pastoral little wife

Chapter 693 Leaving Beijing

Chapter 693 Leaving Beijing (1)
Princess Huainan sent her personal nanny to invite Yun Duo.

Nanny Qin came out of the palace, a high-ranking Nanny in the palace, and the confidant of Princess Huainan, sending her here to invite Yun Duo was considered honorable.

Yun Duo couldn't refuse, if she really offended Princess Huainan, she and Nie Zichuan would be in more danger.He changed his clothes and went out.

Nie Zichuan also followed suit.

Yun Duo refused.

Qin Nanny saw that the atmosphere between the two was not right, as if she was angry, she was puzzled but did not ask further, "Don't worry about the number one scholar, our princess just invited Mrs. Nie to visit the mansion. I will send Mrs. Nie back later."

After Nie Zichuan became the number one scholar in high school, outsiders called Yun Duo as Mrs. Nie.Because if Nie Zichuan became an official, he would at least be an editor of the Imperial Academy.It is possible that because Yan Xi valued it, the Huainan Prince's Mansion was also involved, and Yun Duo was still doing business with the palace, Nie Zichuan would directly seek a high-quality real vacancies.

Guan Yunduo directly helped Mother Luo into the carriage, and turned her head without looking at him.Nie Zichuan sighed inwardly, glanced at Luo Ping, and signaled him to follow the car.

Luo Ping, Luo's mother, and Wan Miao, followed the palace's carriage all the way to Huainan Palace.

As early as after seeing Princess Yuwen, Yun Duo drew up tea and recipes for weight loss, exercise methods and timetable.One piece was brought over.

This time, Princess Huainan and Princess Yuwen were both in the room.

Yun Duo saw the ceremony, "I have met the princess, Princess!"

"Exemption." Princess Huainan saw that she was not in a good mood, her complexion was not as pale as she had seen her before, so she couldn't help feeling puzzled.Nie Zichuan had just won the first prize in high school, and it was the time when the spring breeze was full of glory, but Yun Duo was listless and restless, something really happened.However, Princess Huainan didn't ask immediately, and asked Yun Duo to show Princess Yuwen directly, "Yuwen has made up her mind to lose weight. You said before that Yuwen's temper is caused by his body. Do you still know the art of distorting yellow?"

Yun Duo shook her head, "I don't know much about medicine, I only have a little knowledge of pharmacology and pathology. The princess's symptoms need to be carefully examined before a conclusion can be made."

Princess Yuwen was about to get angry when she heard that, "You only know a little about medicine, how can you cure me!?"

Yun Duo looked at her furious look, "The princess can no longer restrain the irritability in her heart. You are not a bad temper, but caused by a hormone imbalance in your body. As long as you take good care of yourself, exercise actively, and lose weight. Not only will the princess not be so irritable anymore , Even palpitations, palpitations, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, breathlessness, dizziness, numbness of hands and feet, constipation, occasional abdominal pain, irregular menstruation, menstrual flow disorders, and possible infertility can all be cured.”

I thought that she only knew a little bit, and thought that she had a complete understanding of her physical symptoms, Princess Yuwen couldn't help being shocked.

Princess Huainan also turned pale with fright, and shouted, "Bold! Make random assertions, are you guilty!?" Palpitation, breathlessness, breathlessness, and dizziness are minor ailments that can be cured.If it is reported that infertility, the daughter's fate in this life will be ruined.

Yun Duo glanced at Princess Yuwen, and replied, "Princess! If the princess gets fatter, infertility is only a trivial matter, and it may threaten the life of the princess."

Princess Yuwen has a heart disease. Once she gets sick, she will stay in bed and recuperate.Not to mention the personal servants, almost everyone in the courtyard knew about it.

Princess Huainan stopped talking and looked at Yun Duo.

Yun Duo signaled Princess Yuwen to extend her hand.

Princess Yuwen thought that Yun Duo could feel her pulse, so she stretched out her hand.

"I'm afraid I can't feel the princess's pulse, so I'll just take a look." Even if she was asked to feel it, she couldn't feel any symptoms.

But the face of Princess Yuwen who said this turned red, red and black again, staring at her with anger.

Unmoved, Yun Duo carefully looked at the color of her hands, then asked her to roll up her sleeves and pinch her arms.

Seeing that she was taking her pulse there, and looked at it very carefully, Nanny Qin and Princess Huainan looked at each other, a little confused as to whether Yun Duo really had two brushes, or if he was playing tricks.

Yun Duo just counted the heartbeats, calculated the heart rate, and asked Princess Yuwen's diet and sleep, "From now on, fried meat, including fried noodles, are not allowed to appear in the princess's recipe."

Those are the ones Princess Yuwen likes the most. Now that she is not allowed to touch them, her complexion is even darker.

The recipes of the palace are all recorded. Yun Duo asked Princess Yuwen to take the food list, and the more she looked at it, the more she frowned. They were all high-fat and high-calorie foods. Three meals a day and one snack were not enough, and one more snack was needed. Add a supper, "from now on, the supper will be canceled every night. After midnight (six o'clock in the evening), no food is allowed, and you can only drink a cup of tea to lose weight."

"In the future, no desserts are allowed during non-menstrual periods."

"From now on, get up at [-] o'clock (five o'clock in the morning) every day, and run for no less than half an hour."

"The lunch break shall not exceed two quarters of an hour."

"Except for meal time, the rest are not allowed to eat."

"Meals and activities are all arranged by me!"

When she said a word, Princess Yuwen's face became gloomy, but she had made up her mind to lose weight, so she couldn't run away.If she gives up now, this bitch will definitely laugh at her!

Although Princess Huainan frowned frequently, she didn't object and asked Princess Yuwen to follow Yun Duo's arrangement.

Yun Duo asked for a pen and paper, drew a few loose, comfortable and neat clothes, and asked Mother Qin to take them to the sewing room to cut clothes for Princess Yuwen, "Use fine cotton cloth."

Nanny Qin showed it to Princess Huainan.

Princess Huainan frowned.

"These are just for the princess to wear more easily when exercising. Otherwise, a dress would be too cumbersome." Yun Duo explained.

Princess Huainan nodded, and gave it to Nanny Qin, "Take it to the sewing room!"

Yun Duo thought for a while, then drew up a tea list and revised the weight loss recipe.Ask Princess Yuwen to change into neater clothes and exercise with her, "It's also good to see what kind of training the princess is suitable for. Although weight loss training is called devil training, it is also based on personal circumstances and is gradual."

Princess Yuwen got up and went back to her yard to change clothes.

Princess Huainan was worried, so she also followed, and dismissed all the maids and women, only her, Nanny Qin, and Yun Duo.She didn't want her daughter's ugliness to be seen by more people and ridiculed.

When Princess Yuwen changed her clothes, Yun Duo asked her to walk first, from fast walking, to jogging, to fast running.

After only two laps, Princess Yuwen's forehead was sweating.

"If you can sweat, you will lose weight faster." Yun Duo encouraged.Then let her practice weight loss exercises with her movements, "These are just simple ones. After you lose weight, I will teach you yoga. At that time, your figure will be slimmer, and after practicing yoga, your temperament will be better."

"What fish plus?" Huainan Princess asked.

Yun Duo did a few yoga moves casually.

(End of this chapter)

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