Chapter 751
Not to be outdone, Grandpa waved his hand and commanded thousands of troops:

"No, no, it's too vulgar. I chose a good name. The boy's name is Lu Hanwen, and the girl's name is Lu Zhimeng. It's loud and loud."

They fought back and forth to get Lu Yuanshan and his wife Liu Ruohong to come. The two also panicked when they couldn't see their grandchildren for a day. When they came, they would be the referees for the two old children.

It's just that the couple can't refute the face of the two elders, and they can't settle down because they remain neutral.

In the end, it was the first day of the new year to relieve the two elders.

"Let me tell you something. The boy's first name is Lu Hanwen, and his nickname is Haichao. The girl's first name is Lu Zhimeng, and his nickname is Xiangqiao."

Lu Yuanshan and his wife also nodded again and again, this is a good move, it compromises the opinions of the two elders, no one can offend, the daughter-in-law is smarter.

Then I went to see my two grandchildren. The baby was just a week old. His arms and legs were as fleshy as lotus roots, his small face was fat and round, and his big eyes were bright and energetic, just like a child with a full moon.

The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. Liu Ruohong washed her hands and picked up her granddaughter. Grandpa also had itchy hands, so he washed his hands and picked up his grandson.

The two old men also forgot to quarrel, and they all looked at the two great-grandchildren longingly, what should they do if they also want to hug each other?
This time, the first day of the new year is a difficult time. The two elderly people are unable to stand steadily with their old arms and legs. Who would dare to give them a hug?
Lu Haoting knew what his daughter-in-law was thinking, so he let the two elderly people sit down firmly in their seats, and then asked the parents to bring the two children over for the grandparents to enjoy themselves.

When they got their wish and embraced their great-grandson, the joy in their hearts seemed to fly.

"Hahaha, look at our old Lu family's breed, they are excellent, who can compare?"

"Can such a healthy child be born without my Luan family's high-quality blood?"

These two old people are embarrassed to talk about the first day of the new year.

After that, Lu Haoting used his grandfather's words to amuse the first day of the new year for a long time.

"Our child is good enough, who can rely on?"

"Well, it's up to you, right? If you want a child in the future, you will give birth to it yourself."

Lin Jinyan and Gu Meijing came to see the child together. The two looked at the beautiful little guy, grinning brightly with toothless mouths, and were so envious.

Gu Meijing said:

"No, I have to give birth to one sooner, it's too cute."

Lin Jinyan also wanted one in his heart, but he was more rational, because the nature of Gu Meijing's work determined that it was not the time for them to have children.

A warm man is a warm man, and he has to comfort his wife if he doesn't want a child.

"Let's ask for it a few years later. Look at the two of them, they can't do anything with their children tied to their legs, let alone go out to play. Let's play for a few more years. It's not too late to wait until we're 30."

Lu Haoting was unwilling to listen:

"Drink, you are comforting yourself, just say envy if you are envious, don't say it so nicely."

On the first day of the new year, I knew the intention of Lin Jinyan's words, how could it be like this?How sad my cousin must have been to hear that she had to pierce the window paper.

On the first day of the new year, he was rude and punched Lu Haoting hard.

Lin Jinyan was also aroused by Lu Haoting's masculinity. Besides, he married Gu Meijing, and his status has changed from Lu Haoting's younger brother to his brother-in-law.

Unconvinced, he said:

"People don't want it. If they want it, they can hold their son in minutes."

"Hehe, you are a rocket, every minute"

On the first day of the new year, call Lu Haoting away quickly,
"Hurry up, the baby seems to be peeing."

Gu Meijing blushed and dragged Lin Jinyan away, complaining in a low voice:

"Come on, run the train with your mouth full."

Lin Jinyan admitted his mistake very quickly:

"I'm sorry daughter-in-law, but I'm telling the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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