Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2891 The War Without Gunpowder

Chapter 2891 The War Without Gunpowder

The confidence of the Americans comes from "one of the earliest industrialized countries in the world" and the large amount of wealth accumulated due to World War I.

Where does the confidence of the Chinese or Ouyang Yun come from?The three southeastern provinces also have the world's highest-level scientific research team.

In fact, if Truman is more careful, he can understand the true national conditions of China.Previous diplomats stationed in China, as well as U.S. military officers who had visited Guangdong, most of them mentioned "China's rapid development" in their diaries or letters to relatives and friends.Among them, there is no lack of words of praise, praising that China will become the richest country in the world.Many of them thought that the changes that took place in the three southeastern provinces of China were miraculous because they knew how poor and even backward and barbaric China was before.

Even if Truman, as vice president and acting president, has no time to pay attention to these idle articles, he can still get a glimpse of them through some books and newspapers.In recent years, reports on "China is undergoing earth-shaking changes" are not uncommon in American media.Among them, the most famous is "New Oriental Travel Notes" published in the "New York Times" - "I came to Guangzhou ten years ago, and at that time Guangzhou was already the wealthiest and most modern city in China. But now, when I wander the streets of Guangzhou, I have to wonder whether this is the same Guangzhou I have been to... There are brand-new asphalt roads, neatly repaired fields, and forests. Factories, shopping malls, cars speeding on the highway... If these are not enough to describe the current prosperity of Guangzhou, then, from the always smiling faces of the local people, I can feel that they are happy ..."

As another base camp of the Xuebing Army after Ren Qiu, Guangzhou has an irreplaceable position in the history of the Xuebing Army's development.It is here that many of Ouyang Yun's ideas have been realized.Also here, the Xue Bingjun accumulated a lot of wealth by setting up factories and enterprises and developed a lot of industrial technologies that are ahead of the whole of Asia and even the world.

Technology equals productivity, this sentence is not covered.It is precisely because of maintaining the leading position in technology that Chinese enterprises can strike late and fight their way out of the encirclement of Western powerhouses.

Benefiting from the development of domestic industry and commerce, the Xuebing Army also has the capital to expand aggressively. This is also the reason why the Xuebing Army can become stronger and stronger as it fights, and its weapons and equipment become more and more advanced.After all, Modern Warfare is ultimately about who has the money.

A diplomatic war without gunpowder is raging between China and the United States. On the surface, the diplomats of China and the United States are manipulating this war, but behind it is a close bloody battle between agents of both sides.It was precisely because of this war that the name of Kong Lingyi's "Miss" began to be known to the world.

The code name "Miss" was given by the Americans.For Hoover and Donovan, successfully instigating Kong Lingyi is definitely something they should be proud of.You know, Kong Lingyi is someone who stays with the Chinese president all the year round, even if the Chinese president is just showing off.However, because of the difference in status, even if it was just casual chatting, Lao Jiang might reveal some top secrets of the state.

At the beginning, due to the special cautiousness of secret agents, Donovan did not dare to confirm that the "Missy" had really become their person.However, after Kong Lingyi put forward the suggestion that "assassinating Lao Jiang is easier than assassinating Ouyang Yun, and there will be unexpected benefits", from the first party, Price, to Adams, the director of the Asian Branch of the Strategic Intelligence Agency, to Donovan, they all I think this Chinese woman is sincerely relying on them.

With Chen Cheng's covert support and Kong Lingyi's signature, Yang Puliang's operation to activate the Central Unified Chongqing underground intelligence network went smoothly.After screening, Price finally determined a six-member action team headed by Kong Lingyi, and authorized Kong Lingyi to take full charge of "Operation Changing the Sky".

This is how Americans interpret Ouyang Yun's appointment of Lao Jiang as China's nominal supreme head of state.As rising stars in China's military and political circles, the Xuebing Army and the Huaxia National Unity Party are not enough to convince the public. Ouyang Yun needs Lao Jiang to support his appearance and help him gather the two forces of the former central government and the former central army.Therefore, if Lao Jiang can be successfully assassinated, then it will definitely arouse the hatred of these two forces towards the student army and the coalition government.And as long as there is turmoil in China, the United States will not only gain the strategic initiative, but more importantly, because Ouyang Yun has to draw new troops from the frontline battlefields to counter the rebellion at home, this will greatly reduce the difficulty for the US military to launch military operations in the Pacific and even Asia .

According to historical records, when Donovan reported to Truman that he had successfully instigated Kong Lingyi, a heavyweight spy, Truman actually kept him for dinner and opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

Through this incident, it is not difficult to find out how much Truman hoped to provoke civil strife in China.And what he did also exposed his inner weakness, that is, he actually didn't have much confidence in defeating China on the battlefield.

Truman was not alone in his disbelief in defeating China head-on.The same is true of Stalin in Soviet Russia and Churchill in Britain.

Therefore, Stalin would spare no expense to provoke ethnic disputes in southern China, and Churchill would let the intelligence agencies increase their activities in Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries, hoping to contain China's military in Southeast Asia by causing these countries to fall into turmoil. purpose of strength.

Just as there are different voices in the United States on the issue of anti-China, there are also voices in the UK and Soviet Russia that are opposed to enmity with China.The difference is that the British government is busy moving back to Great Britain, and Churchill is not able to cover many things with one hand, so the British opposition is louder; and Soviet Russia, because after Trotsky, Stalin Basically, it is covering the sky with one hand, so although there are voices in the people and the army that oppose the antagonism with China, they can't affect Stalin's decision-making at all.

With Stalin's personality, he was actually more inclined to take back the Far East directly and violently.However, because he had seen the combat power of the Chinese army with his own eyes, and knew that Soviet Russia could not match China's weapons and equipment, he was uncharacteristically cautious and hoped that the US-Japan alliance would make the Chinese government at a loss. Soviet Russia just took the opportunity to pick up the leak.

The Red Army of the Soviet Union was originally opposed to fighting against China. Stalin gave such a guiding ideology, which was reflected in the front line of the Sino-Soviet border in the Far East. At one time, more than 30 troops were hoarded, but the offensive has not yet launched.

(End of this chapter)

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