Ghost and shadow bow of online games

Chapter 11 The Archer is Terribly Dead

Chapter 11 The Archer is Terribly Dead


At the same time, the little bell was attacked, screaming and ran towards Xiong Xiaochuan.

Those attacks landed on Little Bell's body, causing a series of injuries. Obviously, Little Bell's defense power is not high, and his blood value is only a little over 5.

After being attacked by those players, his blood directly dropped by one-third, and Xiong Xiaochuan was so scared that he quickly pulled the little bell behind him.

"Hold tight!"

Xiong Xiaochuan said to the little bell hanging on his back, and then dodged several positions to the side in an instant, avoiding more than a dozen arrows and magic balls.

The normal attacks in the game are not 100% hit. If the monster's dodge speed is fast enough, there is a great chance to avoid the player's normal attacks, whether it is a mage or any other profession!
That is to say, this game does not have 100% hit directional skills, including normal attacks!
And the only players who can dodge to the extreme are those who have turned on the free mode!Players in the traditional mode will only dodge according to the established actions of the program!
Just wanting to open the free mode is not that simple. If Xiong Xiaochuan hadn't been perfect in the test, the system would not have asked Xiong Xiaochuan whether to open the free mode at all!
Because free mode is a mode that can maximize their abilities for experts, but for ordinary people, you can't draw a bow, and you don't know how to hold a sword. Turning on free mode may even use ordinary attacks Can't come out!
But the existence of this free mode is obviously not clear to most players, they only saw that Xiong Xiaochuan dodged their normal attacks with a few dodges!
Of course, they don't have time to be shocked now, because the boss is obviously trying to run away being carried by that player!Although it is strange for a player to carry a BOSS on his back, but whether he is strange or not, can he not grab the BOSS or something?

"Sister Weiwei, should we do it?"

The priestess asked.

"Don't do it yet."

Shinhwa Weiwei frowned and said, she is a rational woman, when she saw Xiong Xiaochuan carrying that ridiculously beautiful girl on her back, she knew that the other party might be doing a mission, and that girl was not a BOSS at all.

And for Xiong Xiaochuan, she wanted to recruit. Now is the time when the opponent is in trouble, and being chased by so many players, he believes that no matter how good the opponent's operation is, it is impossible to win with a top [-] in the early stage. !

So she didn't make a move first, and wanted to wait until the other party was really desperate before revealing the name of the Mythological Guild and saving the other party!

This can not only show the name of the Shenhua Guild, but also make the other party feel grateful to themselves. You must know that if you lose the level in the early stage, you will not be able to keep up with the leveling pace of the large army!

"Don't fight! Don't fight! She is not a BOSS! She is my task character!"

Xiong Xiaochuan explained loudly while avoiding the attacks of those fanatical players.

"Don't listen to him! He definitely wants to take over two bosses by himself!"

It's just that Xiong Xiaochuan's explanation can't win the trust of other players at all, so what if he believes it?Some players like to destroy themselves. For example, what will happen if they kill the other party's task characters?

Even if the other party is doing a task, this task is also very noble at first glance. It is also an extremely interesting thing to destroy others to complete a noble task!
These are called not looking good at others!
Is Xiong Xiaochuan a person who only takes beatings but doesn't fight back?how is this possible!Seeing that the other party didn't listen to his explanation at all, and the attacks fell towards him again and again, and some smart players had spontaneously surrounded him to the other side, trying to narrow down the place where Xiong Xiaochuan flickered. !If it weren't for the fact that there was another monster with high damage and high defense, the Strange Demon Soldier chasing Xiong Xiaochuan, they would have already surrounded Xiong Xiaochuan!

Uncles and aunts can't stand it anymore!
Xiong Xiaochuan raised his hand and shot an arrow!Hit the untransferred assassin who rushed ahead the fastest!After a beautiful crit damage, the assassin lay on the ground.

With Xiong Xiaochuan's current attack power, this little crispy skin is really the rhythm of a child with one arrow!Only those professions that only increase their strength can withstand Xiong Xiaochuan's few arrows!

And how fast is Xiong Xiaochuan's rate of fire?At least three arrows can be shot in two seconds!In other words, three crispy skins fall every two seconds!

That beautiful and shocking golden crit damage almost blinded everyone's eyes!
And from just now until now, no player's attack has hit the opponent!Even if an untransferred assassin with extremely fast speed and advanced skills approached, he would not be able to slash the opponent.

Xiong Xiaochuan can dodge the opponent's attack with a twist of the bear's waist, and turn around with a knee strike to push the opponent away and kill him instantly with an arrow!
As for those slow mages who can't escape, they basically fall down with one arrow, and those warriors and warriors with thick blood and high defense, although they can eat Xiong Xiaochuan with one or two arrows, but Xiong Xiaochuan is fast enough. He couldn't run many meters and couldn't get close, so he was shot by Xiong Xiaochuan!

The battle started very hastily, and it ended just as quickly. Xiong Xiaochuan jumped up and down when he was chased at first, but when he fought back, it was like a different person in an instant. His sharp eyes seemed to be able to shoot golden light. None of the players who participated in the attack on him were still standing, and all of them left experience and went back to Novice Village!

"Sister Weiwei! If you knock me, I think I'm hallucinating."

The pastor's sister tugged at the corner of Shen Shen Weiwei's clothes in a dumbfounded way.

"I think I'm hallucinating, too."

Another soldier also swallowed his saliva, what did he see?An archer picks a group of players!
"The profession of archer is awesome! Fortunately, I am also an archer!"

The other archer hugged the bow in his hand with some joy, and said happily.

"The archer profession is too OP! It must be weakened! Otherwise, what are the other professions doing!"

Another player said the same.

"Be sure to pull him into the myth!"

Only Shinhwa Weiwei burst into hot light after being stunned for a while, and the others only saw the archer's OP, but it is absolutely impossible for any random archer to be so awesome!

They only saw the result and didn't pay attention to the process. It makes sense for Xiong Xiaochuan to be awesome!First of all, his equipment is at least bronze!Then there is the opponent's technology!
She had noticed that every arrow shot by the opponent hit the target's forehead!That is, headshot with one arrow!This terrifying accuracy shocked Myth Weiwei. Is he a shooter in reality?
(End of this chapter)

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