Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 300 Colorful Giant Panda

Chapter 300 Colorful Giant Panda

Cheng He was a little surprised when he saw the picture.

Those people are really full - is this worth the hype?

He casually searched for keywords such as "brown giant panda", and a lot of "fake" and "computer graphics" pages came up, proving that these pictures are all fake, with the colors made by ordinary giant pandas.

Good guy, it's all on the headlines page!

When did a few photos taken by myself trigger such a large amount of topics!
It seems that next time he will develop more in the direction of photographers, this is a promising industry.

It's the pictures he took that are now sparking a lot of controversy — or bashing.

The content of these webpages is very provocative and has driven a lot of topics, just to prove that these pictures are fake.

What is even more unbelievable is that they found some black and white giant panda pictures on the Internet, and after processing them with ordinary PS technology, they turned into red giant pandas, blue giant pandas, and green giant pandas...

Some people even directly made emoticons and spread them everywhere:
"In the past, my biggest dream was to have a color photo, and now it's finally come true, Oye!"

"Green giant panda, green color, so happy. Hehehe..."

"This is a real colorful giant panda, which is composed of seven colors of the rainbow. It was discovered in Chaoyang District, BJ City. It is one of the newest species, and there is only one in the country at present."

"Red giant panda, celebrating the New Year in a prosperous way, so happy! I'm wearing my New Year's clothes."

"Purple giant panda, I put on purple smoky makeup, do you think I look foreign?"


It's really ironic.

Cheng He admired these people's imagination and ability to stir up muddy water.

After such a fuss, it is really unclear whether the matter is true or not.

PS is a magical knowledge. Ugly can become beautiful, blemish can be turned into fair and flawless, big face can be turned into slapped face, single eyelid can be turned into double eyelid, 180 catties can be turned into 90 catties ...

As for modifying a color, that's not a big deal!
Various transparent filters and color channels are manipulated, and the fur color can be modified to the tip, which looks natural and real.

And those who deliberately use PS to not distract their minds can have a funny effect if they do it casually, and it is easier to be widely spread.

These simple PS colored giant pandas were instantly made into emoticons, which are widely used.

Therefore, the Internet is in chaos now, and people who were excited because they discovered the brown giant panda yesterday have now turned into ridicule by the whole people.

Those words that Jiang Yutong posted first have been pulled out a long time ago, and I don't know what kind of ridicule they are.

False is true when true is false.

Before the Internet, people did not have the opportunity to see so many things, and felt that everything in the world was beautiful.

With the Internet, it is supposed to be more convenient for people's lives, but now, people's eyes are confused by piles of fake news, fake pictures, and fake events.

Cheng He smiled lightly and shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, he also took a video yesterday.

The video can't be said to be fake, can it?
Cheng He returned home with a hoe on his shoulders, and sent the video on his phone to Jiang Yutong.

While waiting for the upload, he thought about it carefully.

He gave her a suggestion: don't explain it yet, let the matter continue to brew, and then take it out when it reaches a peak, which can achieve better results.

It’s like two people fighting, first scolding for a while, whatever you want, anyway, scolding doesn’t hurt; but after scolding for a long time, the anger value will accumulate to the maximum, then there will be a reason to fight back strongly.

Then take advantage of the opportunity to strike again with a heavy punch, it will be more powerful, and the person who was hit will have a deeper memory.

Well, the analogy is not appropriate, anyway, that's what it means, let this matter continue to brew.

Jiang Yutong laughed out loud with a "poof".

After watching that video, the pressure in her heart was swept away, and hearing Cheng He's nondescript metaphor made her feel lighter.

She really didn't underestimate him before.

No, I still underestimated him.She never expected that he would be such a powerful person.

If he had sent the video to himself yesterday, he would have uploaded it to the Internet as soon as possible, and the following things might not happen.

That kind of result, like yesterday at most, caused some people to pay attention to the brown giant panda, and then they would pay attention to Xiaolianshan.

But now, because of the influence of "colorful giant pandas", people who didn't pay attention to giant pandas at first have also used colorful panda emoticons and used them in various chatting occasions, so more people know "colorful giant pandas" "event.

So, things seem to be bigger too!

Just as Cheng He said, let this incident brew first, and she will make a powerful blow when the attention of the matter reaches its peak.

When the time comes, she will let the people behind the incident lose their wife and lose their troops.

Now, she has almost guessed who is behind it.

Social University is really a good school. In just one year, she has already seen all kinds of people and all kinds of things that have no lower limit.

Sometimes, some people survive, really rely on their face.Because of the whole body, only the thickest skin can do anything.

Jiang Yutong did not tell her team about the video, and she still led the team to try their best to "quell" the attacks on the Internet.

The less they know, the stronger the counterattack, the stronger the opponent's shot.

At that time, her counterattack will become more powerful.

She has only graduated for a year, and she has almost mastered these tricks.She didn't have any psychological pressure to deal with those people.

Maybe she was born to do big business.

Through this incident, my father will see her ability.

She took the time to watch the video of the brown giant panda again, feeling a little emotional in her heart.


Cheng He was bored, and flipped through those webpages, feeling that some people are really boring.

Gradually, he also felt that in less than a day, the topic of "brown giant pandas are fake" has become known to almost the whole people. Is there no one behind it?

It takes a lot of money to operate to such an extent, right?

Idle people, who has the spare money to do this?Make such a joke just to get a few "colorful giant panda" emoticons?
If there is no interest relationship, Cheng He would not believe it anyway.

It is said that if celebrities want to spend money to buy a headline, they have to spend a lot of money.The current navy is not cheap either.

Jiang Yutong used pictures of brown giant pandas to publicize the natural environment of Xiaolian Mountain, which he knew.She was bidding for the Xiaolianshan project.

She had created such a big momentum before, so naturally she spent a lot of money.

But if you want to suppress her so that you can't fight back, you will have to spend double the money to do so.

So it is obvious that the one who puts so much effort to counter her must be someone who is on the opposite side of her.

It's no wonder that Jiang Yutong's project started from last year to this year, because there are always people doing things!
Sure enough, when it comes to municipal projects, even a place like Xiaolian Mountain may be fought for.If you're not a big capitalist, and you don't have a strong background, you can't afford it at all.

Cheng He felt sorry for her for a while, but was powerless to do anything else.

It's always her own business.

Whatever he could do, he did.The picture was also sent, and the video was also given, which should help her get through this test.

For the rest, she can only rely on herself.

Looking at the time, the kindergarten is about to leave school, let's pick up my daughter first.

 Thanks for the reward support of [Space Calls Me Alien], thanks for the monthly ticket support of [Space Calls Me Alien], [XSBN Arong], and thanks for the recommendation tickets of friends!

  By the way, did you go to the football game?

(End of this chapter)

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