The best lord of online games

Chapter 1382 Ran Min Kills Tuoba Tao

Chapter 1382 Ran Min Kills Tuoba Tao
——System: Jia Fu joined Calabash City.

"Please get up quickly! Please get up quickly! With the help of Hero Jia, this Marquis will be even more powerful." Wu Yi laughed and helped Jia Fu up. The potential should only be owed to those top historical figures. With his start, more and more historical figures will join him in the future, but it may not be so easy for such top figures.

Speaking of which, Kou Xun and Jia Fu had a story of "reconciliation between generals" in history. At the same time, Jia Fu was also one of the few famous generals who were named "Champion Marquis". The other two were Huo Qubing and Dou who ended the Northern Huns Xian, based on this calculation, Jia Fu and Calabash City are really destined to each other!
Jia Fu:

Race: Terran

Identity: Citizen of Calabash City, Hongyu Empire
Reputation: Famous

Titles: first-class generals, third-rate famous generals, brave champions of the three armies

Talent: Seeing death as home - personal combat power +30%, weakening enemy morale by 25%, when receiving vital attacks, combat power will be additionally +10%; when life is less than half, personal combat power will continue to rise, and there is a certain chance of immunity to fatal damage , the lower the life value, the higher the personal combat power improvement, and the higher the probability of being immune to death.

Specialties: bravery, gun specialization, deadly combat, vitality

Charge - When launching a charge, personal combat power +10%, and has a certain chance of being immune to damage from soldiers.

Occupation: Knight

Level: Holy Order

Command: 70
Force: 91
Intelligence: 0
Politics: 0
(Others omitted)

It turned out to be a holy rank!
It is not surprising that Jia Fu is a holy rank, but what is strange is that there is a strong man of the holy rank who directly pledges allegiance to the player!Originally, Wu Yi thought that Jia Fu would only be at the ninth rank at most, and he would have to wait for a while to join the Calabash City if he wanted to become a holy rank. Legendary, which means that the ultimate force mastered by players has entered the "legendary" era. Although she is the only one now, the meaning is completely different.

Jia Fu's current abilities are almost all concentrated in personal bravery. His command is only [-], and he has just entered the ranks. But as long as he forms an army and joins the battlefield, it will not be difficult to grow. "Respect death as home", this talent is quite suitable for Jia Fu, it is like an enhanced version of death battle, this guy is famous in the official history as a leader who has suffered countless injuries, and in the novel it is even more a scene of dragging the intestines and fighting.

The positioning of Jia Fu is also very simple, that is, military generals, such as Zhu Rong and Li Siye, do not seek much development in the command of the army, as long as the force is strong enough.

Jia Fu was temporarily arranged by Wu Yi in Huizhen, Penglai City, and formed an army casually. Since Li Shimin was wiped out, Wu Yi almost emptied Penglai City's defense force, leaving only Geng Yan, and Gan Ning had already rushed to Ghost Crab Island, ready to participate in the next battle against the Kraken.


Ever since Liu became a lord and built a city by enclosing land, Ran Min took over Liu Bei's defense and took charge of the No. 13 military fort, which was newly built and advanced hundreds of miles.

Ran Min is warlike and good at killing, which he expressed vividly and delicately after he came to the battlefield in the northern border, especially for alien races. The Wolf League outside the Great Wall secretly called him "Min Demon King". When facing him, he never Capture all the captives and kill them all. The morale of the army of the Wolf League outside the Great Wall will always be lowered a lot, and it is very easy for morale to collapse under the disadvantage.

Taking over Liu Bei's position, Ran Min has been promoted, and the troops in his hands are far from comparable to before. For him, Yue Fei, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Territory, has always only replenished troops, not sent generals, and the generals will solve the problem by themselves.Compared with before, apart from the military adviser Zhang Bin, the left and right lieutenants Guan Ying and Guo Kan, now there is another veteran, Guo Kan's grandfather——Guo Baoyu!

If it wasn't for Guo Kan, this grizzled veteran would hardly have been able to assist Ran Min. Now Ran Min is not a powerful leader at all. Even if he had a choice, he would definitely choose Yue Fei, who has a higher position.

The name Guo Baoyu should not be heard by many people, but he is the prototype of the novel Guo Jing, his record is extremely abnormal, and he set the policy of unifying the whole country for Genghis Khan. There are too many famous generals.

Ran Min is not a person who can sit still. After holding the power of nearly a thousand miles around the NO.13 military fort, he immediately dispatched troops and divided them into three groups. , Go straight to the alien camp!And the unlucky guy who was targeted by Ran Min was Tuoba Tao, the Northern Wei Emperor Taiwu in history!

Right now Murong Chui and Murong Ke are both holding Xiang Yu in check, Temujin is also leading the main force to hold Yue Fei in check, Xiao Chuo is still integrating the Khitan's power just now, staying in the rear for the time being, Nurhachi is leading the Eight Banners main force to confront Liu Bei, other areas are all The top generals of the clan are harassing and raiding.Tuoba Tao had been "trapped" by Helian Bobo once before, and his reputation in the clan and the Wolf League outside the Great Wall was greatly affected, so the power he had was not strong. Recently, Nurhachi also specially sent some cavalry led by Oboi with a yellow flag to assist. The wolf alliance outside the Great Wall is still quite united. After all, their biggest enemy, the Hongyu Empire, has not yet been defeated. Break down one by one.

NO.13 The military fort cannot be empty, the terrain in the north is peaceful, and there are no dangerous places, otherwise, if the enemy seizes the opportunity to make a lightning raid with cavalry, the entire defense line may collapse.Therefore, Ran Min did not take away too many troops, and left Zhang Bin and Guan Ying in the Thirteenth Army Fort to deal with emergencies and keep the line of defense intact.

After the war started, Guo Baoyu forcibly held back Oboi and the Huangqi cavalry, Ran Min led the main force straight into Tuoba Tao's main line, and Guo Kan went around and cut off Tuoba Tao's retreat, echoing Ran Min.Facing the alien race, once they are killed, Ran Min's army is very terrifying, and their combat effectiveness rises all the way, while the soldiers of the alien race will be more affected by Ran Min's talent effect because of the continuous death.

In this battle, Ran Min directly killed Tuoba Tao's main force to the point of collapse, and then took advantage of the situation to personally cut off Tuoba Tao's head in the chaos, without giving him a chance to escape.And Tuoba Tao also became the second leader of the Wolf League who died directly on the battlefield after Wanyan Aguda. However, Wanyan Aguda is different from Tuoba Tao. He was even more aggrieved when he was attacked and killed by the demigod-rank hall master of the Temple of Light on the battlefield.

Right now, Ran Min is not yet strong. Although his four subordinates are all top-notch, they are too few in number and they do not have the support of the lord.And Tuoba Tao's death can be regarded as pushing the intensity of the war in the northern border to a higher level. I believe that more and more celebrities will die in battle in the future, and it is also inevitable for the imperial camp.

 I just saw Guo Baoyu yesterday, and I was a little embarrassed, only to find out that Guo Ziyi's family is a bit exaggerated, but the blood is a little far away.

(End of this chapter)

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