pastoral little wife

Chapter 473 Xiaoyi

Chapter 473 Xiaoyi (5)
When she crossed over, it was when Nie Dalang was the most ill. She knew, otherwise, the Nie family would not have borrowed money to buy Xiao Yunduo's body to give Nie Dalang a ghost marriage.At that time, Nie Dalang had only one breath left, and when he died, he buried him with the corpse.He was actually planning to run away from home before, so he wouldn't drag the Nie family any longer! ?When Yun Duo thought of him dragging his seriously ill body, walking alone on the road, and his frail back, his heart ached.

If she had traveled here earlier, to when he was young, no, as long as he had been a few years earlier, he wouldn't have had to suffer so much pain, suffering, cursing, and disgust.

Nie Dalang must have suffered a lot when he was a child.He remembered everything, and was sent to the strange Nie's house by his parents.The Nie family had their own sons and grandchildren, and Nie Dalang, an unacquainted adopted son who occupied the position of the eldest son of the eldest son, had an embarrassing status, suffered abuse, and dragged his sick body.

He seems to be able to do everything. It is not surprising that he cooks in a pot, but he can even do needlework.Many famous modern fashion designers are men, but this is the ancient society thousands of years ago, a feudal society where men were respected!

Seeing her expression moved, Mrs. Liu knew that she must feel sorry for Nie Dalang, so she took the opportunity to ask, "What did Dalang say? Does he want to go back to Guo's house?"

Yun Duo inhaled slightly, looked at her with deep eyes, "Now everyone thinks that the Guo family will recognize Nie Dalang back. They also think Nie Dalang will go back?"

"Da Lang..." Liu Shi asked softly.

Wan Sen came over to report softly, "Young Mistress! A group of people came outside the door. They said they were from the Guo family, Guo Lizheng from Jushi Village, and Master Li from Hewan Village."

"They..." Liu Shi looked at Yun Duo.

Yun Duo pursed her lips, "It's windy and snowy outside, so I ran all the way here, let them in!"

Nie Dalang is practicing calligraphy.

Wan Sen led Guo Dalang, Guo Erlang, Li Changhe, and Guo Lizheng into the house.

When Nie Dalang and Yun Duo got married, Guo Dalang and Guo Erlang came, but they didn't enter the house. The house was full of Nie's old house and Yun's and Zhang's people. gone.

Guo Lizheng has only been to Baishi Village. When the village was selling grain, the workshop had not been expanded at that time, and he had not come to Qingyuan either.Looking at the stretch of workshops and the majestic Qingyuan, I became more determined to persuade Nie Dalang to recognize his ancestors and return to Jushi Village!
Nie Dalang put down his pen and took the seat directly.

Guo Li was looking at the other seat, seeing that he didn't invite him to the seat, he frowned and sat down.

Mrs. Liu hadn't gotten a word of conviction yet, seeing Guo's brothers and Li Zheng coming over, and even Li Changhe coming along, quietly observing Yun Duo's expression, seeing that her eyes were a bit cold, and Nie Dalang's expression was not very good, very indifferent , slightly relieved.This Guo family may have the opposite effect, the more you persuade, the more annoying you will be!
She whispered hello to Yun Duo, glanced at the sheepskin boots on her feet, turned and left.The sheepskin boots have long fur and a layer of cotton, so they are warm to wear.She still has two pieces of satin, although they are not very good, but she is good at embroidery, and made a pair of shoes for Yun Duo, no matter how much she wears or wears, as long as the shoes are there, her heart will be there.

Looking at the two patterns in her hands, since she drew them like this, she probably likes them.Go back and embroider according to this pattern!
Yun Duo sat on the seat on the other side, holding a teacup and sipping tea.Listening to Guo Dalang and Guo Erlang's talk, Guo Shugen got worse after they left yesterday, and if he almost fainted, he lowered his eyes and blew on the tea leaves floating on the teacup.

Guo Lizheng, with the posture of an elder, taught Nie Dalang earnestly and earnestly, not to forget his roots, not to act against filial piety, talking about the hardships of Guo Shugen and Li Dani for so many years, and talking about the hardships of the Guo family.Zi said a bunch.

Listening to what they said, Yun Duo sneered, "Sometimes what Zi said is not necessarily right!"

Guo Li was looking at her with a frown, "Women, how can they understand the words of sages!"

"What the Master said is all right, so there will be no schools of thought. There is a great unity of knowledge in the world, but the three religions and nine streams are all learning. The Buddha said that all living beings are equal, and every grass, tree, sand, and millet is a Buddha. Furthermore..." Yun Duo glanced at several people, "The theories of sages and sages are so profound, I'm afraid some people can't comprehend their profound meaning at all. It's really ridiculous to take it out of context and speculate wildly, and then believe it to be true and treat it as a standard!"

"You..." Guo Lizheng was sullen, but he could tell that Yun Duo had some knowledge, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say such a thing.

"People are not for themselves, heaven and earth are destroyed. I don't know how Guo Li understands this?" Yun Duo looked at him provocatively and asked.

When Guo Li saw that she was asking him a question, he felt a little annoyed, but seeing that Nie Dalang not only didn't stop him, but also showed an expression of wanting to know, he snorted inwardly, "How many people know what this means? Meaning. This is a derogatory term, and it is also an excuse for selfish people to do evil, an excuse for doing evil!" He meant something.

Yun Duo hehe, "Selfish evildoers do use this sentence to justify and evade their evil. But they, like Guo Lizheng, don't know the true meaning of this sentence. The word 'for' is not an accent Qu Sheng, but Hinata.”

Guo Li was frowning.

Guo Erlang glanced at Nie Dalang, and interjected, "We have never studied, and we don't understand the words of these sages. I only know that filial piety is the foundation of children."

Yun Duo glanced at him, ignored him, and continued, "The theory of sages and sages is also easy to understand. Zi once said: The ancient scholars are for themselves, and today's scholars are for people; The heart is for oneself; it enters the ears and exits the mouth, and it is for others. If people are not for themselves, the world will destroy them. If you don’t cultivate yin virtues and ignore virtues, the world will not tolerate it! But even the sage's words are misinterpreted beyond recognition, completely contrary, it's ridiculous!"

"" Guo Lizheng couldn't come out with the 'nonsense' on his lips.If people don't condemn such evil words for themselves, they can still be misinterpreted like this! ?

But what she said seems to be true. The sage Confucius and Xunzi said that, according to that understanding...

"It's no wonder that Guo Lizheng is just a scholar." Yun Duo gave him a cold look, pursed his lips, and served tea.

Now Guo Lizheng was furious, he was so refuted by an ignorant woman that he couldn't answer, it was too embarrassing!They even ridiculed him for being just a talent...

The embarrassment is also self-inflicted!If you don't know what to say, you have to use the theory of sages to suppress people, who can't think of it!What about a scholar?amazing?Her man is Juren!Yun Duo snorted secretly and drank his tea.

Mother Luo who was standing outside the door pursed her lips and smiled, she really gained a lot of insight today!Obviously, it broke out in a short period of time. In the eyes of many people, their family is probably a nouveau riche.But she sees that both the young mistress and the young master are of noble conduct and manners.I'm afraid it shouldn't be a fish in this shallow puddle!

Nie Dalang looked at the annoyed tea drinker with a smile in his eyes.His little girl was finally willing to show her.Don't people die for themselves?It really has two meanings!

Guo Lizheng didn't think he was wrong, and retorted, "How do you know that what you said is right, and everyone in the world has misinterpreted it!?"

Yun Duo responded casually, "Oh. This is cultivation, and it depends on one's level of understanding. Just like the contradictory sayings, some say: good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil; but others say: good people are deceived, Horse Shan was ridden by people. Some said: Be careful to sail for ten thousand years; others said: starve to death the timid. Some people say: all goodness and filial piety are the first; others say: loyalty and filial piety are difficult to achieve. There are ten thousand ways in this world, it depends on one's practice. Some people become saints and are respected by the world. Some people become villains. !"

Guo Li was looking at her preaching, his face turned purple, and he said angrily, "It's a bunch of nonsense!"

Seeing that he was angry, Guo Erlang was afraid that he would do something bad, "Master Guo!"

Guo Li is a scholar who has been tested in the entire Eight Classics. Today, he came here with the avenue of filial piety, and before he said a few words, he was lectured by an ignorant woman, how could he not be angry.

Yun Duo finished drinking a cup of tea, looked up at him, opened her small mouth lightly, and said, "No wonder you are just a scholar!"

(End of this chapter)

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