
Chapter 357

Chapter 357
Cicadas chirping, there is a gentle wind.

The wind blowing from Congling had become less violent when it reached Shu County.

The bright moon hangs high, and the stars are dotted.The lights of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion located inside the Wutu Gate have been extinguished at this moment, and they are plunged into darkness.

A black shadow quietly came to the door of Dong Pi's study room for daily work.

Due to the hot weather, the door of the room was open.Dong Bi fell asleep on the table, and the candles in the room were flickering.


When the shadow was about to enter the study door, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

A person jumped out from the darkness, wearing a black Teng leather armor, which only protected the chest, abdomen and limb joints, and stood across the door of the study, staring at the man in front of him coldly.

"Ah, villain Dong Xi, see Captain Captain."

The one who spoke was a man in his thirties, who was born to be tall and strong.

The man in front of him was none other than Martial Arts School Lieutenant Dong Tie.He didn't wear a weapon on his body, but it made people feel cold.

Dong Xi knew that the most difficult person to deal with in the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was not Dong Pi, but Dong Tie.

Don't look at Dong Tie is already married, but lives in the Metropolitan Government's Mansion, and is responsible for guarding the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion on weekdays.

The guards of the entire Metropolitan Governor's Mansion are all martial artists trained by Dong Tie.

And Dong Tie was conferred the title of No.1 by many people.He didn't carry a sword, but everyone knew that Dong Tie never left his sword.When it comes to killing people, Dong Tie's methods are no worse than others.

Dong Xi said: "The villain saw that the governor was asleep, and was afraid that the governor would catch a cold, so..."

"Don't you know that ordinary people can't approach here without authorization? I think you have made great achievements, so don't pursue it, and leave quickly."

Dong Xi quickly thanked him, turned and left.

Dong Tie stood in front of the study, watching Dong Xi's back disappear, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"That guy is gone?"


The one who spoke was none other than Dong Bi, who was still asleep before.

He walked up to Dong Tie and said softly: "This guy will be patient, but... hey, have you made arrangements for the military division?"

"Everything has been arranged!"

"Very well, keep staring at him... Damn, don't let me see this guy again, or I really can't bear it."


Dong Tie hurriedly bowed to his orders and dodged into the darkness.

After leaving the study in the backyard, Dong Xi couldn't help feeling his back was soaked!

In the entire Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, few people were willing to face Dong Tie head-on. That guy always had a cold murderous aura.

In fact, who in this Metropolitan Governor's Mansion has never killed anyone?

But no one can be as murderous as Dong Tie, like a cold sword.

Dong Bi can't do it either!

In other words, it is deliberately hidden, and ordinary people can't detect it at all.

Dong Xi walked to the edge of the gazebo and sat down, sighing softly.It has been three years since I came to the Western Regions, and I thought that I could get close to Dong Pi by virtue of offering Dong Zhuo's head.Unexpectedly, Dong Bi has been fighting outside for many years, and the mansion is heavily guarded, even stricter than the original Taishi Mansion.

When Dong Bi was there, he was guarded by Dong Tie and trolls.

When Dong Bi was away, the entire Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was under the control of Hunvying.

The Tiger Girl of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was established on the basis of the Tiger Girl Camp that followed Dong Bi across the Nanshan Mountains and moved to Liangzhou.

Divided into two teams, 500 people each, in charge of Dong Lu and Ren Hongchang respectively.

In name, the leader of Tiger Girl is Dong Yuan.However, Dong Yuan spends most of her time disciplining her youngest daughter, Li Yong. Later, because she became pregnant, she gradually faded out of the Tiger Girl Camp, spending all day at home caring for her husband and raising her children, recuperating her body.

In addition to the Tiger Girl Camp, Dong Xi also knew that Cai Yan had a 200 fighters in his hands.

Every fighter is a master selected from the Xingxiu Sea martial arts battalion. They are not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also extremely vigilant.

Here, it is impossible for him to do what he did in the Grand Master's Mansion.

Today, Dong Zhuo's head and Dong Bi's body made of gold are buried in Xingxiu Sea.

But Dong Xi still lingered on the outskirts of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion.Although he has the name of being in charge, he has no real power.

If it goes on for a long time, it will definitely show its feet. At that time, instead of being able to avenge the master, on the contrary...

Dong Xi is not afraid of death, but he must not die before he avenges Dong Juan.

Back then, when he was in Luoyang, he colluded with Zheng Tai. He thought it was safe, but it turned out... Zheng Tai died, and he also lost his backer.The strength of the Dong family in the Western Regions is growing, and Dong Xi's mood has become more and more restless.

After returning to his room, Dong Xi was drinking alone.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone knock on the door lightly, followed by a person into Dong Xi's room.

"Old Dong, why is it so late, drinking alone?"

Dong Xi looked up, but he recognized the person.

This person's surname is Nanrong, and his first name is Yu. He is a Qiang.It is said that he once worked as a horse thief, and later defected to Dong Pi as the guard of the mansion.

I have known Dong Xi for more than two years.

He is extremely bold, has high martial arts skills, and is good at wielding a golden back machete, extremely brave.

In the entire Governor's Mansion, Nan Rongyu and Dong Xi had the best relationship.Originally, he wanted to seek a future, but he didn't want to be a guard in the Metropolitan Government's Mansion.This discrepancy between reality and expectations made Nan Rongyu very dissatisfied.

"Brother Nanrong, sit down and drink with me!"

Nan Rongyu was not polite either, he pulled up a chair and sat down opposite Dong Xi.He poured a glass of wine with a smile, and drank it down, "Old Dong, if there is something unhappy, why don't you tell me, my brother can help you with an idea."

Dong Xi sighed, "I'm just worried...Brother, I think I am also an old man from the Dudu's family. I traveled thousands of miles and stole the head of the Grand Master from Luoyang and sent it to the Western Regions. I thought I would have a good future, but... …Look at that Dong Tie, who was just a slave of the governor in the early years, but now he has become a school lieutenant in a grand manner, I feel really uncomfortable in my heart."

Dong Xi would not say these words to anyone else.

But Nan Rongyu was different. The two had known each other for two years, and they trusted each other very much.

From the preface, the two have complained.So Dong Xi was not afraid that Nan Rongyu would inform him, so he complained casually.

Deep down in his heart, Dong Xi already had the idea of ​​leaving the Western Regions.

It's just that it hasn't been determined yet, whether to continue to endure?still……

Nan Rongyu smiled wryly and said, "I brought people to join him after I heard about the Commander's Recruitment Order. But now, I can only be a guard. The Commander... To tell the truth, the name is not real. Also crony guy."

"Shh, brother Nanrong, how can you say that about the governor?"

Nan Rongyu didn't speak, and drank non-stop with Dong Xi, and gradually, he became a little drunk.

"Old Dong, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. We are here in the Governor's Mansion and in the Western Regions. I'm afraid we are not fooled!"

"how do I say this?"

"It's okay to say that I was a horse thief in my early years. I know it clearly. Maybe I will be lucky in the future and I can be a part-time official. But you...hehe, do you know that, in fact, most of the governors have always suspected that you were a traitor."

Dong Xi shuddered, "Brother, where did you say that?"

"Where do you start?"

Nan Rongyu's eyes were drunk, and he lowered his voice and said: "That happened last year. At that time, the governor was preparing to use troops against Qiuci. By chance, I heard the governor and Lin Xiangtinghou say: The Grand Master's Mansion was breached." , It's already strange, your brother, you actually stole the head of the Grand Master in such a chaotic situation, I'm afraid there is another mystery."

Dong Xi's drunkenness has woken up!
Nan Rongyu went on to say: "I heard what the governor said, that he suspected that you were in collusion with Li Jue and Guo Si. It's just because there is no evidence, and you brought the head of the grand master, he has no excuse to deal with you... Old Dong, I am worthless for you, you know? You have made such a great contribution, but instead of being rewarded, you have been suspected for no reason..."

Dong Xi was dripping with cold sweat, and cried out in his heart: No!

Now that the Dong family has already suspected me, sooner or later he will find out my flaws, no, I can't stay in the Western Regions for long.

However, this Western Region is now run by the Dong family... Even if I escape, how can I escape the Dong family's search?
Dong Xi couldn't help sighing softly, there was endless bitterness and unwillingness in it.

Nan Rongyu's eyes widened suddenly, "Old Dong, let me tell you something from my heart... I plan to leave the Western Regions, will you come with me?"

"Leaving the Western Regions? Where are you going?"

"I've heard from others that Cao Yanzhou in the Kanto region has a reputation for knowing people and being good at their duties. I plan to go to the Kanto region and join Cao Cao."

"Go to Cao Cao?"

Dong Xi has naturally heard of Cao Cao's name, and also knows that Cao Cao also participated in the killing of Dong Zhuo.

I just don't know why Cao Cao didn't arrive in Luoyang on time.However, Cao Cao's strength is not bad, maybe...

"You said you took refuge, so you took refuge? Why did Cao Cao believe you? Besides, the Western Regions are the territory of the Great Governor. How did you escape?"

"How to escape? This... I have my own way. Old Dong, do you want to go with me?"

"Walk together?"

"I heard that Cao Yanzhou is now fighting a man named Liu Bei in Xuzhou. I have inquired about it. In his early years, Liu Bei had a grudge against the governor, and his family was captured by the governor. Now, Liu Bei's mother, It's the old lady who lives in the inner courtyard of Lihuomen... I plan to take this old lady away and present it to Cao Yanzhou as a gift."

Dong Xi couldn't help but nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Brother, let me think twice about this matter!"

In May of the fourth year of Xingping, Han Emperor Liu Xie escaped from Chang'an.

In the same month, a Liangzhou Ci was spread into the land of Kanto along with the grapes and wine from the Western Regions, making countless people lose their voices.

The Qijue style of Liangzhou Ci had not yet emerged at that time.

As soon as Dong Pi's Liangzhou Ci came out, it really attracted the attention of many people.

Not long after, a shocking news came out of the Western Regions again: the Western Regions were changed to a state, No. 13 state of Dahan.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Yushangshu withdrew from the post of Governor of the Western Regions, and only retained the two official positions of Governor and Marquis of Martial Arts.

Liu Bian refused again and again, but Dong Bian's attitude seemed very firm, and he went up and down again and again, and finally Liu Bian agreed to Dong Bian's request.

The Western Regions were renamed Xizhou, with three counties under it.

Liu Bian appointed Hua Xiong as the prefect of Anxi County, Li Ru as the prefect of Han'an County, and Xu Rong as the prefect of Shu County, and then announced it to the world in the name of the King of the Western Han Dynasty.No matter what you think about Dong Bi before, you have to change your attitude.

You say they are ambitious?
But Dong Bi merged his territory into the territory of the Han Dynasty.

You say that someone monopolizes the power, and the result is not only the dismissal of the position of the Grand Protector of the Western Regions, but even the removal of the Xizhou Shepherd.

This approach made many people who were about to jump out and find fault shut their mouths one by one.

After Guo Jia read the information, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said with a sneer, "Dong Xiping's moves are pretentious."

"Advance by retreat?"

"Look at him, even though he resigned from the governor of the Western Regions, even though he brought the Western Regions into the Han Dynasty... On the surface, he has no desires, but if you look carefully, Hua Xiong, Li Ru, Xu Rong, which one is not his? Confidant? Not to mention, Li Ru is still his relative who controls Han'an County, so he has the final say on the Western Regions? The King of the Western Han Dynasty is also a puppet in his hands."

Cao Cao and the others nodded slightly.

Zhong Yao asked, "Feng Xiao, what does Dong Pi mean by playing so well?"

"What do you mean?"

Guo Jia smiled even brighter, "If the Liangzhou poem was about him telling the people of the world about his grievances, then his action is equivalent to announcing to us that Dong Xiping is going to leave the Western Regions and come with us. Let's compete."

"Dong Bi is leaving the Western Regions?"

Cao Cao couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

If Dong Bi really leaves the Western Regions, then the situation of the big man will definitely be even more chaotic.

Guo Jia said: "The top priority is that we must rush to Luoyang as soon as possible to welcome the emperor... Also, Li and Guo are fighting endlessly. We must capture Hangu Pass and occupy Guanzhong before Dong Jiazi leaves the Western Regions. Whoever wins Guanzhong wins the world... As long as we can occupy Guanzhong and serve the emperor as a vassal, even if Dong Pi goes out of the Western Regions, it will be difficult for him to do anything. My lord, in Jia's opinion, we should send a wise and brave general to lead the army Raid Hangu Pass by surprise."

"Who is handsome?"

Guo Jia pondered for a moment, "Taishi Ziyi, calm and capable, with extraordinary martial arts skills. With Le Jin as his lieutenant general, accompanied by a military adviser, he is enough to capture Guanzhong. Yuan Changsu has a good name and has contacts with the Sanfu family. It can make the lord keep the pass."

Tai Shici, Le Jin, plus Zhong Yao?
Cao Cao is very satisfied with this combination.

However, there is still a trace of concern in his heart, "Feng Xiao, Xuzhou has not yet been breached. If we capture Guanzhong now, will it anger Yuan Shao?"

"Yuan Shao?"

Guo Jia pondered for a while, and said with a smile: "My lord, there is no need to worry. Although Yuan Shao is strong, Jia has a plan to make him have no time to look south. The lord only needs to unite with Lu Bu, and Yuan Shao will not dare to act rashly. The best way is to cooperate with Lu Bu. get married."

"Married to Lu Bu?"

Cao Cao frowned slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied.

Lu Bu, but a man, I marry him, is it a bit...

"Lv Bu is now also facing the joint attack of Xianbei and Yuan Shao, and he is definitely willing to marry the lord. Jia heard that Lu Bu has a son named Lu Xie under his knees. Why not marry him and let him send troops from Youzhou... The lord can be ordered Guan Hai is full of pets, pretending to move at the junction of Qinghai and Hebei, so Yuan Shao must be afraid, and will definitely take the initiative to make peace with the lord."


Cao Cao understood what Guo Jia meant and nodded slightly.

It's just that this candidate who is married to Lu Bu's son needs to go through a lot of trouble?Who would be more suitable?

Cao Cao's eyeballs rolled around, and he focused on a person in the hall.


There is still only one update today.

(End of this chapter)

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