Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 328 No Taste

Chapter 328 No Taste

At the dining table, Wu Wenbo showed the demeanor of being a big brother in the past, persuading people to drink, talking about chicken blood, etc., all in one set, and immediately made the atmosphere on the wine table very lively.

Coupled with wine and food, basically these people are busy eating and drinking.

Naturally, Cheng He is fine. Drinking is like drinking water. It doesn't matter how much you drink, but on today's occasion, no one drinks too much.

Jiang Yutong didn't seem out of place with everyone, so he also drank a little.

In fact, her mood at this time was very complicated.

Tomorrow's bidding can be said to be the first project she has taken over alone. She has put in a lot of effort, she wants to do it beautifully, she wants to give her father a good answer, and she also wants to be worthy of herself. long hours of giving.

But good things take time, and have been delayed until now.

In fact, if it's just time, it doesn't matter, she can afford it.

However, what she encountered was something she had never even imagined.This project taught her a deep lesson.

But when she was in despair, there was Cheng He and his friends standing beside her. She was suffering while being protected. She had never experienced the double feeling.

In fact, she has never come into contact with someone like Wu Wenbo, and if she saw him before, she would always keep her at a respectful distance.But now, their appearance made her feel a little at ease.

Fear and peace of mind, these two feelings alternately prevailed all the time, tempering her heart.

Under tremendous psychological pressure, she also let go of drinking more than usual, and drank two more glasses.

She has always been more restrained herself, because she can't hold alcohol.But now, she can't control herself.

After dinner, each rested.

Cheng He didn't open a room alone, but lived in Jiang Yutong's suite.

There are two rooms here, no awkwardness.And night is the weak link of security, so he might as well just live here.

He also knew a little bit about Jiang Yutong's current mood.

After seeing more of this kind of thing, she will take it lightly.

For example, isn't Cheng He still looking calm now?The sky can't be stretched down.

Jiang Yutong drank two more glasses, and her mind was a little messed up now. She took out her copywriting, sat on the sofa, and admired and pondered it by herself.

The plan had already been submitted, but she was still a little worried.

The opponent does not use fair means to compete, and she does not know how the outcome will be tomorrow.

Cheng He had nothing to do and was watching from a distance.Looking at the pictures she manipulated on the computer, she was very familiar, so she asked, "Are these aerial pictures of Xiaolian Mountain?"

He also took her working team to inspect Xiaolian Mountain before, and they took many photos.

Jiang Yutong said: "Yes, but it is a picture with CG effect, which has been partially processed. This is our planning map."

Cheng He has seen the plan.

Before Peach Blossom Village was rebuilt, the big architects drew pictures for them.It's 3D and very intuitive.

Cheng He looked at the pictures and asked, "Are you going to activate these equipment projects?"

There are cable cars, a tall Ferris wheel, a large roller coaster, and some water park facilities.There is entertainment for adults as well as entertainment for children.

Cheng He thought of the Disneyland and Ocean Park he had seen in Hong Kong last year. Tickets to those places were expensive, but they were crowded and very popular.

It can be said that if the operation is successful, it is still profitable.

Such equipment should cost a lot of money.

He asked: "How can you attract people to come if you design attractions like this?"

In his understanding, there are many natural attractions like this with roller coasters and water parks across the country. If the characteristics are not strong, it will be difficult to see the effect, right?
The area of ​​Xiaolianshan is not small, and it is very stressful to contract, and if it cannot achieve effective business results, how long can she do it?

What's the point of bidding so hard for a project?
Jiang Yutong glanced at Cheng He, hesitated for about a second, and then said, "Okay, I'll tell you my idea of ​​pressing the bottom of the box."

What was revealed next was a commercial secret.

She adjusted the angle of the computer a little, clicked on another file, and there would be pictures in it, and said, "Look here, and here, do you see any patterns?"

Cheng He looked at it carefully, and it felt like an unfinished picture.

Xiaolian Mountain has 30 hilltops under its jurisdiction. The area is naturally not small, and there are many natural wonders. However, in Jiang Yutong's pictures, the places with facilities on them only account for less than 5% of the total area.

In other words, there is only a small area with some facilities, roller coasters, etc., and the rest of the area is almost the same, only some ropeways have been added.

He asked: "Why are these places not being built? Isn't it a waste of area?"

Jiang Yutong smiled and said: "Your eyesight is also good, you can see through it at a glance. This is my biggest core competitiveness, and this is actually the direction I have been thinking about since this period of time. It is not a waste of space."

From last year to this year, her thinking was deadlocked. She had made several plans, but they were either rejected by herself or rejected in the previous bidding.

She has always wanted to be a more distinctive tourist attraction, rather than a cookie-cutter place to visit.

She has been thinking about why some scenic spots are very expensive, but there are so many people going there; some scenic spots are very cheap, but they are still depressed?

If you can attract popularity as long as the equipment can keep up, wouldn't it be too easy for the scenic spot industry?However, there is no such thing as cheap.

Her ambition has always been great, and she wants to make a unique project, to make a good scenic spot that is eye-catching and memorable, and even has the ability to be famous abroad.

She also understands that a good project must have its inner core.

Why is Disney so popular all over the world?If it is just some children's castles and amusement parks with some animal sculptures, can it open so many branches around the world and return stores to be popular?
But it is difficult for others to imitate and share a piece of the pie.

Because Disney's business model has an inner core, which is not available in other attractions.This core is its animation feelings, which have been rooted in the childhood memories of a generation, and this is its core competitiveness.

Others can't have this feeling, so they can't compete with it.

Therefore, Jiang Yutong has been thinking about this issue.What kind of project core can you make?
A while ago, Ten Thousand Birds Dwelling Tide gave her a good idea.

People are still very interested in this kind of natural landscape, as can be seen from the extraordinary popularity of those two days.

Why doesn't she create the world's best natural eco-tourism environment?Create a natural scenic spot where people and nature live in harmony?

This is her core competitiveness.

She wants to preserve the natural ecology of Xiaolian Mountain as much as possible, so as to attract more natural creatures to come here, and make Xiaolian Mountain a real paradise for wild animals.

Therefore, she only developed less than 5% of Xiaolian Mountain, and she tried not to start construction on the rest of the area except for repairs, so that the wild animals here can live with peace of mind.

And the migratory tide of thousands of birds every spring and autumn will become a symbol of her natural ecology.

She does not set up tourist facilities in these places, but only builds cable cars. The purpose is not to disturb these natural wild animals, but also to be able to be with them at close range.

People like to be on the bottom of the sea and watch sea fish through glass. Why don't they like to watch birds and wild animals in the air through glass?

This is what she calls the most natural ecological environment, a natural environment that can attract wild animals.

"Attracting wild animals?" Cheng He asked, "It's a good idea, but are you sure these birds will come in autumn?"

The last time those migratory birds passed by was a spectacle not seen in decades.Can she guarantee that those birds will still go from here in autumn?
Jiang Yutong nodded: "I have consulted natural experts about this. It is possible. Those birds have memories, and some habitats will even be passed down from generation to generation."

Therefore, she just needs to preserve the natural ecological environment of Xiaolian Mountain as much as possible, so that these birds can feel at ease here.

As long as Xiaolianshan can attract more and more natural wild animals, this can become the core of her competition.

A nature in which man and nature live in harmony is the real ecological nature.I believe that those who have had enough of the high-pressure life in the city will yearn for such a natural environment.

Cheng He agrees with this aspect.

Imagine sitting in a gazebo on a hill on a misty morning, admiring the sunrise in the mist, watching unknown birds perched not far away, watching them feed, sing, It must be a very pleasant feeling to fly high and fly up to [-] miles.

Sometimes when traveling, people don't necessarily just want to ride a roller coaster or something.Every scenic spot has that thing, and it is no longer uncommon.

The true nature of returning to basics may be what people yearn for deep in their hearts.

Otherwise, why did the tide of thousands of birds inhabiting at that time cause such a big commotion?

Jiang Yutong's idea is good. If it succeeds, it will be a very unique attraction project.

This is a special feature among the current scenic spot projects of "one thousand towns", "one thousand villages" and "one thousand sceneries".

To be honest, Cheng He still looks forward to such a scene.

He remembered something, smiled and said: "I'm afraid, when the time comes, there will be more people, just like every scenic spot, they will all become spectator heads, and they will not be able to be crowded..."

When there are too many people, those birds will definitely not come down to roost, this is for sure.

Jiang Yutong said: "So I only developed 5% of the area, and the rest of the area is naturally empty, and there is no construction at all. Tourists are not allowed to pass freely, only cable cars pass by occasionally, and the life of wild animals is not disturbed."

Well, she has also thought of these places, and it seems that she has thought deeply.

Cheng He praised: "Yes, I have a hunch that you will succeed!"

With ideas and resilience, she has some of the conditions necessary for success, and the rest depends on luck.

"Really? How about inviting you to join me when I win the bid? If you have money, everyone can make money. It just so happens that your research on Dashan is deeper than ours, and Xiaolian Mountain is close to your Peach Blossom Village, so many resources can be shared." Jiang Yutong said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"Yes, I think it's feasible." Cheng He said with a smile.

Peach Blossom Village is the closest to Xiaolian Mountain, so maybe it can be jointly developed and publicized.

However, this may also be just a momentary remark after drinking, and no one may take it seriously at this time.

Jiang Yutong looked at her plan again, and she murmured, "I really hope I can bid successfully tomorrow."

But what the future holds, she really doesn't know.

What she faced was not an ordinary bidding opponent.

The alcohol gradually got on her head, and her eyes were a little dizzy.

Cheng He said: "I think you have something to do. Think about it, if such a tourist attraction is really built, not only can it bring benefits to the city, but it can also improve the image of our Nanshan city! The city also has face, why not? ?”

Jiang Yutong smiled wryly. Although he said so, the other party's background is not small!
Under the banner of scientific and technological planting, the other party can get state subsidies, and the city can also get actual benefits-not to mention these, just relying on Ge Minqiang to win over Secretary Wang, there is no promised benefit in it?
In a variety of ways, how can the aspect of face compare to the actual personal interests obtained?

Naturally, Cheng He could also imagine these aspects.

For a while, the atmosphere became a little quiet.

Jiang Yutong said suddenly: "In any case, I have to thank you, really. If you hadn't appeared, I would..."

She might never have the chance to sit in front of the computer like this.

Not to mention the car accident earlier, or the guy who troubled her later, she couldn't do anything about it.

Not to mention, now such a long night, who knows what will happen?
Cheng He said: "It's okay, you're welcome. It's getting late, you go to rest first, there are important things to do tomorrow."

He is always like this, always speaking in a very calm tone, as if tomorrow even if the sky is about to fall, it won't make him flustered.And this kind of indifferent momentum is the most powerful feeling.

Jiang Yutong suddenly felt relieved.

Maybe she did help Taohua Village in the past, so that the bamboo weaving in Taohua Village got a chance to become famous, but that was just her effort, she didn't feel deeply, and she didn't feel that she had done anything.

But now, Cheng He has repaid him almost a hundred times, which made her feel very grateful.

She was thinking, no woman would give up such a man!

But why is he...

Impulsively over the alcohol, she blurted out, "Cheng He, can I ask you a question? Where is Cheng Xinxin's mother now?"

Cheng He was taken aback, he was still talking about the project before, why did the topic suddenly turn to this?
He was silent for a while, and said, "Actually, I don't know much either. When she left, she didn't say anything."

"Why did she leave?"

"She didn't say either."

"Then you..." Jiang Yutong asked with a puzzled face.

At this time, her face was flushed red after drinking, and her tone of voice was also a little different from usual.

Cheng He was in a complicated mood. He looked up at the chandelier on the ceiling above his head. The chandelier was shining with colorful lights. It should be supposed to be brightly lit and lively, but at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

After a while of silence, he said in a calm tone: "Don't ask, it's all a thing of the past. It's getting late, you go to rest early, there are big things to do tomorrow."

With a little puzzlement, Jiang Yutong entered the bedroom, at this time her steps were really a little vain.

Cheng He felt a little depressed. He saw a bottle of foreign wine on the cabinet, opened it, and took a glass to the balcony.

The hotel is a four-star hotel in the city. The decoration and view are good. At this time, there is a large area of ​​landscaping outside the balcony, and there is a miniature golf course in the distance. There is a small artificial lake next to it. The night lights are shining, and you can see the lake. There are also some boats floating on it, which are very emotional.

Cheng He poured himself a glass of wine and sipped it slowly. The wine was foreign wine, but he couldn't taste it.

He thought, people are really strange, the complex emotions of hatred, anger, and endless worry when I think about it before, have gradually faded away now.

When I think about it now, my mood is very calm, and sometimes I can even think of her good days before.

Maybe time is really the best panacea, everything can be diluted.

Cheng He didn't think about where she is now, but just hoped faintly in his heart, as long as she was fine now.

The night wind was blowing slightly, brushing his hair.He took another sip of the wine, still tasteless.

 Thanks to [Xieyan], [Free and Easy Brother], [Xiao Emotions], [Hand Century], [Yilan Listening to the Wind and Rain], [Idiot Bookworm] for their monthly ticket support, and thank you friends for your recommendation tickets!

  I wish you a nice weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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