go back to the past to be a singer

Chapter 195 Another Deputy Director

Chapter 195 Another Deputy Director

As soon as the deputy director Zhu Yi's words came out, everyone was stunned. The people on the director's side frowned, wondering whether the deputy director Zhu Yi had gone crazy and said such words directly.

Seeing the appearance of the crowd, Zhu Yi raised his eyebrows proudly, thinking that their expressions were obviously guilty, because they knew that "Run, Brother" hit the street, and the director was about to die.

"That's right, I didn't say it, Director, why are you still asking Chen Ze to attend our meeting? This is a high-level meeting, can a 20-year-old kid attend?"

"Director, it's better to listen to Deputy Zhu and drive Chen Ze out first."

"Deputy Director Zhu is right, if things are done like this, Chen Ze still has the right to stay in our meeting."

Zhu Yi's deputy director's subordinates, the gang of buddies spoke one after another, waving the flag for Zhu Yi.

Hearing so many people's words, the rest of the people felt that their spirits were crazy. Chen Ze's program had just set a record of [-] for the premiere, and he was biting him like crazy right now. This must be something wrong with his head.

Some neutral high-level officials were a little bit biased towards Zhu Yi, after all, Zhu Yi has gained a lot of prestige over the years.But now, these people have drawn a clear line with Zhu Yi.

Originally, they thought Zhu Yi was a scheming old fox who planned before acting.Why did he become so stupid today? Even if he wanted to attack Chen Ze in a hurry, and then hit the director, it wasn't today.

Now that Chen Ze's show has just achieved such ratings, it's obviously time to praise him.But Zhu Yi actually spoke directly like this. Isn't this playing suicide?
Zhu Yi, you want to die, but we don't want to die with you!
"Old Zhu, why did you say such a thing!" At this time, the director said.

"Where do you mean that?" Zhu Yi sneered, he only admired the head of the station who had been pressing on his head now, and he was still so calm at this time. Could it be that he has been in China Blue Satellite TV for so many years? The director of the station really has two brushes, at least this mentality can't be compared.

But no matter how good your mentality is, you and Chen Ze are absolutely finished today.

"The program that Chen Ze created, "Run, Brother" premiered on our channel the day before yesterday, and the ratings have already been released. I think everyone should know about it. As far as the ratings are concerned, everyone thinks that this guy Chen Ze has Are you qualified to sit here?" Zhu Yi said.

"That's right, with that little ratings, it was still broadcast during our prime time, which completely embarrassed our station."

"Chen Ze is not qualified to sit here. It is polite to him to drive him out, which has caused such a big loss to our station."

"No qualifications, Chen Ze is completely unqualified."

Zhu Yi's subordinates shouted one by one.

Originally, in their plan, they should incite many people to stand on their side at this time, and then besiege Chen Ze and the director together, so that the director can't step down and resign.

That's why so many of them have been loudly echoing Zhu Yi, hoping to stimulate the atmosphere in the conference room, and then mobilize most of the neutral senior management.

But it was beyond their expectation, after they blah blah blah for a long time, none of the higher-ups responded to them, instead they all looked at themselves as if they were insane.

"Cough!" Finally, a senior executive stood up, "I think Chen Ze is very qualified."

Hearing his words, everyone from Zhu Yi to his subordinates were all stunned.They wanted to say something, but were interrupted by these neutral higher-ups.

"I also think he is very qualified. Chen Ze's ratings are so good. If he is not qualified, we are even less qualified."

"That's right, I don't know why he is said to be unqualified. I simply think Chen Ze is too qualified."

"The ratings are not satisfactory? I just don't know what I'm talking about."

The neutral executives said one after another that they didn't know what Zhu Yi was talking about from the first sentence Zhu Yi came in just now.Chen Ze's "Run, Brother" premiered with a rating of [-]. If this rating is not qualified to sit in the conference room, then basically no one in the audience is qualified.

Hearing these people's words, Zhu Yi instinctively felt something was wrong.Chen Zeming's ratings are only [-]. How come everyone seems to be satisfied with this ratings, and even adores Chen Ze?

This, this, what happened.

Zhu Yi's subordinates also began to feel that there was something wrong with the matter, and began to dare not speak.

"Old Zhu, I said, did you make a mistake?" The director coughed and asked.

"Chen Ze's "Running Brother" premiere ratings, isn't it only [-]?" Zhu Yi asked.

"Deputy Director, that was a mistake made by the statistics company, and it was corrected later, it is [-]."

"That's right, [-] is wrong. How could it be possible for Chen Ze's program to only have this rating? With his popularity, it's impossible to know with his ass."

"It turned out that the deputy director was talking about this. It's no wonder, but even if my head is full of mud, I know that [-] is impossible. How can there be a new program, and there are two super popular stars joining in?" Yes, but it's only [-]."

The people on the director's side all laughed and said that they finally understood the reason for what Zhu Yi said before. It turned out that they had been trying to force the palace with wrong data for a long time!
They laughed and satirized one after another, thinking that the people on Zhu Yi's side were so stupid, they came up to force the palace with a data of [-] without even checking it.

Hearing these people's words, Zhu Yi and everyone on his side suddenly turned cold, and couldn't believe their ears.

"[-], how could it be [-]? This, this, how is this possible!" Zhu Yi muttered to himself, the figure of [-] was given to him by the director of Mango Channel, so he never doubted it .

But now this data is actually wrong. Could it be that even the director of Mango Channel is cheating himself?

Could it be that they are the directors standing together after all, and I, the deputy director, can only be tricked by them?
Zhu Yi thought a lot, and felt that the director of Mango Channel must have deliberately tricked himself this time. He must have reached an agreement with the director of Huaxialan in private, and then abandoned himself and dug such a hole for himself. .

Thinking of this possibility, he felt ashamed, and then looked at the other people in the conference room, who had ridicule and contempt in their faces and eyes.Even his own hard-core subordinates looked at him with disappointment.

Zhu Yi knew that after such a big oolong, no one would trust and subdue him again.From this moment on, he was alone in the stage, and it was impossible for him to compete for the position of the head of the stage.

"Impossible." Zhu Yi yelled and fainted in the meeting room.

"Quick, call the doctor quickly."

Seeing Zhu Yi fainted, the director spoke.But in his eyes, this character is no longer there!

Zhu Yi, the deputy director, fainted in the conference room, suffered a stroke, and became paralyzed. In the end, he had to retire early due to illness.The person who was once infinitely close to the director position of Huaxia Blue TV just disappeared in Huaxia Blue Satellite TV.

When the news of Zhu Yi's fainting reached the ears of netizens outside, the netizens were exclaiming at the [-] ratings for the premiere of "Run, Brother".

The premiere at [-] has proved that this show has the potential to become a phenomenal entertainment show.And if the audience rating breaks four, then there will be even more excitement to watch, and all netizens are very excited at the moment.

And when this news spread to the outside world, netizens were shocked by the ratings of the premiere of Chen Ze's "Run, Brother".

It premiered at [-]:[-], which is a harbinger of a phenomenal program.And if it breaks four, there will be a big excitement to watch, so now, all netizens are very excited.

And when the news came out, everyone was even more surprised.

"Here, another deputy director?"

"This deputy director is too funny, making such a big oolong."

"Chen Ze is really the deputy director's killer. He is another deputy director. He is already the third one. At first I thought his nickname was just a joke."

"It was just a joke. Who knew that another deputy director was actually killed. He, Chen Ze, is really the killer of the deputy director!"

(End of this chapter)

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