Chapter 214 Exhale like blue...

Yuan Feiqian thought that if there were two bodyguards by her side, she would never be able to hide the fact that she was with her sister.

After thinking about it, she gritted her teeth, looked at Qing Yishen and said, "Actually, I have something very important to tell you..."

Qing Yishen looked at her without saying a word, but his eyes were obviously waiting for the next sentence.

Yuan Feiqian pulled him to the corner, lowered his voice and said, "You must keep it secret! My sister came to look for me after you left yesterday!"

Yuan Feiqian's voice was very low, and in order to prevent others from hearing her, she kept her mouth very close to Qing Yishen.

Qing Yishen could only feel a gust of hot air slowly blowing towards his ears, and suddenly thought in his heart that this probably meant what the ancients said about exhaling like blue.

It was hot and itchy, making his ears tingly and numb.

Even a little distracted, the tips of the ears are especially red.

After Yuan Feiqian finished speaking, seeing that Qing Yishen didn't react at all, he immediately asked, "Did you hear what I said just now?"

Qing Yishen woke up like a dream: "Oh, ah, I heard it, I heard it."

Yes, he heard the first half, but he didn't pay attention to what was said later.

But he knew the key content. Yuan Feiqian said that her sister came to her.

It turned out that Jane had come to look for her!

Qing surged forward with deep relaxation and joy: "You were with her yesterday?"

Yuan Feiqian nodded: "Well, she is not in a very good condition, so I took her to the hotel we stayed in last night and cleaned her up a little bit. You don't know how much she has changed! I can't believe it! The face Very ugly, lost a lot of weight!"

After a slight pause, she calmed down and said again: "I feel that she is not suitable for meeting people now, as if she is afraid of seeing others. So I won't take you to meet her."

Qing Yishen responded, and then looked at her with a little excitement: "Qianqian, I'm very happy that you can tell me this. Very, very happy! Thank you for believing in me."

Qing Yishen naturally understood how important the sudden appearance of Yuan Feijian was.

Not to mention that Ye Weixiao has been looking for her, and now the Yuan family is also inquiring about her.

According to the information from Su Junqing, it seems that another party is looking for her, and the search is crazy.

The most troublesome thing is that people from that side come from abroad and do not belong to domestic forces.

The reason why Qing Yishen was able to pay attention to that side was because the people on that line had investigated Yuan Feiqian's news first.

They had already inquired about Yuan Feiqian's situation after he arrived in Haicheng, so they were directly targeted by Qing Yishen, who had been paying attention to Yuan Feiqian.

Then it was discovered that the main person they investigated was not Yuan Feiqian, but her sister Yuan Feijian.

Unfortunately, they have found nothing so far.

According to the investigation path, if Yuan Feiqian has already been investigated, it will be eliminated directly and will not be turned back.

But just in case, Qing Yishen decided to be on the safe side, and said to Yuan Feiqian: "Your sister tries to keep her from going out first."

Yuan Feiqian nodded heavily: "I think so too, I always feel unsafe."

Qing Yishen asked her: "Have you ever asked your sister where she has been all this time?"

After all, they have been searching for a long time but have not found anyone. This is not as simple as just traveling.

Yuan Feiqian remembered what her sister had said, and shook her head: "I didn't say anything about it, but she just said that she was caught by a mad dog and managed to escape."

"Mad dog?" Qing Yishen was a little curious about this title.

(End of this chapter)

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