Chapter 3240
It was almost time for lunch, Ding Haohua, the logistics chief of the fleet, approached Chen Shichang and asked if he wanted to take care of the Italians.

Italians frequently come to the fleet to eat, and Ding Haohua is the one who is under the most pressure.The ingredients brought by the fleet from China are limited, and some of these ingredients cannot be purchased in Italy.However, in order to prevent officers from eating empty salaries and embezzling logistics supplies, the Ministry of National Defense has rigid regulations on the food standards of the front-line troops.Therefore, the food supply for these more than a thousand Italians has become a big trouble.

"I can only take care of the food, otherwise what else can we do? We are still on other people's territory," when more than a thousand Italians flocked to the aircraft carrier Wu Mourning Tianwang, Chen Shichang was already one head and two big.

"Commander, there is something I don't know whether I should say it or not," Ding Haohua suddenly became shy.

"Speak!" Chen Shichang waved his hand impatiently.

"The Italians don't know that our food is good, so they come here specially for dinner, right? The day before yesterday and yesterday, the Italians all came, and there were dozens of them."

"Why didn't anyone report it?" Chen Shichang's eyes widened.

"The Italians come here with a meal order, give a thumbs up and leave after eating."

Chen Shichang frowned: "Let's try to solve it first. Maybe the Italians are just looking for novelty? After all, our food culture is completely different from theirs."

Giovanni came for the second time and still did not mention the issue of arms purchases.

And it wasn't until a long time later that Chen Shichang knew that the reason why Giovanni led a large group of people to act as "cheaters" was "very shameless" because he was facing a crisis of national trust at that time.And just by leading those nobles, congressmen, generals, and reporters to eat on the Chinese fleet, he actually successfully resolved the crisis.

The power of Chinese cuisine can be seen from this.

The troubles for Chen Shichang and Ding Haohua had only just begun.

Because after the Italians, the French and the Germans also came, and they all sang condolences.

Therefore, for a long time, Chen Shichang and Ding Haohua became the two busiest people in the fleet.The former is busy providing "escorts" every day, while the latter is busy collecting ingredients.

The intensive visits of foreign friends have also brought great troubles to the daily military training and life of the fleet.Although Chen Shichang and Bian Jingdao specifically used military restricted areas to limit the range of activities of foreigners, the dense appearance of foreigners in their field of vision would itself affect the mood of the soldiers.In addition, what angered Shi Guilin, the political director of the fleet, was that even though he and his subordinates were strictly on guard, the thing that worried him most still happened-in the department responsible for the fleet's procurement business and reception tasks, batches of There have been things about falling in love with foreigners.

The fact that the Chinese fleet is stationed in Genoa is itself a news point.The vast majority of Europeans are naturally curious about China, which is located in the far east.This curiosity, in turn, contributed to the high attention of the European press to the Wudao Tianwang aircraft carrier fleet.

After Giovanni brought a large group of Italians, Germans, and Frenchmen to the Chinese fleet, journalists from these countries also appeared.And as these reporters began to report intensively about the Chinese fleet.The press of other European countries flocked to the news as if they had smelled bloody sharks.

Women account for more than one-third of journalists.And the strong curiosity, coupled with the fact that everyone is in their youth, is the age when the hormone secretion in the body is the most vigorous. Naturally, from the attraction of opposite sexes to mutual affection, to sympathy, cross-regional and national boundaries Love is born.

However, the Ministry of National Defense and the Supreme Command have no clear regulations on whether active-duty soldiers can fall in love and whether they can fall in love with foreigners.Without regulations, Shi Guilin would not be able to intervene with simple, rude but trouble-free "sticking mandarin ducks", but could only persuade through heart-to-heart talks and exchanges of ideas.Well, Chinese soldiers in this era of time and space are still very pure and have a firm stand, so the ideological work is not difficult to do, but the workload is a bit heavy.A larger workload is not a problem for Shi Guilin and the others. The problem is that they can do ideological work for their officers and soldiers, but they can't do anything for their foreign girlfriends.

I have to say that European women are indeed braver than Chinese women when it comes to love.No, Shi Guilin and his men managed to do the work for the officers and soldiers of the Tong Fleet. His girlfriend came to him, and she directly held the banner of "democracy and human rights" that could scare people.

What made Shi Guilin very anxious was that it was nothing more than a face-to-face protest, and those female reporters were not afraid of "making family scandals public", and directly exploded in the media, causing great repercussions among the people.In this way, it became a "scandal" for him to brutally interfere with the free love of officers and soldiers, and his image was immediately demonized, becoming a demon that destroys beautiful love.

"Enough is enough, Chief, hurry up and start the fight, if this continues, I will go crazy!" Finally, Shi Guilin couldn't bear it anymore, and went directly to Chen Shichang to complain to him.

Not only Shi Guilin thinks enough, Chen Shichang and Ding Haohua, they have already been tossed enough.The average age of the officer corps of the Wudao Tianwang aircraft carrier fleet is only 34, and more than four-fifths of them are single.After the scandal of "Chinese generals brutally interfering with the free love of their officers and soldiers" broke out, I don't know which reporter made the news public in the newspaper, and the result immediately aroused great attention from unmarried young women in Germany, France and Italy.After the baptism of World War I, World War II and even the ongoing World War III, there have been more boys and girls in European countries.The married young women in Germany, France and Italy were anxious about their lifelong affairs, and suddenly found that there was a group of diamond king tigers around them. It was not like a hungry tigress pounced on a rooster.

As the youngest and most promising general in the National Defense Force system from the former Xuebing military system, Chen Shichang, who is still single, naturally became their first choice.

When Chen Shichang received a love letter from a foreign woman for the first time, he was both curious and vanity, so he couldn't help being a little complacent.However, with the overwhelming arrival of hundreds or even thousands of love letters and courtship letters every day, he couldn't hold back immediately.

European women are very brave and persistent in the face of love, but Chen Shichang is just a fledgling in this respect.As a result, in front of those piles of pink letters, he completely lost the calmness and confidence that a victorious general should have. Instead, he became trembling like a recruit who just entered the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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