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Chapter 1039 The prelude before the war

Chapter 1039 The prelude before the war
The Brazilian game bosses silently followed Memnon into the Lord's Mansion, and then they saw the Sun Attendant sitting there.He looked dejected, the battle he was sure of winning turned into a disastrous defeat, his strongest ultimate creature team was all killed, his strength was greatly damaged, and his status may also be lost.

However, his determination to prevent Chinese players from making trouble in the backyard of the American game area remains unchanged. During the period when the Pacific War is approaching, the American game area will absolutely not allow any mistakes in the South American treasury.

Seeing Memnon and a group of bigwigs from the Brazilian game area returning to the Lord's Mansion, the Sun Attendant cheered up and said: "The failure of a private fight doesn't mean anything.

I admit that I underestimated Da Liang's strength, but you should also see that during the most intense battle, there was only one archangel Julian beside Da Liang who did not use it.

Da Liang's individual combat ability is not strong, his strength is the hero of his subordinates.Julian is not as powerful as we imagined. It is just Daliang's deceptive tactics. His strongest hero is Juliet, which is a 15th-level creature.

That is to say, this battle...Da Liang's victory was not as easy as he made it out to be.Everything we see is for show, to make us think he is invincible, to undermine our resolve to fight him.

In fact, I pushed him to the limit. "

Memnon asked, "You mean... we can still defeat Da Liang?"

"Yes!" The Sun Attendant said, "Although I lost this time, I have also tested Da Liang's strength. The next time it will be a war on the scale of a national war, our fleet will bring 20 people from the American game zone." Elite players, as long as we need it, we can bring more people in. However, the cost of sending troops here from the Chinese game area is really too high, and [-] is their limit.

Juliet... I can deal with it, as long as I persist in resisting her outbreak, I can organize people to kill her.

As for Da Liang's other ultimate creatures and heroes, can they withstand the siege of several times the same ultimate creatures and heroes?

Friends, don't be disheartened by one failure.

The war has only just begun. "

Memnon was aroused a little confidence to fight with Da Liang, but he asked worriedly: "What if there are Brazilian players participating in the war on a large scale?"

The Sun Attendant regained his confidence: "No matter how many civilians there are, they can't beat the army because the army is organized. Are the players outside the Glorious Territory organized at all? They don't even dare to reveal their names. How do they organize their attacks and deploy tactics?

Mr. Memnon, a legion with a command system can crush ordinary players who are ten times disordered.I dare say your defenders in the Radiant Land are strong enough to stop these players from blindly attacking, and even drive them away.

But you were frightened by a group of sheep and missed the best time to kill Da Liang.

But the matter has passed, and I have no intention of arguing whose fault it is.We are about to start the next war, and I hope Brazil's allies will not let us down again.

Remember, we can return to North America if we lose, and Chinese players can return to East Asia if they lose.Only you have no way out, you can't afford to lose.

Can only fight! "

Memnon thought about it for a while, and said heavily: "Then, we can only fight! Friends, go back and let your army prepare for the battle, and send out all the good equipment you have.

This time we will have a good fight. "

The president of the Grand Duke and the head of the Grand Army in Brazil recovered their morale, and they all agreed to prepare for war immediately after returning to their respective bases.After the Sun Waiter stabilized the Brazilian ally, he immediately returned to the American game area.

This time his ultimate biological team suffered heavy damage, and he had to replenish it as soon as possible before the next battle against Da Liang.It is definitely too late to go to hell to do the task to get the ultimate creature, so I can only return to the mainland to borrow and buy it temporarily.

The intervention army fleet in the US game area has passed the Caribbean Sea and is getting closer to the Brazilian game area.In order to transport troops, the minds of all parties on the east coast of the American game area gathered thousands of ships of various types, carrying 20 legion assembly flags and sailing to South America.When these ships docked on the coast of Brazil, these legion flags could instantly become an army of 20 players.

But Da Liang only had [-] direct troops available.

As for how many ordinary players in Brazil are willing to participate in the battle, Da Liang doesn't know.However, this visit to Radiance has also aroused the enthusiasm of Brazilian players. As long as someone is willing to take the lead, there will definitely be a large number of players flocking to it.

It's just that Da Liang also knows that this kind of unorganized follow-up attack will hardly pose a big threat to the organized US intervention force.

And the question of whether those big Brazilian blocs will go to war...

In short, although Daliang defeated the Sun Waiter and improved the situation in the Brazilian game area, it can only be said to regain a little disadvantage, far from being able to control the situation.

At least... so far, none of the local Brazilian legions have declared to Da Liang that they are willing to openly participate in this war.

There are still too few cards in hand!

Now the U.S. game zone intervention army has not yet arrived, and the teleportation array in Rio de Janeiro has not yet been repaired.During this gap period, Da Liang simply returned to the kingdom of death, and brought Anthony, who was ready, to the City of Sighs. After meeting with the speaker of the City of Sighs, Yargu, he completed the first official contact between the Wizards Guild and the Holy See of Wugou. .

Da Liang participated in the negotiations between the Wizards Guild and the Holy See of Wugou in the City of Sighs.

The public opinion and publicity guidance of the Brazilian game area is fully taken over by the university alliance.

Ada, as a Brazilian player, a typical victim of offline violence, undertakes the core work of the entire propaganda and guidance strategy.The University League did not let Ada go around to confide in the bitterness and hatred of offline violence, but instead focused the publicity on the movie she was filming.

This film is invested by Jiuding Chamber of Commerce, a well-known chamber of commerce in China's game area, and Boss Jin, a well-known successful virtual investor in China, serves as the producer. All the actors invited are very popular gamer entertainers.

Before the film was shot, all kinds of publicity had been overwhelming and penetrated into every corner of people's lives.

Even Boss Jin, who gave a virtual financial speech on Wall Street in the United States, made a very bold prediction on the prospect of virtual film and television, and focused on promoting a film he invested in.

And for the first time to shoot a movie, Ada, who got an important supporting role in this kind of big production, is undoubtedly very lucky.

Ada is indeed lucky, she met Da Liang at the lowest point of her life.

This sense of disparity in fate makes people remember this girl deeply and what happened to her in the past, and it also earns enough favorability for Daliang from the Brazilians.

But one person is depressed.

It is the villain who has been mentioned countless times in the whole incident-Tiago.

(End of this chapter)

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