Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 45 The first meeting with Feng Zhian

Chapter 45 The first meeting with Feng Zhian

On May 5, Beiping, Wanping City, the headquarters of the 12th Division.

Ouyang Yun and Feng Zhi'an stood facing each other, both looking at each other curiously.

Historically, the 29th Army's anti-Japanese generals had a large number of famous generals, and Feng Zhi'an was one of them.Feng's family was poor, and he joined Feng Yuxiang at the age of 15. He started as a cook in the Northwest Army and became a division commander at the age of 31. He was the commander of the army at the highest. His life is quite legendary.

Ouyang Yun and his classmates had studied the Xifengkou victory of the 29th Army in the Battle of the Great Wall.In the end, they came to the following conclusion: it was a battle. If it hadn’t been for Feng’s outstanding surprise soldiers to attack and destroy the Japanese artillery positions on the east and west highlands, it is actually very hard to say how the battle of Xifengkou would be fought.

This is exactly what Ouyang Yun said to the Japanese army before: the Japanese army is nothing without planes, tanks, and artillery.

It can be said that Song Zheyuan and the 29th Army's anti-Japanese reputation was actually earned by Feng Zhi'an and the 37th Division.Compared with Song, Feng's stance towards the Japanese army was more resolute and decisive. The July [-]th Incident in history was precisely under Feng's strict order, and his troops fired the first shot of the all-out war of resistance at Lugou Bridge!
If it was said that Ouyang Yun's admiration for Song Zheyuan was a little watery and had ulterior motives, for Feng Zhi'an, he really admired him so much.

How did Ouyang Yun appear in the headquarters of the 37th Division?

This has to start two days ago.When the Academy Corps escorted hundreds of captives and marched from Wancun to Beiping with a large amount of ammunition, Ouyang Yun suddenly realized a serious problem—now Beiping and Tianjin are not nominally part of the 29th Army. The site, the Academy Corps belongs to the 29th Army, so the station should be in Chahar. If we go to Peiping now, will it cause unnecessary trouble?
After thinking about it, he felt that the best way at present was to find the 37th Division stationed in Beiping, temporarily affiliated with Feng Zhi'an, and wait for the situation to develop in the established direction before making a decision.

Therefore, he, Li Tieshu and Chen Shichang formulated a training plan, led the team to march in remote areas in the name of training to reduce the impact, and then took Liu Zheliang to go to Peking to find Feng Zhi'an.

Feng Zhi'an looked at this young man who was only 21 or [-] years old, but had already stirred up a bloody storm in Pingjin and won the title of "Anti-Japanese Two Heroes", and he was full of curiosity about him.

"Captain Ouyang, Guigeng this year?"

"Report to General Feng, 21."

Feng Zhi'an sighed in admiration: "I'm only 21, and I'm already the head of the regiment. Hehe, I didn't become the battalion commander until I was 23. It's really a formidable young man."

"General Feng laughed at me, the whole army loves me so much, the boy is really ashamed."

"I heard from the military seat that your academy regiment wiped out more than 100 devils who attacked you in one fell swoop in Tianjin, and only suffered more than [-] casualties. Is this true?"

Ouyang Yun nodded and said: "It is said that it was a sneak attack by the Japanese army, but the actual situation is that we prepared our pockets and waited for them to fall into ambush, and we barely won the victory. Compared with the battle that the general attacked the Japanese artillery position at Xifengkou at night, it is really worthless." A mention. General, can you sign for me?"

Feng Zhi'an was taken aback: "Signature?!" Seeing that Ouyang Yun had already skillfully pulled out his notebook and pen, his complexion could not help but become slightly bewildered.

Ouyang Yun said sincerely: "General Feng, I have always regarded you as my idol. You are a veteran on the battlefield and have rich experience in fighting against the enemy. I am a soldier who has just entered the camp. Please give me your advice in the future."

Feng Zhian rubbed his chin, his face was not sure whether it was because of shyness or secret joy, there was a layer of red light on his face, he took the pen, opened the notebook, saw Song Zheyuan's signature, slightly startled, and asked, "From the military seat?"

"Yes, you are all my idols, but I admire your surprise night attack at Xifengkou even more."

Feng Zhi'an turned a page and wrote the title "Don't forget the national humiliation, I will survive the country's subjugation - Zhi'an and Ouyang Yun's little friend share their encouragement", and said humbly: "What kind of night raids and surprises are all due to Commander Song's command and the whole army's orders? , law and order is nothing more than fulfilling one's own duty."

Ouyang Yun hurriedly said: "General Feng, you are too modest. In my opinion, sometimes a good strategy is more effective than thousands of troops. In the battle at Xifengkou, if the Japanese army hadn't lost all their cannons, Tanks, so it is still unknown who will win the battle."

The night attack at Xifengkou can be said to be Feng Zhian's most proud battle so far. He thought of it in private, but he was actually proud of it. Seeing the young man's analysis clearly, he nodded and said: "The Japanese army relied on it. , It’s just that the tanks are strong and the artillery is powerful. Every time before the war, the aircraft and cannons poured bombs without hesitation. If we only look at light weapons, their [-] big guns are not as lethal as our Zhongzheng. Therefore, In the war with the Japanese army, as long as we break their three axes, the rest will be easy.” Speaking of this, he sighed heavily and said: “But the problem is, with our current equipment, there is really no way to take these three axes. , so I have to take the risk of sending out some surprise soldiers, although it can be effective occasionally, it is not a long-term solution after all."

As expected of a powerful general who came out of the flames of war, and has dealt with the Japanese for many years, Feng Zhian's comment made a thorough analysis of the gap between the Chinese and Japanese armies. Ouyang Yun couldn't help but nodded, secretly Thinking: The Anti-Japanese War was fought so hard, not because China didn’t have good generals and soldiers who served them well, it’s just that the hardware was not as good as people’s, and they didn’t have the capital to win the war. Getting out of planes and tanks seemed a bit like fantasy, and I just felt that the burden on my shoulders was even heavier.

When Ouyang Yun and Feng Zhi'an met for the first time, they left a good impression on each other.

When he was a student in the previous time and space, Ouyang Yun had carefully studied some history books about the 29th Army. There are three generals in the 29th Army that he admires the most, Zhang Zizhong, Feng Zhian and He Jifeng.Xifengkou Great Victory, Feng Zhian was the planner and He Jifeng was the executor. It was these two men who seized the weakness of the Japanese army's inability to fight at night, highlighted the surprise soldiers, and destroyed the Japanese army's cannons, supplies, and rations, thus laying the cornerstone of victory in one fell swoop. .

Ouyang Yun sincerely admired Feng Zhi'an, firstly because he was absolutely resolute in resisting Japan, and on the other hand, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, as a representative of the powerful faction of the Northwest Army, under the complicated domestic political situation at that time, although he had the right to fight against Chiang Kai-shek and the Union Despite the bad "reputation" of the other party, he can always stand firm, which is also a reason for him to admire the other party.Although there have been many criticisms of Feng's behavior in history, as a latecomer, Ouyang Yun's future route must be similar to Feng's, or even worse-how to live well in the cracks of the "National Government" In his childhood, Feng Zhi'an was worth learning from.

In front of Feng Zhian, Ouyang Yun often acted like a fan who saw his idol, which undoubtedly greatly satisfied Feng Zhian's vanity. The reputation of "Heroes" has been spread in the land of China for a long time, and Feng Zhi'an has also heard of their names for a long time. Now the "two heroes of the Anti-Japanese War" worship him, and it is inevitable for anyone to be in awe. With a human eye, Feng has a special affection for young people who can fight and fight bad wars.Although Ouyang Yun's military posture is a bit different, but it is absolutely standard and upright, and he gave a favor as soon as they met, and sent all the ammunition seized from the third part of his friend, all of which made him immediately fall in love with the young man in front of him.

The two people "you have love and I have intention", and they have a common topic. After some conversation, the host and guest enjoyed themselves.

Therefore, Feng Zhi'an readily agreed to the request of the Academy Corps to enter the Wanping barracks.At the end, under the consultation of the other party, Ouyang Yun started from the ins and outs of the batch of munitions as a meeting gift, and told the story of the ambush of Shiyou Sanbu.

Feng Zhi'an was wondering why Shiyou Sanbu had no news, and when he learned that he had been dispersed by the Academy Corps, he thought that this young man was quite courageous, more than 300 people dared to touch his team of 3000 people, and he looked at him more often some other content.Then he heard that there was a squadron with many little devils among them, he couldn't help but look angry, and asked worriedly: "Is the Japanese army no more than Shi Yousan's miscellaneous army, and the cavalry regiment suffered a lot of casualties?"

Ouyang Yun reported the casualty data, and then gritted his teeth and said: "We originally just wanted to break up the stone department, but we didn't expect them to let the Japanese get involved in this matter. If it weren't for the Japanese, the Academy Corps wouldn't be so big." The casualties! The blood of the students will not be shed in vain, Shi Yousan and the others must explain this matter."

Feng Zhi'an was very surprised when he heard this, and he couldn't understand the logic of the young man. He said to himself that only seven people were killed, four were injured, and more than 200 devils were wiped out. After all, this Shi Yousan was the former general of the Northwest Army, and he had a close relationship with the 29th Army. Many generals in the 29th Army were his subordinates and friends. If he was really killed, it would not be a good thing for the Academy Corps.The young man acted impulsively and didn't think through the problem thoroughly. He felt that he had to remind the other party, and said kindly: "Ouyang, Shi Yousan is from the Northwest Army. I think it's better to hand him over to the military seat to deal with it."

Seven people were killed and four people were injured, which was really nothing in front of Feng Zhi'an and other veterans who had seen big scenes, but Ouyang Yun didn't think so.In his opinion, in the land mountain ambush, it is normal for the student corps to have no casualties when they have all the advantages in weapons, time, place and people.If it wasn't for Shi Yousan's collusion with the Japanese, they would indeed be able to sit on this point, which is why he hated Shi Yousan and his ilk so much.He said: "General, our original plan was indeed to hand over Shi Yousan and others to the military seat, but who told him to collude with the Japanese openly? He is looking for death-if we don't deal with this matter severely In the event of the incident, will those forces that are still on the sidelines think that our 29th Army is afraid of the Japanese? For them, isn’t this a disguised form of encouraging them to join the enemy and become a traitor?”

Feng Zhi'an thought about it, and thought it was so reasonable, but out of kindness, he solemnly said to Ouyang Yun: "I personally agree with you to do this, but I hope you will consider the ideas of other colleagues. Before you deal with Shi Yousan , it’s best to communicate with the military seat and ask for his opinion.”

Ouyang Yun thanked with a smile, and promised, but thought in his heart: It seems that Shi Yousan and the others must be killed as soon as possible, to prevent the night from having more dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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