Chapter 2691
Missiles (rockets) have not been around for a long time, but because of their huge lethality and ultra-long-range non-contact strike capabilities, they have attracted great attention from all participating countries.The two instigators, China and Germany, are not counted. Now Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom are stepping up their research and development. Among them, Japan and the United States have also produced successful samples.However, because the technical difficulties of rocket engines have not been overcome, the missiles (rockets) of Japan and the United States cannot be used in actual combat.The Japanese are very afraid of this weapon because of the heavy losses caused by the Chinese military’s previous missile air strikes on the Japanese mainland. This is why Hirohito’s face changed drastically after hearing that the Chinese might launch large-scale rocket air strikes.

China issued an ultimatum to Japan, and the US government can be described as mixed.Those who are happy, if China really counterattacks Japan in an all-round way, it will definitely help the US-Australian coalition forces to share the pressure; those who are worried, only worry that if this happens, China will no longer have troops to use in the Australian battlefield, and the US-Australian coalition forces fighting alone against the Japanese forces in Southeast Asia may be in danger.In the history of that time and space, Roosevelt had died of illness at this time, but in this time and space, whether it was affected by the halo of the traveler, Roosevelt not only did not die, but his health was also quite good.Hearing that China had issued an ultimatum to Japan, Roosevelt immediately realized that Japan's defeat would be inevitable, and that the U.S. government could take advantage of this opportunity, so he immediately called for the convening of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and demanded that the military immediately come up with a counterattack plan.

"China intends to launch an all-out counter-offensive against Japan. With the current military power ratio between China and Japan, Japan's defeat will only be a matter of time. Once Japan is defeated, the Japanese army in Southeast Asia will become a rootless weed, and there will be nothing to fear. After paying so much for the war, it’s time to collect benefits, and I ask the Joint Chiefs of Staff to come up with a feasible plan immediately, in order to gain more benefits from this counterattack—”

After Roosevelt finished speaking, someone immediately questioned: "Your Excellency, Australia is facing the attack of the Japanese army in Southeast Asia. Isn't the most important thing we should do at this time is to increase troops to Australia?"

The nation-wide mobilization of the United States is terrifying because it has a huge industrial base. Once these factories are fully put into military production, the United States can reorganize a Pacific Fleet and a large-scale army almost in an instant.However, due to institutional problems, both the civilian and the government are very sensitive to troop casualties. to China for help.

"If the Japanese mainland is attacked, do you think Koizumi Toshiichiro would dare to continue to let his subordinates attack Australia? He should rush back to help the mainland, right? And this is our opportunity. New Guinea, Indochina, Malaysia, The Philippines... This is a very vast market and resource distribution center. The Chinese military forces are mainly concentrated in the Indochina Peninsula and the Ryukyu Islands, and this is our opportunity—” Roosevelt said.Although Roosevelt had no experience in leading troops in battle, he did not lack military vision.

"Your Excellency, are you sure that the Japanese army in Southeast Asia will return to the mainland? Now their sea passage to the north has been blocked by the Chinese army," another person asked.

"I'm sure. Because I know that Toshiichiro Koizumi has been strengthening his navy during this period, and now he has more than ten aircraft carriers. That is to say, the Japanese and the Chinese will definitely fight in the North Pacific. Minister Knox! "

Secretary of the Navy Knox looked at Roosevelt.

"This is actually an opportunity for our navy. We lost too many Pacific islands in the middle of the war. Now it's time to take them back."

Knox frowned and asked, "What if the Chinese troops refuse to withdraw?"

Many islands of the United States in the North Pacific are now controlled by the Chinese army, so Knox asked this question.

"The Japanese will help us do the work of the scavenger. All we need to do is to expel the Japanese. The Japanese are heading north. The navy should be able to take it back, right?"

Roosevelt looked full of confidence. Although Knox gradually became suspicious, he did not continue to attack Roosevelt from the perspective of protecting Roosevelt's prestige.

"...What you need to do now is to come up with a detailed and feasible plan so that I can convince our MPs. Our MPs are only worried about whether they can get re-elected, but we can't be like them, we Since you are in a high position, you must think about the future of the country."

Although Roosevelt's presidential power far exceeded that of peacetime because of entering the wartime system, he still couldn't make a promise in many cases.Because the casualties of the U.S. military in the Pacific War far exceeded the psychological expectations of the people, in order to meet the wishes of the voters, the U.S. Congress has repeatedly rejected the decision to increase troops to Australia.But now, because China has issued an ultimatum to Japan, in Roosevelt's view, this is the last chance for the United States to recover its war investment, but he is ready to give it a go.

Not to mention that the United States is working hard to increase its troops in the Pacific.On the British side, Churchill also sensitively realized that this is the best time for Britain to recover its Asian colonies. Therefore, for the first time, the Queen's government of England sent a note to the Chinese government, saying that the British government decided to launch an attack on the Japanese army entrenched in the Malaysian peninsula. End the war in Asia as soon as possible, and return the people of Asia to a peaceful and peaceful living environment.

The Germans were also stimulated, so Hitler thought that since the Chinese dared to issue an ultimatum to Japan at this time, that is to say, they still had enough spare power in the war against Germany. From another perspective, the Chinese move Isn't it mocking the military of the Third Reich?Out of stubborn pride, although Japan and Germany were allies, in fact Hitler never regarded Japan as a true ally.But it is different now. Because of the same hatred and hatred, he began to face up to Japan as an ally, and decided to seriously fulfill the obligations of an ally and help the Japanese once. "The Chinese are too arrogant, let us unite with the Japanese and teach them a profound lesson," he explained the reasons for providing military aid to Japan in front of his subordinates, and at the same time called Lexter and Rommel, asking them to increase The offensive strength of the Chinese army, "must not make it easy for the Chinese."

Among the major countries participating in the war, the Soviet Russian government was the latest to get the news, but it was also the most stimulated.Because Stalin suddenly remembered a plan he had made many years ago. At that time, he wanted to send troops to the Far East of China to help the Chinese government expel the Japanese invaders in exchange for the formal independence of Outer Mongolia.But now, the Chinese government has not only completely brought Outer Mongolia under its rule, but also regained its homeland in the Far East, and has also begun to attack Japan. It was inevitable that Stalin would be cynical.

(End of this chapter)

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