start an archangel

Chapter 963 Siege Gale

Chapter 963 Siege Gale
Gale, who tore his face, no longer pretended, and he let out all his momentum.Blood-red flames rise from the four hooves, and the flames burn from bottom to top, forming a layer of fiery red armor where they pass.In the flames, the unicorn becomes longer and bends to form a forward machete.

The mane and tail hair turned into real flames, and its body size also became larger, only reaching two meters in height at the shoulders.

Gale, who had completed the battle form transformation, suddenly accelerated, and his body turned into a red light and rushed towards Juliet.

But Juliet kept smiling all the time, facing the impact of the gust of wind, she didn't have the idea of ​​dodging.

"This is your own death..."

The wind hit Juliet, but the scene he imagined knocking Juliet away didn't happen.A black figure flashed out from the side, and opened a portal in front of him when Gale was no longer able to stop the momentum.

The rushing wind slammed into the portal, and then disappeared in front of Juliet...

Da Liang wants to solve the problem of Hai Feng, and will use force if necessary, but the battle cannot be fought inside the prison, so he made a plan to lure Hai Feng.

Juliet was responsible for this bait. She wanted to attract Gale to attack her, and then lurked in the night in the prison in an invisible state, and took the opportunity to open the portal to send Gale out of the territory.

Now it seems that the plan has been very successful!
Da Liang stood outside the prison, and said to Ye Shi and Juliet: "The strength of Gale is stronger than we estimated, Julian may not be able to control Gale alone, let's hurry up to support."

Ye Guang flew out of the prison, and then opened a portal for Da Liang with a swipe of the long sword in the air. Da Liang transformed into a state of Lie Yan and rushed into the portal.

Then there is Juliet, and Night.

After the blast crashed into the portal, it appeared in the sky outside the Black Fire Territory.

Hundreds of meters above the sky, below is the turbulent sea.

From this position, you can overlook the entire Black Fire Collar, a city half submerged in the sea, and sailboats can pass by the exposed roofs of the buildings.

Strange scenery.

This was the first time Haifeng had seen the whole picture of the Black Flame Leader, but he didn't have the heart to look at it. He was falling, and from a higher sky, an angel had already launched a holy strike on him.

It's Julian!

Juliet has become the full body of Hells Angels, how can she still exist?
But now is not the time to think about these things. Haifeng can feel the power that Julian has at this time, and he dare not resist this holy blow.

The flames rose from the horse's hooves, the wind stopped the fall, and then galloped in the air with all four hooves, dexterously dodging Julian's attack, then turned around and chased after Julian who flew past.

The speed of Gale's running in the air caught up with Julian, and hit Julian's back.

And Julian turned around and summoned a light shield, flew upside down to withstand the impact of the blast, and then turned sideways to let the blast pass by.

Below is the sea surface. Gale stepped on the sea water while running to complete the turn and rushed up to Julian. As he ran, his speed became faster and faster.The flames on the tail expand and split, so that even if the enemies in front can escape his frontal collision, they will still be attacked by the hell flames of the tail.

Julian set up his light shield and prepared to resist the impact of the gust of wind. Behind her... the state of Lie Yan's command was bright, and Juliet and Ye Shi rushed out from the portal opened behind her respectively.

Julian said without looking back: "The straight-line speed of Gale is very fast, faster than Juliet, but after he charged up, he fell flexibly. I resisted his impact head-on and limited his speed. You attack from the side.

here he comes...

Holy Shield! "

Julian put his hands against the light shield after he finished speaking, and a layer of golden light film was attached to the surface of the light shield.

The gust of wind hit Julian's light shield with a deafening sound, and rushed upward against Julian, while the flames on his tail also wrapped towards Julian.

And Julian stretched her wings as hard as she could, and the holy light sprayed backwards. She held the shield tightly, and although she was pushed back by the blast, the speed of the blast quickly dropped.

Da Liang took out the Angel Alliance, the artifact gave him the ability to cast angel skills, and a light shield appeared on his right arm.


Night understands Da Liang's intentions, she opens a portal for him, and Da Liang passes through the portal to a higher sky, and then he releases the Holy Strike and dives down against the blast.

Ye Guang, who opened the portal for Da Liang, has already rushed forward. Her four swords are drawn together, and her body rotates at high speed to gain momentum for "Shadow Dragon Assault".

Juliet had already rushed to Gale's side, and the black and white swords pierced Gale's back.

Haifeng finally knew what lineup he was facing. This time he was not going to face Juliet, a level 15 hero, but... four.

Facing Juliet's attack, Haifeng didn't dare to let her slash on him. He wanted to avoid it, but Julian's strength came back, and the light shield pressed against his horn, preventing him from turning around.

The pain made Gale let out a whine...

Juliet swooped past Gale, and Night's attack followed.

"Time Backflow" pulled Gale's body that had just moved back to the position where Ye Guang was aiming at, "Shadow Dragon Raid"!
Gale's body, which was suppressed by Juliet, was knocked away by Ye Guang's blow, and the high-speed combo of four swords made Gale roll over.But this was not the end, before Gale had recovered from the attack, Da Liang's holy blow had arrived.

There was another explosion.

Da Liang's holy blow was completely absorbed by Gale, and he fell into dizziness after suffering a large amount of damage, and his body fell uncontrollably.

At this time, Juliet rushed diagonally to catch up with the falling Gale.

Holy blow!

The horizontal movement that was hit by the falling blast.

Juliet rushed up from bottom to top, raided again and flew upwards with a blast. At this time, Ye Guang opened the portal and sent the blast to the sky, just in the path of Da Liang's holy strike.

The Holy Strike has a stun effect, and under the control of Da Liang and Julian's continuous attacks, the blast has no ability to counterattack.Juliet is responsible for the middle relay to change the direction of the blast.

Ye Shi is responsible for pulling the blast to high altitude over and over again, causing Daliang and Juliet to collide with each other in turn.

Gale was beaten into a circle in the air, and the only ending to face it seemed to be death.

But when Gale was already on the verge of death, Da Liang didn't use the Holy Strike anymore, but released the Longwei impact on Gale, and then released the enslavement skill on Gale.

Longwei Shock can break away the opponent's mental resistance, and enslave can be used in conjunction with Longwei Shock to subdue the target temporarily.

Continuously releasing the slaves, Da Liang successfully controlled Gale, whose mind and body had reached their limits.

(End of this chapter)

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