pastoral little wife

Chapter 342 Image

Chapter 342 Image (1)
Yun Duo heard that Pang Ren was coming, and went out to see that it was really him, and squinted at him, "What are you doing here?" This fat man is here to ask for skin care products, right? !

"You can come whenever you want, and you don't need to worry about it!" Pang Ren snorted, "Didn't you say you can make body cream and toner? Are they really moisturizing, fair and not greasy?"

I remember it very clearly... The corner of Yun Duo's mouth twitched, he glanced up and down at him, "Come in!"

Seeing her walking ahead and not letting him go ahead, Pang Ren cursed inwardly, 'Damn girl! 'Turning his head to greet his followers, "Take the things down!"

The two servants hurriedly responded, and moved the large and small boxes from the carriage.

As soon as Yun Duo turned her head, she saw Pang Ren walking in front, and the two attendants carrying a pile of things behind her, she blinked.what's the situation?
Nie Dalang turned his eyes and led Pang Ren into the flower hall.

But Pang Ren stood in the yard and looked around, "There is still a wall separating this workshop!" He also saw that the east courtyard was empty, and the few rooms behind the gate were not counted, because the concierge lived there.The few flower halls in the back are not counted, the two shabby houses in the middle are surrounded by a small courtyard, and he said disgustedly, "What kind of thing is this! Put two shabby houses in the middle of the courtyard!"

"You really have a lot of opinions? This is my home!" Yun Duo reminded him.

Pang Ren curled his lips and was about to turn his head when he saw the pink rabbit doll that Yun Xiao was holding. I only know that rabbit meat is delicious, but can rabbits grow cute?

Yun Xiao looked at him timidly in fear, not daring to say anything.

Seeing him playing with the rabbit doll back and forth, with a look of liking, Yun Duo was speechless.Come up and snatch it away, "This is my niece's toy!"

"Who doesn't know what's wrong!" Pang Ren snatched it again, and the more he touched it, the more he felt attracted to her. He glanced at Yun Xiao, saw her staring, and didn't dare to make a sound when she wanted to leave, "Is this thing still there? It's dirty!"

"Yes..." Yun Duo reached out to grab it again, and handed it to Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao hugged the rabbit doll and hurried back to the house.

Pang Ren snorted, and followed into the flower hall, "I'm so sunburned! Does the moisturizer have sunscreen? This summer is over, and I'm going to get tanned again!"

Sun protection... Yun Duo was really speechless to Pang Ren. He thought he was just a fat bully, but he didn't expect him to have a 'girly heart'.It's just his image... Not to mention that this fat man really pays attention to his image.

After entering the flower hall, Pang Ren's two attendants piled up the big bags and small boxes on the table, filling up the whole table.

Pang Ren glanced awkwardly at Nie Dalang and Yun Duo, "It's not that I don't know what to do, I'm thanking you for these things!"

Seeing Yun Duo and Nie Dalang not moving, Pang Ren said dissatisfiedly, "Take it apart and have a look!"

Yun Duo came forward a little speechlessly, and took apart a few, inside were all kinds of trinkets, snacks, porcelain bottles, and materials.One of the boxes contains a jade cicada, which is moist and white, small and cute, and there is still space on the top, so it can be worn through a net.

"What do you know! These are not good things!" Pang Ren pursed his lips, found a small box and threw it to Yun Duo.

Yun Duo opened it suspiciously, and inside was a white jade brave, the size of a baby's fist, emitting a warm and soft light.

"I have to go to the old monk in the temple to ask for it. The one who gathers wealth and receives treasures!" Pang Ren said quite complacently.

"So many things..." Yun Duo was about to say that he couldn't accept it.

Pang Ren said disapprovingly, "Anyway, I didn't buy it with money!" The family was filial and gave it away. There are a lot of these things in piles.

"Accepted." Nie Dalang said.

Pang Ren showed satisfaction, and urged, "It's so hot! Where's your tea? Is that how you treat distinguished guests!?"

Yunying was a little scared. Hearing what he said, she hurriedly brought over herbal tea with mint.

Yun Duo put down the tea, then went to the well to fetch cold cakes, poured a few bowls and brought them to the flower hall.

"What is this?" Pang Ren said on his mouth, he had already reached out to take it, and took a spoon to deliver it to his mouth.

The attendant next to him hurriedly reminded, "Boss! Silver needle!"

In the past few days, everything that Pang Ren put into his mouth had to pass through the silver needle first.

"Eat it all!" Pang Ren didn't care, if Yun Duo, a damn girl, dared to poison him, she wouldn't have saved him before.

After eating one bowl, I asked for it again, and ate three bowls in one go.

"It's bad if you eat too much!" Yun Duo stopped serving it to him.

Pang Ren glanced at Nie Dalang, "You have such a stingy and stingy daughter-in-law, don't want to eat like your master anytime soon!"

Yun Duo grinned, if Nie Dalang really eats like this fat man, she will definitely not want him!
Nie Dalang looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

"What do you want to eat at noon?" Yun Duo didn't want to talk to the fat man anymore, so she went to cook.

"Cook all the delicious ones! There must be fish!" Pang Ren waved his plump hands.

Yun Duo left the flower hall silently.Let Yunying go to Nie Laoshi's house to see if there are any fish, and buy two fish back.She took the money and waited on the road.

Zhao Hanzi just came over, "Do you want ribs?"

"I want pork ribs! Cut another five catties of meat." Yun Duo looked at it and bought a plate of pork ribs.Greet Zhao Hanzi to eat at home.

Zhao Hanzi waved his hand, said that he had been pulling corn dregs for two days, and drove away in the car.

When she returned home with the meat, Yunying had already bought the fish.

Cut the meat into small pieces, throw it into the pot to cook, and go to the village to buy a chicken.

Nie Erlang was scratching in his heart, didn't Pang Ren block the door and ask for trouble?Why did you get so many gifts?Besides, this little slut buys meat, fish and chicken, so he treats that Pang Ren like this...

He couldn't figure it out, but Nie Baogen and the others knew that when they got off work, they saw Pang Ren's master and servant coming, and they looked at each other without saying anything.

Many people looked at the carriage because it was rare. Even Fan Ju's family was just a donkey cart, and in winter it was a donkey cart with a carriage.

Everyone knew that there was a distinguished guest, so they didn't dare to look in the flower hall, and went out happily discussing that the workshop had another big customer.The more workshops earn, the more their year-end dividends will be.If the workshop can continue, they will always have wages.

(End of this chapter)

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