Dad's Pastoral Life

Chapter 232 Alcohol's Motivation

Chapter 232 Alcohol's Motivation

Cheng He really didn't expect that Tang Wei, who usually looks easy to chat in the group, would be so infatuated.

She never mentioned it.

What is the current love like? He feels that no one has more say than him.

Tang Wei really refreshed his understanding of women.

When the auspicious time comes, the wedding officially begins.The master of ceremonies skillfully introduced the couple and their parents, and then the witnesses spoke, a series of procedures.

The scene was quite lively.

The main table began, and the drinks and drinks on all the tables were served, and the atmosphere reached the highest point.

Under the impetus of alcohol, the bragging voices at each table began to be unscrupulous.

In addition to everyone standing up and toasting together, almost all the students at the two tables toasted Cheng He.

After these people became more excited, they spoke louder.

"Heizi, come on, we brothers drank this drink. To be honest, I haven't heard from you in the past few years. I didn't expect that we could sit and drink together again. I will do it first, you can do whatever you want."

"Cheng He, I haven't seen you in so many years, let's do one."

"Cheng He, you are retiring to the countryside now, which is the life we ​​envy! Come, let's have a drink."

"Cheng He, let's have a drink too."

After all, it was stewed in one mouthful.

Cheng He did it himself.

Alcohol can't hurt him now.

He also gave way symbolically.But he found that after these people got drunk, they couldn't listen to what they were pushing or not.

Forget it, just drink it.

After one round, he drank more than a dozen cups - naturally nothing happened.

On the table of classmates, men drink white, small cups; women drink beer, ordinary cups.

At this time, Zhang Hui, the groom official, came over holding the bride's hand, holding a wine bottle in his hand, each with a cup, and walked to the table with a smile.

Zhang Hui was very happy to see that the atmosphere on the table was good. He took the wine bottle and refilled all the empty glasses on the table, then poured his own, and said, "Brothers, I didn't greet you well today. , take care of yourself, you must eat and drink well."

There are a lot of tables today, relatives of both parties, the woman also has girlfriend tables, etc. Anyway, he came over to pay respects at the table, and it is now.

All the way here, his face is now red like pig blood, the neck inside the shirt collar is red, I don't know how much he drank.

The classmates also sat up and said: "You are a small Dengke today, come, I wish you husband and wife grow old together, let's drink one."

Zhang Hui picked up the wine, said thank you, and persuaded the table to drink again.

The bride next to her immediately whispered: "Why don't you drink half a glass? You can see how much you drink today. You can't drink any more. Drink less, and your classmates will forgive you."

Zhang Hui was so drunk that his eyes narrowed, he patted the little hand on his arm lightly, and said, "It doesn't matter."

"It's okay, look at your face, you won't be able to walk in a while..."

The table immediately booed: "Oh, the bride has protected her family so quickly!"

"Yeah, yeah, we're here to drink wedding wine, and we also have to eat dog food. Are you too happy?"

"This is our brother. He slept in the same dormitory for three years, so why should he drink a full cup?"

There was also a female classmate on the table, who also stood up and said, "Come on, the bride also drinks, let's have a drink. Come on..."

"Yes, they drink with men, we women drink with women, let's have a drink."

"Well, have a drink, have a drink!"

The atmosphere is high.

Zhang Hui squinted his drunken eyes and smiled, and said to the girl who persuaded his wife to drink: "Oh, she can't drink, she can't drink. Or, I'll drink for her..."

Of course the female students quit, and said one by one: "How can I do it for you? The few of us just want to have a drink with the bride. You can do it for one drink. We don't want to drink ten or eight glasses with her."

"Yes, yes, all of you, the male protects the female, and the female protects the male, don't you want to be so sweet!"

"No, no, no, we want to have a good relationship with the bride, and we will get close and walk around a lot in the future. You won't let me drink, so how can I do it?"

"Oh, I know you are the groom's official today, and you are considerate of the bride, so we only have one drink with her, isn't that enough?"

Zhang Hui said with a smile: "She... that's not in good health, I... I'll drink it for her. You should treat it as her drink, and walk around as close as possible from now on."

Then without saying anything, he drank what was in his glass.

The bride frowned slightly, and whispered, "Didn't I tell you to drink less? You're still in such a hurry."

The female students here reacted relatively quickly, discussing in a low voice: "You are not healthy? Don't you think you are pregnant?"

"It's a bit like it, a bit like it. I don't think she has had a drink today."

"No wonder. Zhang Hui is quite fast! He just got married and is about to become a father. Alas, there are only a few of us left. It seems that we have to work hard!"

Since he guessed this, he didn't continue to entangle with the bride.

After Zhang Hui drank a glass of wine, he hiccupped. The male students hurriedly found a pair of chopsticks and handed them to him, saying, "Don't drink in such a hurry, come here, order some food, and press it down."

"That's right, you can't just drink, eat a la carte and press it down, drink in a hurry."

"There are too many tables today, and there are several drinks at each table. If someone pays respect to him, I don't know how much to drink."

Some people also said: "You are talking, drinking is drinking! If you don't drink today, when will you drink? Come, old classmate, let's have a drink."

"Yes, eat some food and have another drink."

This is booing.

However, only a small number of people continued to persuade, and most of them just made a fuss and didn't really serve the glass.

After all, before serving the cup, you should also look at your own amount.Don't knock others down, and get down first.

After eating two mouthfuls of meat, Zhang Hui felt a little more comfortable in his stomach. He refilled his glass and said to his classmates: "Old classmate, let's get together today. It's not easy. The one who talked about the dinner last time, I didn’t get together, but today I’ve given me face, I’m very grateful. We haven’t seen each other for several years, it’s not easy.”

I don't know if it's because of the alcohol, but I said this very affectionately.

This affectionate feeling aroused the emotions of everyone at the table.

Yes, I haven't seen you for many years. In the past, everyone was a young man with a transparent mind, and he could say anything; but after so many years, once he entered the society, everything was different.

I really miss that time!

When a person enters the society, he has to be catered to. He cannot say what he wants to say, and he cannot do what he wants to do. He works like a robot every day, and his colleagues fight each other. Everyone uses their own means to get ahead.

What about going home?A lot of messy things.

Those who are not married are urged to marry by their parents, seven aunts and eight aunts, worrying about houses and cars; those who are married are forced to have children; Milk powder money; if the family relationship is not harmonious, quarrel from time to time...

This kind of life is suffocating.

Maybe it was really because of the effect of alcohol that all these messy emotions came up.

Originally, the atmosphere at the table was quite high, and everyone covered up their hearts with jokes, but now when the emotions came up, they were all somewhat sad.

I really miss the simple life before.

Some sensual female students, with sore eyes at this time, said, "Come on, let's have a toast for our youthful days when we fed dogs."

The rest immediately echoed: "Let's have a drink."

"A toast."

"Come on, a toast."

Cheng He also drank the wine.

In his heart, naturally, thousands of thoughts rushed to his heart.

Everyone's life has his story.Maybe you can't say it to outsiders, but your own feelings are real.

Zhang Hui went to the next table to toast again. This table was already drunk, and several of them fell down, crying and laughing together.

Some people began to complain about their jobs, some people began to look forward to tomorrow, some people were depressed, just drinking there, wondering what they were thinking.

Maybe when they are drunk, what they are facing is their true heart.

(End of this chapter)

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