Charm King Evil Concubine: The waste material shocks the world

Chapter 181 Phoenix Crystal Palace Distress [5]

Chapter 181 Phoenix Crystal Palace Distress [5]

Warcraft are ruthless, because they have no emotion, so they only know how to kill. They don't have any concept, so they don't know what a companion is.

As soon as the little cutie finished speaking, she saw a few huge beasts thrown into the air from behind... It seemed that she had been poisoned by her companions. Qianxue squinted her eyes and followed the actions of the monsters behind by the bright moonlight. I found that it was just like what the little cutie said, only knows how to kill, and they still killed their companions without changing their faces, giving people an astonishing aura of death for those who stand in my way, and they came with blood.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air. The blood of monsters was more bloody than the blood of any kind of creature. Now that there were so many bleeding monsters lying there, the smell was even more disgusting.

Qianxue covered her nose, "This smell is really bad."

The little cutie squirmed her mouth, seemingly unaffected, and looked into the distance with a pair of green eyes, "Master, there are many fourth-order monsters, Feng Caixiang and Sheng Mingfeng will not be their opponents, and such a wheel battle After coming down, the two of them are obviously very tired, master, do you want to escape first?"

Qianxue tapped on the wall a few times, with a pensive expression on her face. Since the little cutie asks this, it means that the visitor is not kind and difficult to deal with, and may harm her safety...

She is so strong, but it doesn't mean she is just trying to be brave. Cutie mentioned about the golden silk hair satin, but that hair satin can only be used if it is at the eighth level or higher of the Phoenix God Art. to it.

So this method will not work, Qianxue narrowed her eyes, and saw that Sheng Mingfeng seemed to be a little powerless to resist, "Little cutie, is there any other way to drive them away in one go? For example, some poison Ah, gunpowder or something."

"Master, it's too late. Even if there is that kind of poison, you don't have time to refine it. Besides, you are not a pharmacist, and ordinary poisons are useless to this kind of monsters above the third level. Big, not only that, but gunpowder will actually stimulate the animal nature of monsters and intensify their attack power, so gunpowder should be used with caution against monsters." Cutie didn't despise Qianxue's confusion about these basic common sense, and explained it seriously.

Qianxue responded lightly, but she didn't expect this third-order monster to be so resistant. Ordinary poisons couldn't deal with it, and gunpowder also turned into fueling its arrogance. It was quite surprising.

"Palace Master—"

Suddenly, there was a scream from below, and Qian Xue fixed her eyes on Feng Caixiang's direction, only to see the red figure fell into Sheng Mingfeng's arms, and a monster beast oppressed them in front of them.

The palace guards in front of Feng Caixiang were all like dilapidated dolls, kicked away, some even couldn't escape the sharp teeth of monsters, the scene was quite bloody.

Qianxue's face changed slightly, and her figure floated up. Seeing that she was surrounded by green light, the little cutie knew that the master wanted to help her. Its expression became solemn, and it didn't say much. The master advances and retreats together.

Since Sheng Mingfeng came down to help, he had no intention of running away. Facing Feng Caixiang's thanks, he only smiled gently in return. In his opinion, it is normal to help others when others are in trouble. He has the demeanor and conduct that an imposing seven-foot man should have, not to mention that he is also an illusionist.

(End of this chapter)

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