Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 22 The Laughing Chapter of Penicillin

Chapter 22 The Penicillin Joke

The young man's words were shocking enough, even Song Zheyuan, an old man like Song Zheyuan, couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words.The young man's words touched the softest string in the old man's heart.

Looking back on the past, it was not easy for the 29th Army to get to where it is today.History has proved that the officers and soldiers of the 29th Army are all good, capable of keeping the land and water safe, and can even do better.It's just that the land in Chahar is too barren. Since the 29th Army recuperated here, it has only been able to keep food and clothing.If he, Song Zheyuan, can own a rich area like Guangdong and Guangxi like Chen Jitang, Li Zongren and others, then...

He looked at Ouyang Yun's young face with complicated emotions.After all, Ouyang Yun was still too young, so young that what he said seemed very childish.

Song Zheyuan didn't want a good piece of land, but who said that the 29th Army is not someone's direct descendant?For the child raised by my mother, it would be nice to have a place to shelter from the rain, so what else can I expect?Not only him, most of the officers and soldiers of the 29th Army thought this way, so when he was named Chairman Chahar, they would run for more than a hundred miles overnight like taking a stimulant, wishing they could grow wings fly here.

Historians are human beings, and they inevitably make mistakes—they cannot get into the inner world of the characters, and the analysis they make based on the so-called facts can only be used as a reference.

Ouyang Yun's words lifted the scars in Song's heart, reminded him of the days when he was under the fence, and the images of officers and soldiers of the 29th Army dressed like beggars, and his heart felt desolate.

Seeing his gloomy expression, Ouyang Yun restrained his smile and said softly, "Mr. Song, according to gossip, He and the Japanese have reached a preliminary agreement in negotiations. The Central Army, including the government, will all withdraw from Hebei. By that time, the entire Hebei It’s empty—Hebei is much richer than Chahar.”

That's enough to say, Song is a smart person, he immediately woke up, looked at him, a little surprised, more surprised, and asked: "Gossip? Are you sure?"

"The news released by the people around him should not be wrong."

"Okay!" Song patted the table, stood up, thought for a while, sat down again, frowned and said, "But, the defense line of the 29th Army is in Chahar?!"

Seeing that he was tempted, Ouyang Yun knew that half of the goal had been achieved, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about Mr. Song, someone will invite you over when the time comes."

"Oh? How do you decide?"

"Song Gong, the land of North China does not only produce traitors. Since ancient times, there have been many loyal and brave men."

"En?" Song used his brain and immediately figured it out, which made the young man in front of him more curious about the origin, and asked the same question again: "Ouyang, who are you?" Yes, this time he said it with a smile on his face, looking very amiable.He thought in his heart: Isn't this kid simple?Which side does he represent?It is impossible for the Japanese, so—no matter which power he represents, as long as he can hold Hebei in his hands, in this era of talking through the barrel of a gun, who is he afraid of coming?
Ouyang Yun smiled and said: "Song Gong, this is not important, what is important is that I want to do something for the country and the people, and I have always admired you and the 29th Army - this sounds a bit like a slogan, very It's empty, but I dare to ask myself, this is what I mean. Song Gong, I know that during your stay in Tianjin, you and those traitors are just hypocrisy. Brothers in the 29th Army are not easy. You just want everyone to live better. , when you kill devils, you will have less worries—I can understand this, and this is what I admire most about you."

He said these words with sincerity, and Song Zheyuan was also moved when he heard them. He didn't expect that the person who knew him best in this world would be such a young man who had never met before.However, after all, he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. Naturally, he will not be confused by these superficial things, and said: "Let's not talk about it. If the 29th Army is really going to Hebei, the person who initiated the invitation will not be you?"

"Song Gong is joking, what can you do with your virtue? Of course, I will try my best to facilitate this matter. Well, if I really want to reach this point, I need you to help me."

"En?" Song Zheyuan responded, with a calm expression on his face, and said in his heart: I have made a condition.Having been in the officialdom for so many years and knowing countless people, Song Zheyuan can be said to be a master of cultivation. Naturally, he would not think that the other party really helped him because of these honest reasons-people always have selfish intentions.

Thus, the two foxes, one old and one young, began to look for what they needed——

"I want to ask Mr. Song to help me buy guns and ammunition. In addition, I want to win over the student training class of the 25th Division."

"Guns are easy to talk about. The training class of the 25th Division, Ouyang, I will call you Ouyang."

"This is the honor of the juniors."

"The 25th Division and the 29th Army do not belong to the same command system, and it is unlikely for important people."

"Song Gong, according to the gossip, the training class of the 25th division will definitely be disbanded. The Japanese have requirements in this regard. If you disclose this news to the 25th division, I think, for your old face, they will definitely Selling this favor. In fact, I want that training class for the future of the 29th Army."

"The future of the 29th Army?" Song Zheyuan suddenly wanted to laugh: This young man doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. What does the future of the 29th Army have to do with him?

Ouyang Yun expected his expression like this, and he was not in a hurry. He took out the two plagiarized designs, handed them over respectfully, and said, "These are some designs made by the juniors when they were studying in the United States. I just thought that one day I could make a small contribution to improving the living conditions of the 29th Army. Now it seems that the future of the 29th Army is on them. The talent in the picture."

This is too arrogant to say, so arrogant that Song Zheyuan thinks it is quite a joke.However, in view of the young man's previous performance - the gossip one by one, the person who can kill even the traitors, naturally will not be an idler, he did not scoff, but looked at it seriously.I looked at it for a while, but I didn't see why. Without it, there are too many technical terms on it, so I can't understand it.Speaking of which, Song Zheyuan is worthy of being a handsome talent who can control one side. He did not immediately draw conclusions arbitrarily because of his ignorance, but asked Guo Biao to invite professionals: "Biaozi, go and invite Mr. Jiang."

Mr. Jiang's full name is Jiang Shuren. He is 36 years old this year. He is Song's staff member and once studied in France.He took a rough look at the two designs, and his eyes were fixed on them, and his eyes became hot.After watching it, he asked Song Zheyuan excitedly: "Mr. Song, where did you get this treasure?"

"Baby?!" Song Zheyuan couldn't help but give Ouyang Yun a high look when he heard these two words coming out of his mouth, thinking that this young man is really not simple. , so he pointed at him.

Jiang Shuren's scorching eyes immediately retracted from the few pieces of paper, turned to Ouyang Yun, and asked eagerly: "Sir, who made these two designs?"


"You!" Jiang Shuren's eyes widened, and he looked him up and down for a while, a little in disbelief—this young man was in his early twenties at best, how could he design such a high-end product with his education? !But looking at the confident eyes of the other party, he couldn't let him withdraw his doubts, and said: "Sir, you are a great talent, dare to ask your name?"

"Ouyang Yun."

"Ouyang Yun," Jiang Shuren whispered twice. He felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had heard it. He said to himself that China can produce such talents. He asked, "Excuse me?" Who did you learn from?"

This is a level question, and it is the usual way of thinking of a serious scholar—these two designs involve too much, and it would be impossible for a young man like Ouyang Yun to figure it out on his own.Then, it is most likely that he took the light of a certain master and took off these two stars by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Ouyang Yun secretly praised the other party for being amazing, he thought through the problem thoroughly, and he could immediately conclude that the two designs were not made by himself. However, as for the time traveler, one cannot look at it with the eyes of ordinary people.Plagiarism is shameless!But as a time traveler, not being shameless is not enough to become a genius, and not being shameless is not enough to have the super power to open up the world—as one of the time travelers, he had no choice but to follow the trend of being shameless—very modestly, he said: "I read it in the United States. University in a few days." It means that we don't have any guidance from the master.

Jiang Shuren stood up in shock, looking at him like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, that joy—the word "genius" blurted out.

Genius!Such a halo, after all, Ouyang Yun is not shameless to the point of "no one before and no one to come", so he is still shy.

Song Zheyuan has been watching the performance of the two with great interest, and heard Jiang Shuren call out "genius", and this genius has already stated that he wants to help himself and the 29th army. He finally realized what he got, and his attitude towards Ouyang Yun was completely Change.

Jiang Shuren flipped through the two designs again, and asked Ouyang Yun: "Mr. Ouyang, there seems to be some data not marked in your design."

"Yes, it is my patent after all, if it is stolen, the loss will be huge."

Jiang Shuren nodded to show his understanding, and said: "I heard about penicillin when I was in France. It was first discovered by the British Alexander Fleming. At present, some foreign experts are still studying it. I didn't expect you to have fully grasped it. Considering its characteristics, if its curative effect is as stated in your paper, then this will definitely be a milestone in the history of human medicine... Do you want to set up a factory in China?"

Jiang Shuren's words are quite weighty, words like milestones appeared, Song Zheyuan's eyes almost fell out, even Ouyang Yun was sweating profusely—shame, he thought that there were already countries in the world that could He has produced penicillin, and now I know that this thing has just been discovered—hey, he is still a medical student, and he once wanted to hang the pot to help the world...

The ignorant are fearless. Ouyang Yun only realized the true meaning of this sentence today. While sweating profusely, he secretly said that it seems that he must be cautious in his words and deeds in the future, otherwise he doesn't know what kind of jokes will be made. To a person who knows penicillin, if he meets a layman, isn't his painstaking efforts playing the piano to the cow? !After calming down, he nodded, gave Jiang Shuren a grateful look, and then said to Song Zheyuan: "I'm looking for Princess Song mainly for this matter, and the multi-purpose vehicle is fine. Once this penicillin is released, it will definitely be more expensive than gold. It really works." If such a factory is not protected by the army, I am afraid that it will be used by people with ulterior motives."

Jiang Shuren smiled: "Then why don't you cooperate directly with the national government?"

Ouyang Yun sneered: "The National Government? Do you still believe in it? Anyway, I don't trust it very much."

Jiang Shuren's question was actually a test, after all, he relied on Song Zheyuan for his living.After getting a satisfactory answer, he said to Song Zheyuan: "Mr. Song, Shuren would like to congratulate you. If Mr. Ouyang can really cooperate with the 29th Army to set up a factory, the 29th Army will be like holding a money pot in the future."

Song Zheyuan became excited, money jar, this is what the 29th Army lacks most.Having money is equivalent to having good weapons and equipment. If the equipment of the 29th Army can be the same as that of the Japanese Army, then—he dare not think about it. Jiang Shuren will not lie to him, but he is still a little worried about Ouyang Yun's intentions , "Ouyang can cooperate with the 29th Army, it is a very good thing, Ouyang, let's raise your conditions!" In his opinion, the other party will definitely have conditions, and he made up his mind that as long as the conditions are not too harsh, then Accepted.

The matter finally developed according to his plan on the predetermined track, Ouyang Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly rejoiced that he had made the right bet.In today's move, he took a risk - if Song Zheyuan's stance on dealing with the Japanese is really vacillating as the history says, then he will be caught in a wolf's mouth today.Fortunately, history seems to have deceived him. It can be seen that no matter how wise historians are, they are still prone to errors when studying human nature.

He came to cooperate with the 29th Army, naturally there were conditions, but this condition was not considered a condition at all for Song Zheyuan and the 29th Army at this time——

Ouyang Yun's conditions are very simple, and can be summed up as a promise, a guarantee: the 29th Army must promise not to fight a civil war, resolutely resist the Japanese, and at the same time ensure the independence and safety of its subordinate enterprises.The promise must be published in the newspaper, and the guarantee needs to sign an agreement with Ouyang Yun, and at the same time provide a regiment formation, this regiment is called "Xuebingtuan".

Historically, the cadet regiment of the 29th Army appeared after the [-]th Movement. Now because of the appearance of Ouyang Yun, a little butterfly, she stepped onto the stage of history ahead of schedule.

What kind of stories will the Academy Corps bring to China?Will it still be a tragedy?

(End of this chapter)

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