Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3236 Egyptians' good wishes

Chapter 3236 Egyptians' good wishes
Under the escort of two Costin, within a radius of 2000 meters centered on the albatross, it is considered deadly for the Egyptians.After being forcibly dispersed by Costin with fierce firepower, Hussein organized the surviving subordinates to launch a sneak attack on the yard where the working group was located.However, these Egyptian soldiers who performed their missions ended up worse than one.Once they are exposed to Costin's sight, they will be hit by the fierce bombardment of the airborne machine guns, or they will be called by Zhang Xuyun.

Because of job reasons.Although Zhang Xuyun did not have the opportunity to fight almost every day like he did in Soviet Russia, he never forgot his identity as a sniper.The inherently adventurous nature of his personality made him prefer the identity of a sniper to the aura of a commander who rubbed his lips with a bunch of Japanese every day.He was very excited to be able to return to his old job as soon as he arrived in Egypt. After he boarded Shanghai Dongqing, he looked eager to try, which made his adjutant and two guards sweat.

Zhang Xuyun's weapon—the Yun 47 anti-material sniper rifle is the latest product just developed by the Xuebing R&D Institute's Firearms Research Institute.This sniper rifle, born out of an anti-tank gun, because of its ultra-long range (generally above 1000 meters) and super destructive power, it can cause considerable damage to the original nemesis of infantry such as tanks, tanks, and even aircraft. , as soon as it was equipped in the army, it became the favorite of snipers at the Yangyouji level.

Yangyouji-level snipers, looking at the whole of China, are no more than thirty.Zhang Xuyun was very lucky, just before the start of the Korean War (referring to the Chinese army actively launching an attack on the Japanese army in North Korea), because he successfully killed three devils in one battle, making his total number of sniper targets exceed 100 people, he Successfully upgraded from Changsun Sheng level to Yang Youji level, and also qualified to try out the latest domestic sniper rifle.

Because of Costin's powerful firepower equipment, Zhang Xuyun didn't get too many shots, but as long as he made a shot, it would bring a strong visual impact.

For example, the Egyptian soldier who was shot in the back by him and had already climbed onto the roof, or an Egyptian machine gunner.If Zhang Xuyun used an ordinary sniper rifle, they might not have no chance of surviving.However, under the powerful lethality of anti-material sniper rifles, most of their wounds will have a terrifying big hole, so "the gods can't save them."

Strictly speaking, this is the first time that Chinese soldiers have shown force in Egypt, and the effect is surprisingly good.

After the Chinese army left.Nasser arrived on the battlefield, still full of anger, angry at Hussein's inaction.However, after seeing the current situation of the battlefield and seeing the tragedy of the soldiers who died in battle, he fell silent.

Nasser had a certain understanding of the strength of the Chinese army when the Wudao Tianwang aircraft carrier fleet passed through the Suez Canal.Aircraft carrier, this is not something that ordinary countries can afford and support.The fact that the Chinese were able to send an aircraft carrier fleet to the African continent from thousands of miles away is actually enough to explain the problem.However, because China was thousands of miles away, Nasser subconsciously felt that China would not become a threat to Egypt.His concept is of course naive, no, he was immediately slapped severely by the cruel reality.

According to the original plan of the "Freedom Officers Organization", after capturing Damietta, they would immediately march to the first place.Because they believe that as long as they can occupy Damietta and expose the weakness of the Farouk dynasty to the public, it will trigger a domino effect and form a tide against Farouk.

When formulating this plan, the Chinese factor was considered by Nasser and others. However, because they did not know that the Chinese Supreme Command had the intention to establish a military base in Cairo, let alone that the Chinese army was continuously marching towards Cairo, So in their cognition, the Chinese factor is just a small trouble, and they can easily solve it by taking advantage of the trend.

Small troubles become big troubles, and potentially stumbling blocks.That night, the "Freedom Officers Organization" held a high-level meeting in Damietta to discuss how to face the possible "China threat."

"The Chinese aircraft carrier has been blocked by the British in the Mediterranean Sea. As far as I know, the British do not have the ability to destroy this Chinese fleet. We must take this into consideration when it comes to China," said the person who said this. The prestige and status of the Free Officers Organization is second only to Nasser's Rashid.In the "Free Officers Organization", he actually played a role similar to the chief of staff.

"Is it possible to reach a compromise with the Chinese? Contact the Chinese privately without the knowledge of the British, as long as they do not support the Farouk Dynasty, then we will give them certain political privileges," someone suggested.

Everyone chattered for a while, and then focused their attention on Nasser.

Compared with them, Nasser's political vision is much better.He shook his head and said: "Between Britain and China, no, it is actually between the anti-China alliance and China. Now that we have established a position, it is impossible to be half-hearted. War is certainly an extension of politics, but war has already happened. Playing political games will only be counterproductive. Moreover, I think that although China is stronger than ever, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the united United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and Japan. And this is very likely our last chance in Egypt. Sage I once said that if we are not very strong, we should choose to stand with the strong. Because only in this way can we avoid becoming the food of the strong. Yes, the Chinese are a variable, but this cannot change the current situation. The general trend. The Farouk dynasty will definitely end, and it must end. And China’s obstruction will only become a joke in the end.” Tapping the table with his right hand, he continued: “China’s interference may not necessarily be a bad thing. Put more conditions on the British. Now, there are two things that need to be implemented immediately. First, find out the scale of the Chinese in Cairo; second, immediately contact the British government to let them know the "strong presence" of the Chinese in Egypt. Strong, Rasheed, do you understand me?"

Rashid smiled knowingly, and said: "Nasser, don't worry, I will let the British know how difficult it is to defeat the Chinese in Cairo. Hehe, in order to highlight this point, I think we should suspend the offensive. "

"That's it, God bless, victory must be ours!"

"God bless, victory must be ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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