guest came for nothing.

The little fresh meat Du Hua asked anxiously: "Then what should we do? I'm so hungry!"

At this time, the embedded advertisement appeared at the right time—a certain brand’s nutritious breakfast appeared at the right time, and the three male celebrities each made a cup of glutinous rice, read the lines of the advertisement, and then went to eat the glutinous rice...

It is estimated that this paragraph will disgust many viewers, but there is no way, such a big show, so many celebrities are invited to participate, and of course it needs the sponsorship of brand owners. If the audience doesn't like it, they have to endure it.

They had to keep the commercials as short as possible and show them in milder ways, like when they were sitting at a table talking, there were a few boxes of this goo on the table.

No advertising words are added, but try to give it more exposure.

After breakfast, I started to worry about lunch.

How about looking for something to eat today?Yesterday's fertilization work had left them with lingering fears, wondering if the next family's task would be as scary.

Here, Zheng Xiaoying has happily followed Cheng He and his daughter out to watch the cattle.

Cheng Xinxin's request was to ride an ox, but the ox belonged to someone else, and she didn't know if the ox would be allowed to be ridden or not.

It should be fine, the buffalo has a very good temper.

If it's a scalper, you basically don't have to think about it.The scalper has a very stubborn temper, he won't let him ride, and he runs faster than the buffalo.

Cheng Xinxin saw the calf at close range, and felt that it was strange, and she was very happy to see it.

The calf also looked at her with wide eyes curiously.

After a long time, it still made a "moo" in its mouth.

Cheng Xinxin didn't know what Maverick was talking about, so she hugged her father's leg and laughed foolishly.

Cheng He broke off a branch of pagoda tree with several flowers of pagoda tree on it.He handed it to Cheng Xinxin and said, "Come on, go feed it."

Cheng Xinxin took the branch and asked, "Dad, do calves eat this?"

"It eats everything, even rope," Cheng He said.

The calf is very curious, and it chews everything in its mouth, no matter what it is.

However, things like ropes that can't be chewed or swallowed will eventually be spit out.

Cheng Xinxin was a little scared at first, and tentatively handed the locust tree branch to the calf's mouth, but the calf ate it as soon as it rolled its tongue.

Cheng Xinxin immediately clapped her hands and laughed loudly: "Dad, look at it eating, look at it eating..."

Well, by feeding the calf, she can also find a sense of accomplishment and a reason to be happy.

Startled by her scream, the calf took two steps back, watching warily and chewing.

Even people eat locust tree flowers, they are fragrant and sweet, so naturally calves eat them too.

After eating the locust tree branches, the calf let out a "moo" to Cheng Xinxin.

Cheng Xinxin immediately said, "Dad, help me get another one, it needs more."

Cheng He broke another one for her.

Zheng Xiaoying also watched with great interest.

Thanks to a certain naming connoisseur, Mavericks now has a name: Niu Niu.

At this time, the camera of the program group has quietly pointed at Maverick and the child.

If the country is childlike, the photographer will naturally know where to capture the shot.

The photographer seems to have heard of it before. He has a friend who has never seen a real buffalo?Therefore, there should still be many people who are curious about this kind of primitive village.

After playing for a while, Cheng Xinxin said she wanted to ride a bull again.

She didn't want to ride the small one, but the big one, because the one she saw was the big one.

The child's heart is still high, and the cow is much taller than her, so she is not afraid!
The cattle herder is also from the same village, and when Cheng Xinxin said he wanted to ride, he said enthusiastically, "Xinxin, don't be afraid, this cow is very obedient and you can ride it."

Then, I put some things on the back of the cow, such as sacks and bags, and sat on it after a while, which can be a little softer and won't scratch people.

Cheng He was naturally worried about letting her ride the bull alone. The back of the bull is nearly 1.5 meters high, and it is not fun to fall off.

After a while, he himself will ride on the back of the bull and hug her.

The back of the ox is so high, and there is no saddle for riding the ox, so it is not easy to climb up. Therefore, riding a ox requires skill.

Cheng He led the ox to a slope. He carried Cheng Xinxin to the slope, and when his feet were almost at the same level as the ox's back, he stepped up.

Riding an ox is different from riding a horse. The ox is born to do hard work, not to carry people.However, fortunately, the buffalo has a good temper, so it is okay to ride it for a while.

If it is a scalper, it is not so good.The scalper has a bad temper and no one is allowed to ride on it. If anyone rides on it, it will shake wildly, trying to shake the person off.

In fact, riding a bull is still very interesting.

In many legends of fairy tales, a certain person rides upside down on a green bull, with a lazy posture, and plays a green bamboo flute, which is really a fairy-like mood.

However, now that Cheng He is holding the child, he dare not ride backwards.

The buffalo is very honest and obedient. Cheng He patted the buffalo's buttocks and shouted: "Go."

The buffalo was ordered to move forward slowly.

Cheng Xinxin laughed happily.

Like the electric rocking car in the city, things that move anyway can attract children's fun.

The back of the bull is very high, and for Cheng Xinxin, the field of vision is also very high, and she can look down on the grass underground, which is what she is happiest about.

The little girl looked around on the back of the cow, feeling that the world she usually saw was different.And with her father holding her steady, she wasn't afraid at all.

Cheng He was happy to see her so happy.Speaking of which, he only rode a cow when he was herding a cow when he was a child, and it has been a long time.

In fact, the most embarrassing thing about riding a bull is when the bull suddenly goes into the water.

Buffaloes love to go into the water, especially when it's hot.He had encountered it when he was a child. Sometimes when he was riding a cow, the cow suddenly changed its course and went into the water.

When the cow enters the water, its whole body will be submerged, leaving only its head outside.

Then, if the person on the back of the ox fails to stop it in time, he will also suffer. He will fall into the water and his clothes and pants will be wet.

There is no need to worry about today's situation. Firstly, the pond is still some distance away. Secondly, it is not very hot yet, and the cattle do not need to enter the water yet.

The big buffalo walked slowly, at a very slow speed, leisurely, with its tail flicking on both sides of its butt from time to time.

The calf swayed beside the big cow, jumping forward from time to time, and running behind again from time to time.

It also seems very strange, there are two more people behind its old lady.

Zheng Xiaoying stood there watching, gradually feeling envious. How long ago was the last time she was so pampered by her father?
Almost lost my memory.

I really want to go back to my childhood.

The photographer extended the lens at this time, and in the lens is the beautiful field of Taohua Village, the blue sky and white clouds, clear water and green mountains in the distance, and the leisurely scene of father and daughter riding a buffalo in the closer.

Such a harmonious ink landscape painting, even photographers are fascinated.

In the distance, Zhao Lei and the other stars gradually approached.

They originally wanted to go and see how the lunch was settled, but they found someone riding a bull here, and they immediately became interested.

How about we relax a little too?
He grows so big, and he has never ridden a cow.

Taking a closer look, even Zheng Xiaoying was on the side, and the man on the back of the bull was the guy who asked them to fertilize yesterday.

Why is it him again!

They immediately began to struggle, should they ride this bull today?This is a problem!
 Thanks for the support of [I am Yongwei], and for the support of [Canghai Γ Sangtian], [Mike II], [Xiujiang Dragon King], [160816124028433], [Empty City Old Dream is a Boundless City], thank you friends Support with our recommended votes!

(End of this chapter)

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