pastoral little wife

Chapter 268 Plan

Chapter 268 Plan (4)
Just when she was hesitating, Nie Dalang washed up, didn't read and practice calligraphy, and went straight to sleep with the bedding laid out, "We have to get up at the beginning of Yinshi (three o'clock) tomorrow, or we won't be able to come back in a day. You should also go early sleep."

Yun Duo's heart was like boiling water, gurgling, not daring to turn over all the time, Nie Dalang couldn't fall asleep because he was afraid of noise.It wasn't until Nie Dalang turned over unconsciously and lay flat that she moved quietly, sighed several times, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When she woke up again, Nie Dalang had already tidied up, only the crowing of chickens could be heard outside.She sat up, "Are you going so early?"

"Go early so you can come back earlier. Get up and lock the door!" Nie Dalang took the cotton jacket and handed it to her.

Yun Duo hurriedly took it and put it on, and asked him if he wanted to eat.

"I'll take two boxes of dim sum, and I'll eat it in the county." Nie Dalang patted her head.

The donkey cart rented outside the door had already arrived, and it was Wang Dun who helped them pull dried sweet potatoes for sale.This time I went to the county to send some starch by the way.

Nie Dalang asked Yun Duo to bolt the door, and then he and Wang Dun called Nie Lizheng, went to Granny Yang's house to pack starch, and rushed to the county seat.

Yun Duo was lying on the kang alone, turning over here and over there, always feeling that something was missing.

When I woke up in the morning, no one was ready to make breakfast, the house was quiet, and Yun Duo looked a little unhappy.What a terrible habit!Not only is Nie Dalang used to her as a 'wife', but she is also used to having Nie Dalang.

On this day, Nie Dalang didn't come back, so Yun Duo thought about it all day, and felt that he had to cut the mess quickly, and the more he procrastinated, the more likely there would be problems.

At night, Nie Dalang came back, but he kept coughing.

"Cold!?" Yun Duo reached out to touch his forehead.very hot.

"A little bit, it's okay. I grabbed the medicine and came back." Nie Dalang took out twenty packs of medicine.

Yun Duo blamed herself a little, she should have gotten up in the morning and went with her, she was dazed, and she didn't make some hot soup for Nie Dalang and took a thick cotton jacket.

Yunying went to make medicine when she was busy.

After eating, I was still a little worried, "If you have anything to do, quickly call the doctor, call me!"

"Okay!" Yun Duo sent the two of them back to Grandma Yang, and when she came back and saw Nie Dalang drinking medicine, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration.Nie Dalang was ill, and she happened to have an excuse to sleep separately from him.He just said that he would pass his sickness to her, so that she could slowly sleep and live separately.

Nie Dalang looked at her, and said first, "I'm heating the kang hot, don't sleep with me these few days, it's the season when it's easy to get wind and cold, I'll let you get sick when you're over."

Yun Duo blushed, and suddenly felt a little heartless, and waved her hand, "It's okay! It's okay! You didn't dislike me even when I was sick!"

Nie Dalang looked at her in a daze, "You despise me?"

Yun Duo was taken aback, and shook his head hastily, "No! No! I didn't dislike you! I really didn't..."

Nie Dalang lowered his head sadly.

Yun Duo reached out and tapped on his head, coughing, "I don't mean to dislike you, I mean... I mean... You don't need to sleep separately, you won't get sick!"

"It won't be good if you get sick, let's sleep separately!" Nie Dalang said in a low voice, drank the remaining half bowl of medicine in one go, coughed a few times, washed up, got on the kang, and put his two Lay out the quilts separately.

"That... I really don't mean to dislike you." Yun Duo leaned over.

Nie Dalang looked up at her and smiled, "I know, it's getting late, go to the kang and sleep!"

His usual smile made Yun Duo feel even more guilty. He took off his shoes and got on the kang, pulled the quilt, and saw that Nie Dalang was already lying down, and the not-too-thick quilt seemed to be out of the way.

After hesitating again and again, Yun Duo picked up his own cover and put it on Nie Dalang.Under Nie Dalang's puzzled eyes, he opened the quilt and fell asleep, "Sleep quickly! If you feel uncomfortable, call me!" He said and blew on the lamp.

In the darkness, Nie Dalang smiled softly, coughed twice, "Okay."

Before falling asleep, Yun Duo touched his forehead, as if his fever had subsided, so he sighed secretly and fell asleep.

Nie Dalang suppressed his cough, adjusted his breath, and fell asleep.

So far, Yun Duo's plan to build another house and sleep separately has been broken.

And because Nie Dalang was sick again, he slept too much every day and woke up late, and Yun Duo woke up for several days in a row, nestling in his arms, sleeping with hands and feet, even touching Nie Dalang's chest.Let her regret it every day when she wakes up, why she didn't sleep separately before taking advantage of the trend.As for the disgusting thing, it can be fixed later!

When she was in distress, Nie Lan came over and called her, "Say kiss to eldest sister, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Darling? Are you here?" Yun Duo perked up.

"Come over in a while, do you want to go?" Nie Lan called her because she was too embarrassed to go to see people. If she pulled Yun Duo, she was the elder sister-in-law, and it would be fine to go and see with her.

Yun Duo thought for a while, greeted Nie Dalang who was practicing calligraphy, and went out with her.

On the way, I asked who was the matchmaker, which village it was from, and what the family was like.

"It's from Shangyang Village. It's in Qingyang Town, more than 30 miles away from us. The two brothers in the family say that the eldest has already married, and this is the youngest. The matchmaker in the town said that the matchmaker, grandma went to sell I met him before when I was a fish." Nie Lan's words were full of curiosity, the matchmaker said that the other's family was very good, and when she was a matchmaker, the family was in a better situation, so she could find someone with better conditions!
Yun Duo looked at Nie Lan and her mouth twitched. She was always inquiring, she knew everything.

When the two arrived, it was obvious that the other party hadn't come yet.

When Mrs. Zhang saw her coming, she greeted her with a smile.

Gan took the melon seeds and handed them to her, "You are a sister-in-law, and you will help support your eyes later."

Not only to support the eyes, but if Yun Duo comes over, it will still support the face.The other party's family background is good, if it weren't for Yun Duo and Nie Dalang, the eldest brother and sister-in-law, they probably wouldn't want this kind of marriage.

Liu looked at it and smiled, "I also have a good eye for Yun Duo, otherwise I wouldn't be able to start such a business. Her symbol is Shui Ling, and Ying'er is so beautiful, we have two sister-in-laws in the same family." Just propped up the facade. The other party came to take a look, and even the sister-in-law looks so good, and she is satisfied with the care!"

(End of this chapter)

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