Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1187: Bai Liusu's Murderous Aura

Chapter 1187: Bai Liusu's Murderous Aura

Stern's counterattack was undoubtedly more powerful. Little Boen was furious. He stood up and shouted: "Stern, please don't spout blood. If you are determined to maliciously slander, I will sue you for defamation! My father and I, we are the Jews Is there still less to do? If it weren't for us, would you be standing here and yelling loudly?"

"Haha!" Stern laughed again. He leaned back on the chair, glanced at the others, and said, "Everyone, listen, this is what they want. Without them, the Bonn family, wouldn't we all be Killed by the German army?!" Suddenly, he straightened his waist, stared at little Bonn and shouted: "But, please don't forget, without Commander-in-Chief Ouyang, without the student army, you can do nothing! In that case , not only will we die under the butcher's knife of the ****, I believe that you have now been given to Hitler by the Japanese as a gift! Hmph, you are ashamed to say that it is for us Jews. If this is the case, what should you consider now? Help the commander-in-chief to calm down the situation in Guangzhou, instead of fanning the flames here. Everyone, you have also seen the chaos in Guangzhou. It is time for us to repay the commander-in-chief and the student army. Everyone, I want to continue to obtain a stable living environment , treat yourself as a real Chinese, as a real soldier—”

Facing Stern's sincere call, the three division commanders and the two independent brigade commanders took the lead in expressing their support, and then Dr. Hugh and several other businessmen who were scholars also expressed their agreement.In the end, the Bonn father and son and several other people in the chamber of commerce saw that there was nothing they could do, so they could only choose to follow the trend.Only then did the meeting get down to business, and after a quarter of an hour of discussion, the meeting finally decided to grant Stern the command, let him get in touch with Ouyang Yun's direct lineage, and then organize troops to intervene in this "military rebellion".

Before participating in this meeting, Stern had actually made relevant preparations, so shortly after the meeting ended, he took an armored brigade to the headquarters.

On the square at the entrance of the headquarters of the General Command, the pushing and shoving has turned into an all-out military action.Gunshots and explosions rang out everywhere. Ji Xingwen and Li Tieshu were guarded by a battalion of women's soldiers in the office building.

"Minister Ji, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Li, please trust us. Even if we fight to the last, we will not let the rebels hurt a single hair of your hair!" Hu Juan, the battalion commander of the Detachment of Women, put her hand in her hand after explaining this sentence. Go down to the entrance of the building and set up your defenses.Seven or eight female soldiers stood in front of Ji Xingwen and Li Tieshu hand in hand, and used their female sensitive parts to cut off the possible "breakthrough" of Ji Xingwen, Li Tieshu and several of their men.

"The soldiers on both sides first pushed and shoved, and then, I don't know who fired first. At this moment, it was like suddenly pouring a catty of freshly washed peanuts into a pot of boiling oil. Four times, the students on both sides fell down every second, and the blood soon stained the square in front of the general headquarters..." This is a report written by a reporter from the "Xue Bingjun Times" that night.For some reason, this press release was not made public in the end, but the scene it described shocked everyone who was lucky enough to read this article.

The gunshots erupted suddenly, Chu Meng saw that something was wrong, and immediately hid in a nearby public toilet.He hid in the toilet anxiously, praying that the gunshots would stop, and then, as if there was God's will in the dark, after 10 minutes passed, suddenly there was a burst of more intensive gunshots, and then the gunshots actually stopped. down. "I don't know which side won the battle, I hope it's not the rebels!" Thinking this way, he carefully moved behind the door of the toilet, and then looked out.The first thing that caught his eyes was a slender figure. He was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed: The Detachment of Women, it must be the Detachment of Women!Thinking this way, he stepped out excitedly.

It is the Women's Army.

When the integrated troops of Bai Liusu and Shui Hongxiu came out, it coincided with the official opening of the headquarters of the commander-in-chief.Hearing the dense gunshots, Bai Liusu's complexion changed slightly, and then, she stopped the troops from advancing, and she used the lightness skills she had learned when she was a "Grand Thief", and jumped onto the wall of the general hospital.Climb directly from the wall to the nearest watchtower. After seeing clearly the deployment of troops on both sides, she jumped off the watchtower and landed on the wall amidst the exclamations of the watchtower sentinels and female soldiers, and began to issue targeted orders. .

Taking the battalion as a unit, one after another women's army and the security forces directly under the general headquarters set off from the general hospital, quickly interspersed with various connections around the general headquarters, and then issued a unified order through the walkie-talkie through Shui Hongxiu, and fired shots into the sky.

After Ye Hongming made the decision to personally lead the team to deal with Xu Dechuan's tribe, he originally thought that if he went out personally, he would definitely be able to catch him.However, when the battle really started, and the soldiers on both sides fell in a pool of blood, he couldn't help panicking.Although the Guangzhou Garrison is not a regular army, its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.At first, I thought that a single charge would be able to stun and defeat them, but now it seems that even if they can really be defeated, then my soldiers will definitely suffer heavy losses.And if that's the case, it's not worth the loss for him to do so.In the city of Guangzhou, there is only one army that really listens to him.And without an army loyal to him, what great things did he expect to achieve? "I'm careless, I should have sent armored troops or even tank troops," Ye Hongming thought, regretting it.

And just when he was riding a tiger, there was a sudden burst of gunshots behind him, and when he looked back, he was immediately dumbfounded.The Women's Army, the group of girls whom I despised the most, actually learned the oriole, and he became the stupidest praying mantis.Intensive gunshots sounded from behind, and the red-eyed students looked back and were immediately dumbfounded.

"Stop shooting, hand in your guns and don't kill!" The Detachment of Women began to shout slogans, but with the black muzzles of their guns, their sharp shouts had no comic effect, but instead brought a trace of indescribable terror.

At the gate of the command headquarters, Xu Dechuan, who was shot in the left arm and never retreated, suddenly saw a large number of women's soldiers and students from the guard. He relaxed and said to his subordinates: "Brothers, you have to live!"

"It's the Women's Army!"

"Adjutant Bai, it's Adjutant Bai!"

"Brigade Commander Bai!" "God of Songs!"...Many students saw Bai Liusu in military uniform, with cold eyes glowing. I no longer lightly say that I will fight to the end with those sons of bitches of the security force.

Ye Hongming really overestimated himself. He thought that the entire brigade of students listened to him, but he didn't know that the real initiator of this scuffle was the spy inserted by Wang Tiandao.

Wang Tiandao was sure. In a confrontation, as long as one person shoots, everyone will try to knock down the opposing side out of self-protection. As a result, melee is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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