Chapter 2894 The Cloud of War
The British came excitedly and left dejectedly.Immediately after the British, the Soviet Russians made their debut.It was still Chuikov, but because "the Soviet Russian people had defeated the German invaders", compared with the last time he came to Chongqing, his momentum and attitude were very different.

Like the British, the Soviet Russians also used the banner of a friendly visit.The difference is that the British implicitly offered to help China and the United States mediate, while the Soviet Russians straightforwardly offered to help China defeat US imperialism (the original words are "the United States, an imperialist country").

Sino-British relations are not as important as Sino-Soviet relations, and Cui Kefu is a military man who belongs to a "martial arts man". He is not comparable to a "scholar" like Aiden. After discussing with Song Ziwen, Ouyang Yun accepted the latter's suggestion and decided to personally receive him.

Facts have proved that this is correct.

When Ouyang Yun appeared in front of Cui Kefu, because of the example of the British, the latter obviously showed a surprised expression, obviously did not expect the supreme commander of China to receive him.

Personality determines the diplomatic style, which is different from Aiden who said some nonsense to decorate the front before carrying out "political blackmail". After the two sides sat down, Cuikov cut straight to the point.It is said that he came to Chongqing under the instruction of Comrade Stalin, the supreme commander of Soviet Russia, in order to take back the Far East.And as long as the Chinese government agrees to return the Far East, then the Soviet Russian government will not only immediately disband the Far East Front Army, but also immediately send these troops to the Middle East—"...if your government requests, our country can even send troops to the Bering Strait, Directly launch an attack on Alaska in the United States!"

Ouyang Yun knew all about the privileges of travelers and the virtues of Soviet Russians, especially Stalin.But even so, when Cuikov said these words, he was still shocked. "I've seen shameless ones, but they are so shameless that they don't even have to tear their skin apart. It's unique!" Afterwards, he described his shock to Song Ziwen like this.

The Soviet Russians are very calculating, according to Cuikov.After successfully taking back the Far East, they can station troops in the Bering Strait, and then "buy" Alaska from the Americans on the condition that they send troops to Northeast China or Mongolia.Immediately afterwards, he can negotiate with the Chinese government. Will he still ask China to return "Outer Mongolia" to them... If this goes on and on again, will the whole world turn into Soviet Russia?Why is the earth still called the earth?Call Su Qiu directly.

Song Ziwen reported his meeting with Aiden to Ouyang Yun, and his series of "Hong Kong is now in our hands" is Ouyang Yun's favorite.Cui Kefu was so deceitful that he uttered wild words, and he came over without hesitation: "The Far East is in our hands now!"

According to Cui Kefu's later recollection, when he found out that it was Ouyang Yun who came out from China, he was "half heartbroken", and he also knew that his trip this time was probably in vain.Of course, due to his mission, he will definitely "struggle with reason":
"But just now, once the United States and Japan launch military operations against your country, the Soviet government doesn't mind taking it back with their own hands!"

"Denikin is our friend now!"

Chuikov's eyes widened.

Denikin, a former Russian general, now the head of the Russian government-in-exile, and the chief wanted criminal of the Soviet Russian State Political Security Bureau... This series of noun embellishments fully demonstrates the "importance" of his person.

"Wait, sir, maybe I need to report to the Kremlin!"

"It's not necessary. Denikin is our friend, and we Chinese will never betray our friends!" Ouyang Yun said calmly, but his eyes showed sharpness.

Yes, the Soviet Red Army is indeed a formidable enemy.However, is the current Soviet Russian Red Army still the Soviet Russian Red Army that can cross the Eurasian continent?Ouyang Yun had deep doubts about this.

He also said: "Chinese people have always been generous to their friends. Therefore, if you are here to extend and strengthen the friendship between China and the Soviet Union, we will welcome you with all hands. However, if your purpose is just to take advantage of your friends' When it’s difficult, I will stab twice in the ribs, sorry, we can only pay back ten times! By the way, you can regard it as a shortcoming of my personality, that is, I can’t tolerate betrayal by my friends!”

Chuikov reported the matter to Stalin anyway.As Ouyang Yun realized, Stalin really insisted on asking the Chinese government to hand over Denikin to the Soviet Russian government, and said that if the Chinese government refused, it would be at its own risk.

In this regard, Cuikov expressed regret in private, and kindly reminded the Chinese side that there was no need for the Chinese side to run into the fate of the Supreme Commander in such a trivial matter.As for the issue of the Far East—"We can talk about it again!"

It can be seen that although Cuikov was born in the military, he is very gifted in diplomacy.However, because the Chinese government had already seen through the Soviet Russian government and Stalin, his efforts were destined to be in vain.

For the second meeting, Ouyang Yun didn't show up, and Gu Weijun and Cui Kefu talked instead.

Gu Weijun clearly told Cui Kefu that the Chinese government regards Denikin as a friend of the Chinese people, and does not agree with the actions of the Soviet Russian government in many matters, so it will not return Denikin to Soviet Russia anyway.

"Sir, I have to remind you that if your government handles it as you said, it will lead to war. Could it be that your government doesn't mind having one more enemy when it goes to war with China and the United States at the same time?" The Chinese don't understand their "goodwill" at all, which makes Cuikov angry, he said aggressively.

Gu Weijun had never seen any scene before, how could he be frightened by him, and asked with a sneer: "General Cuikov, are you threatening?!"

"No, I'm just telling the truth."

"Really? Then I can only tell you with regret that our government will not agree to all the requests you have conveyed to your government. By the way, our supreme commander asked you to bring a sentence to Stalin - the Chinese people He will not take the initiative to provoke a war but he will never be afraid of war. Also, he personally believes that the cause that General Denikin is engaged in is just, so if General Denikin needs it, our government will provide help within its ability!"

What is tit for tat?This is tit for tat.Yes, the current international situation is indeed unfavorable to China, and it is indeed the best time to "beat the dog in the water".However, if Stalin thought that this would force Ouyang Yun and the coalition government to submit obediently, he was completely wrong.Because Ouyang Yun also has the weakness of the Soviets in his hands, that is, the White Russian government in exile established by Denikin in Shanghai.

The attitude of the Chinese government is unprecedentedly tough, and Chuikov's political blackmail journey also ended in failure.

And from the day he set foot on the plane to leave Chongqing, the clouds of war began to form in the sky of Far East China.

(End of this chapter)

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