Chapter 167 Sheng Mingfeng Captured [1]

"Brother Sheng, I'm in charge of catching fish. You go and pick up some dry firewood. After I've cleaned up the fish, let's put them on the rack to roast." While Qianxue was speaking, she had already quickly removed her shoes and socks, and raised her height. The sleeves, the whole person looks excited.

Sheng Mingfeng was startled, and turned his back suddenly, his voice sounded a little tense, and his words became serious, "Miss Qianxue, you are a woman, and I am a man, how can you be so careless in front of a man? If you let outsiders see it, it will ruin your reputation."

Qian Xueben bent over and raised the hem of her trousers. After hearing Sheng Mingfeng's reminder, she froze slightly, and suddenly remembered that this was in the strict ancient times... The corner of her mouth twitched fiercely, really disappointing.

However, she snorted softly, "Brother Sheng, people walk in the rivers and lakes, how can they be so disciplined, you and I are called innocent if our hearts are clean, what is there to be taboo about, how could it be possible to give birth to a baby just by looking at it casually like this."

Sheng Mingfeng was stunned for a while, this is something that a girl in the boudoir can say, really... His cheekbones flushed slightly, and after a dark cough, he walked towards a certain direction, his voice was full of discomfort.

"You're right. I'm indeed too pedantic. The firewood over there should be dry. I'll go there to pick it up." After saying that, he went straight to the distance without daring to turn his head.

Qianxue clicked her tongue softly, and the bones did not melt.

After tidying up her clothes, she went directly into the stream, and the cold feeling came up from the soles of her feet, driving away the heat all over her body, and immediately made her look refreshed.

She raised her head up, and only then did she see clearly what was in the wilderness here, and it clearly had the charm of a paradise.

The sunset is accompanied by the breeze, the mountains and the flowing water, the occasional insects and birds, and the faint smell of green grass in the air, which is very refreshing.

In her previous life, with such a special status, she naturally ran to many scenic spots of Fengying, but no matter where, there is more or less secular dust, and the smell of pollution almost swallows everything. How can there be such an authentic taste now? .

For a moment, she stood in the stream like that, feeling the serenity of nature.

Linghu Wanrou, who was helping Linghu Wanyu to get off the carriage, saw such a leisurely Linghu Qianxue at a glance, and her eyes dimmed slightly.

Linghu Wanyu beside her kept moving, bumping into her heavily from time to time, forcing her to look away. Just when she stretched out her hand to relieve Linghu Wanyu's pain, Linghu Qianxue's warning sound came suddenly.

"She is my servant, and she can only be free if I agree with her. Miss Wanrou will not forget what the emperor said."

Linghu Wanrou's movements froze, and her outstretched hand just stopped in mid-air.

With a wave of Qianxue's sleeve robe, a ball of pink rolled out from the cuff, and the little cutie opened her sleepy green eyes, as if she was so sleepy that she couldn't get enough of it.

Not long after, a green bamboo as thin as blue silk stretched out, the cutie looked at the owner whose eyes were still closed, and took it suspiciously.

Although the green bamboo is thin, it is exceptionally tough, and the cute little claws will not feel awkward when holding it here, because the thickness is just right for its feel.

It slammed into the air twice, making a whooping sound.

"Little cutie, the servant assigned to me by the emperor is not very obedient. Go and watch her. If she is not obedient again, just teach her a lesson, so as not to take her out in the future. Others say that my master will not teach a servant."

(End of this chapter)

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