Chapter 244
Jiang Qian opened the art learning center in Taohua Village. He not only hopes that his apprentices can learn his woodcarving art, but also hopes that they can combine the bamboo weaving art of Taohua Village to develop categories.

This can be said to be a new art category, a category with great vitality, and he is very confident.

I hope his apprentices can carry forward the new category.

Here, his young apprentices can open up their creativity at will, no matter what kind of product they design, they can display it.

Cheng He made a suggestion to Jiang Qian, when there are more excellent products, why not focus on shooting an advertising album?
The advertising brochure can be uploaded to the online store as a new product sample. After seeing it, if the customer likes it, they can directly shoot it online.

For foreign customers, he can also send these picture albums to customers to read first.

You can place an order if you like it.

If anyone can design an explosive model with a huge increase in sales, it will really gain both fame and fortune - not only can they directly obtain the benefits of product profits, but they can also become famous in this industry.

For young apprentices, this is really the best thing.

Although it is a bit vulgar to study art and talk about money, how many people in the world are not vulgar?
Jiang Qian hardly participated in these commercial designs before.Although Cheng He's suggestion was a bit awkward, he did not refuse it.

He originally wanted to conduct a more in-depth study of the cross-border artistic combination of wood carving and bamboo weaving to reach its peak.

In his plan, there is no business link.

However, he also knows that business economy can sometimes really promote an industry.

Many practical examples have proved this point.

He doesn't like this, he doesn't like art being too much involved in commerce, he thinks that excessive commerce may cut off the artist's spirituality.

But he's not entirely repelled either.

Artists also have to eat.Live first, and then talk about the spirituality of art.

Try it.

It's not all bad either.

Jiang Qian agreed to Cheng He's suggestion and informed his apprentices.

During the study—no, even in the future, everyone can actively create, and if you have excellent works, you can try to use them to make albums and receive orders.

If you receive an order, you will get a commission.

After the news was announced, Jiang Qian could clearly feel the enthusiasm of the apprentices for learning.

When the apprentices heard that they could shoot albums and take orders, they all felt very good.

Originally, learning these things means holding a carving knife every day, practicing knife skills and learning carving shapes.

Now, when you practice, if you have any inspiration, you can directly complete the finished product.If the product is very good, it is possible to make a lot of money.

Art really needs these real things to stimulate.

Cheng He also told Yu Fei about this plan, and told her that a design department might be added to the bamboo weaving industry in Taohua Village.

With the Taohuacun bamboo weaving in the design department, it is quite commercially competitive.

The design department is equivalent to the development department. A product with self-development ability is not limited to the original handicraft art.

Yu Fei happily accepted this task and learned to arrange some specific affairs.

She thought it was amazing. Ever since she decided to come to Peach Blossom Village to work last year, she felt uneasy, not knowing how she would go back during the Chinese New Year.

It turned out that she not only successfully completed the domestic sales task, but also received a large foreign order.

She gained the trust of her boss and her own professional achievements.

In addition to being able to get a sales commission, she is still managing many things now.

These are impossible to get when selling cars before.

Now, she will also learn to get in touch with more things and learn to expand inter-departmental management.The boss didn't care about her working hours and years, all these were left to her to try.

What reason does she have for not doing well?

She also hopes that there will be a photo album for new products soon, so that she can contact those customers again.

Whether it's for her to get a commission or for the development of the company, of course, the more orders the better, she is not afraid of hard work for this.


After the payment for the first batch of orders arrives, half of it will be used to repay Cheng He, and the other half will be distributed to the whole village.

After a busy calculation by the finance staff, they finally calculated the details of the amount.

More than 80 companies participated in this batch of foreign orders, with 150 million points, each nearly 2 yuan.

Regarding whether to find gold or send it directly to the card, most of the villagers chose the former.

Probably because bank cards are not so popular in the village—most households still use passbooks.

In addition, some people even have bank cards, but bind their mobile phones and receive text messages, which are difficult operations for them.

They think it is better to find gold, and they really got the money, so they are at ease.

They want to be down-to-earth, but the finance department is a lot of work.

Not to mention that, just transporting a huge sum of 150 million to the village is a big deal.

Cheng He first made an appointment with the bank in the town, and made it clear that he wanted to pay the villagers wages.

When the bank staff in the town received the call, it was as if they had heard a bible—is the salary in the village going to be so arrogant?

A deposit of 150 million is not unusual in the town, but when it comes to paying wages to the village, it is unimaginable.

Each family sends nearly 2 yuan, but cash is still required, tsk tsk tsk!

This town is a small town, and there are no large-scale private enterprises. It is common for salaries to reach a thousand yuan. I have never heard of a salary of nearly [-] yuan in the village like this.

After hearing Cheng He say that it was Taohua Village, they also thought of some rumors from last year. They also heard that the bamboo weaving business in Taohua Village is gradually improving.

But I never imagined that the villagers could make such money.

In the past, I heard that the wages of migrant workers were in arrears, but now they are not yearly and not frugal, but such a large amount of wages can be paid. This is really positive news.

After making an appointment for Cheng He, the bank staff saw that he was the only one coming, and specially arranged an escort vehicle for him.

Safety first!
The 150 million is the hard-earned money of the villagers, and they should serve this point well.

Ordinary people may imagine the escort vehicle as mysterious, but in fact there is nothing mysterious about it.Generally, for such a short distance, the amount reaches 20 yuan, and it only costs 300 yuan.

If it is 150 million, it should be slightly more.

This cost is borne by the bank, and long-term customers have discounts.They also hope that the villagers can get their wages safely.

It's just small money, and the bank doesn't care.

Of course, after this matter is done, it will definitely be necessary to write another report to show the merits of the branch, showing that the sub-branch has made great contributions to the villages under its jurisdiction, and so on.

This is also the theme of the bank's propaganda.

When the date came, Cheng He went to the bank to complete the procedures for withdrawing money, and drove to Taohua Village with an escort vehicle.

Along the way, it is too eye-catching.

People usually only see escort vehicles driving on the road, or driving towards the bank, but have never seen one driving to the village.

It's really insightful.

The escort vehicle followed to Taohua Village, where the cash was deposited at Taohua Village Primary School.

The accountants have prepared the account books, which name will send the amount, and so on.Therefore, the people in the escort vehicle did not leave immediately, but stood aside with their guns raised, waiting patiently.

The money for less than 100 people is sent quickly, and it’s okay to wait a while.

The villagers have been notified a long time ago, and they are all waiting here early in the morning to pay wages today.

They were shocked when they saw an escort vehicle follow them back.

Taohua Village has never driven a car like this before!
The banknote detector of the financial staff over there was beeping, and the cashiers also assisted. After checking the amount repeatedly, they shouted loudly: "Cheng Minkun, 930 yuan and [-] cents. Come on, make it clear. Sign here."

The amount has been checked with the villagers a long time ago, and now only some money is needed.

The 60-year-old Uncle Cheng didn't expect that he was the first in line. He grinned with his toothless mouth and walked forward.

Afraid that he would not be able to count, his son also stepped forward to count the money for him.

Naturally, there will be no problems, and they are all counted out by the money detector.But just to be on the safe side, they ordered it again, and happily signed to get the money.

Two thick stacks.

Hold it in your hand and be steady.

After the first one was paid out, the financial staff shouted again: "Cheng Maoshun, 83 yuan. Come and count it, and sign here when you have made it clear."

Cheng Maoshun happily received his money.

In a big city, this may not be a lot of money, but for them, it is a huge sum of money.

Well, I have to store it in the bank in a while, while the people in the bank are not off work.

I'm afraid it's not safe to put so much money at home.

From the busy years ago to the present, everyone has a happy smile on their faces after harvesting such a sum of money.

Foreign orders are different from domestic orders. Domestic orders are all online transactions. As long as the customer has no complaints, he can get the money after confirming the receipt, and the checkout is faster.

But also relatively fragmented.Sometimes when I need money urgently, I will fill in the gaps and spend it after receiving a sum. It seems that I have never saved together like this.

The one-time checkout of the foreign order is like a pig raised at home. On the day it is sold, you can receive a large sum of money.

Money is not earned too much, but it is still very gratifying to accumulate it together.

Peach Blossom Village has been poor for many years, and has never received such a considerable amount of cash at one time as it is now.

This is still the first foreign order payment.

(End of this chapter)

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