Chapter 52

Before the high school entrance examination, Zhang Jing had been working very hard.At that time, he seemed to have endless energy in his body.He can learn a little every night, and he won't feel tired when he wakes up at five o'clock in the morning to memorize.At that time, his parents were more worried about his bad health, but they didn't care much about his grades.We all know that our son is studying well, so what is there to worry about?Didn't everyone say don't put too much pressure on children?

As soon as the high school entrance examination scores came out, Zhang's father entrusted someone, saying that Zhang Jing would also enter the best class in the provincial first class, which was led by their vice principal in charge of teaching.Zhang's father was very happy. He was happily drunk at home by himself and asked Zhang Jing to come out for a chat.

Zhang's father said that you can now go to the provincial one, so you have taken the first step in the long march of thousands of miles.In the future, you will be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and then go abroad to study and get a foreign diploma. Dad will prepare all the money for you. When the time comes, our family will sell the house and you will have to pay for it!

Zhang Jing's family kept telling him to relax and rest as much as possible after the high school entrance examination, and he soon relaxed, but when he suddenly heard Zhang's father's words, he suddenly had a vague feeling that he didn't want to study anymore!According to what my father said, he is still early in the future, and he has to work harder than in middle school, but he no longer knows how to work harder. He is not sure whether he can continue to persevere with the enthusiasm that broke out during the high school entrance examination .

After arriving in Province [-], he felt like a bicycle tire that was originally full of air, but was slowly let go.

I don't want to read books, I don't want to write homework, and I don't want to listen to class.He still wanted to learn the daily self-study class, but even if he looked at the books and homework, his mind didn't think about it, as if his brain would deliberately avoid it.Several times he lost his mind while reading the book, and it had been a long time when he came back to his senses, and he couldn't remember what he had thought just now.

He just remembered that his brain seemed to be very relaxed and free.He liked that mood very much, and couldn't help but immerse himself in it again and again.

When he was in junior high school, he didn't live on campus. When he saw his parents when he returned home, he would consciously go back to his bedroom to study, and his parents would come in from time to time to see him quietly.

But here, without parents, he seems to have become free, and no one restrains him.Teacher Zhao is a no-nonsense person, and the class discipline is all handed over to the class committee.Zhang Jing soon discovered many things that could make him happy, such as the small bookstore at the door, playing cards, chess, etc., anything is fine.He feels that doing these things is much easier and more enjoyable than studying.

Especially when a burst of panic suddenly popped up in his heart occasionally, and when he thought of his declining grades, that kind of uneasiness that seemed to destroy the world.Before the midterm exam, he often couldn't sleep in the dormitory, looking at the window and other sleeping classmates in the dormitory.He didn't know what he would do in the exam. If he didn't do well in the exam, how would he explain to his parents?
Whenever he felt this way, he would immediately go to the small bookstore the next day and borrow a book or two to read back. As long as he immersed himself in the novel, he could forget all about it.So he goes to the bookstore to rent books almost every day.

Du Hui sat at the next table with him, they were not only book friends, but also chess friends.Although the two of them were not in the same dormitory, Du Hui played all kinds of chess very well, including chess, flying chess, military chess, and even checkers.The boys in the dormitory basically gather together to play cards, play chess and chat when they have nothing to do, but when it is almost time for the exam, everyone starts to study hard, no one plays anymore, Zhang Jing and Du Hui are the only two Readers become singers.

Du Hui taught Zhang Jing how to play chess, and Zhang Jing took Du Hui to read.The books that Zhang Jing borrowed were all finished by himself before showing to Du Hui. He usually borrowed two brick-thick novels a day. There were many such novels in a set, four or five, seven or eight, and sometimes two more. There are more than a dozen of them.Zhang Jing borrowed it every day, Du Hui read it with him, each of them had a copy.

But Zhang Jing borrowed the books, so he read them in order.Du Hui either waited for Zhang Jing to finish reading it, or read the second one first, and waited for Zhang Jing to read the first one before the two exchanged books, and Du Hui read the previous one again.

As always, Du Hui naturally finds it unpleasant to read, and sometimes he will read the first book ahead of Zhang Jing.It's not easy for Zhang Jing to quarrel with his buddies once or twice, but if the number of times is too many, he will be unhappy.

That day in class, Du Hui read the first book first. Zhang Jing asked for it, but Du Hui recited it and refused to give it to him.Zhang Jing couldn't move his clothes, and when he got annoyed, he said, "I want to borrow it myself! Don't keep taking advantage! It's only thirty cents to rent a book for a day!"

Du Hui couldn't help but throw the book to Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing took it over to look at it, but Du Hui felt angry and stomped Zhang Jing's stool away.The two just started fighting.

At that time, it was just a moment of fever in the head, and after the beating, the two went out to pass the penalty and then they closed up.When it was over, the two began to worry about what to do with this matter.In the past few days, they were all thankful that Teacher Zhao was not there. Now that Teacher Zhao came back, Zhang Jing and Du Hui had a discussion and had no choice but to tell their parents about the matter.

Because Mr. Zhao had kicked out a few students from class one at the beginning of the term, and they thought they would be promoted to sophomore in a few months, maybe the two of them would still be able to enter class one by then?Work hard, maybe the grades can be restored.

But after this incident, they were afraid that Mr. Zhao would kick them out first in a fit of anger, and it would be difficult to come back.

Parents on both sides decided not to scold their children after hearing about it, so they decided to talk to Mr. Zhao first and beg for mercy, so as not to delay their children's future.

Zhang Jing's parents are also very anxious about their child's grades.Even if they did well in junior high school, not one or two would drop their grades in a highly competitive school like Provincial No. [-]. They all knew how much outstanding students from various schools around them would cause their children psychological pressure.

It is precisely because of this that I cannot leave the first class!Once a child leaves the best class, grades only drop faster!

So when Mr. Zhao asked them to hand in the volunteer form, Zhang Jing's parents asked their children to choose science. If they could choose science, they would not choose liberal arts.And because of Mr. Zhao's reputation, choosing science to enter Mr. Zhao's class is like a child who will have more confidence in the college entrance examination.

That's why Zhang Jing and Du Hui were asked to inquire about Teacher Zhao's phone number and home address, and they also prepared gifts to deliver to their door.

Teacher Zhao said very politely when he received the call, it's all right, it's normal for boys to read novels, give something?Need not!no!Then I hung up the phone.

Although Mr. Zhao didn't seem to be angry, he also refused clearly, but sometimes people will not feel at ease if this gift is not given out.

So one morning during self-study, Lin Mei was maintaining discipline on the podium, and saw a couple who looked like a couple quietly poking their heads at the door: "Excuse me, is Teacher Zhao in this class?"

Lin Mei immediately looked to see who reacted in the class, to see whose parent it was.

Hearing someone talking at the door, almost everyone in the class looked over. Du Hui immediately came over and said, "Dad, Mom, why are you here?" A few old newspapers.Then he blocked the door at that stop, stretched out his hand and pushed the things in his parents' hands back to complain: "Why did you take it in?"

Du's father said: "You child doesn't understand. Where is your teacher Zhao? There is no one in the office."

Du Hui only looked at Lin Mei.

Lin Mei originally thought that she didn't care about what the family said, but when Du Hui looked at her, Du's father and Du's mother also looked at her. Du's mother put the things at the door, quietly came in and lay on the podium table and asked her in a low voice: "Student, Where did your teacher Zhao go?"

Lin Mei also whispered: "I don't know, Mr. Zhao seldom comes during self-study in the morning. And I don't know if he has classes this morning or not, and he might not come if he doesn't have classes."

As the vice principal, you still have a little freedom.

Although they are so quiet, they are actually deceiving their ears.The quiet needle dropping in the class can be heard, no matter how quiet their voices are, they can definitely be heard in at least the first two rows.

Seeing this, Mama Du thanked her softly, and went out with Papa Du carrying the paper bag.

After they left, the voice of gossip in the class suddenly became louder.

Du Hui sat back, and the people around him hurriedly asked him, "Is it your father or mother? A gift for Mr. Zhao?"

"No!" Of course Du Hui couldn't admit it, and said with a dark face, "Besides, I've lost my face!"

After letting everyone discuss for a while, Lin Mei patted the table with an eraser, and everyone calmed down and continued to study by themselves.

After the morning self-study, Lin Mei and Zhou Yu came out to go to the bathroom and saw Du's father and Du's mother again. They didn't leave at all. Maybe they went down just now, and now they came up again and poked their heads in front of the office to see Teacher Zhao coming. without.

It wasn't until the first class that Lin Mei changed her seat to the window this week, and saw Du Hui's parents pushing the bicycle towards the school gate.

Du Hui's parents didn't give up. After all, they found the teacher at school and found out the address of Mr. Zhao's home.Then I looked for it, and asked someone in the family courtyard to find Mr. Zhao's house.

As a result, Mr. Zhao's home was empty.Mr. Zhao's lover has gone to work, the child has gone to school, and the parents don't live here.

Du Hui's parents knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered.

Then came back to school again.

It was already the end of the second period.During the 10-minute class break, everyone is used to running farther.Lin Mei went to the canteen at the school gate to buy bread.The bread in the school cafeteria is not as big as that at the school gate.When I got back to the classroom, I saw Du Hui talking with his parents in the corridor.

Of course, Du Hui's parents wanted to try their luck again to see if they could meet Teacher Zhao.Because it was not easy for them to come here, and they couldn't keep running here. As a result, there was no school, and no one was found at home.

Du's father said to Du Hui: "Why don't I leave the things for you, and you can bring them to your teacher Zhao later."

Du Hui was a little embarrassed, he always felt that giving gifts was a scandal, not to mention it was for his grades and violation of discipline.When the students asked about it just now, he said no, if he brought the things to the dormitory, wouldn't it be announced to the world?

Du Hui saw Lin Mei and asked Du's father to wait. He ran over and pulled Lin Mei aside mysteriously and said, "Squad leader, do you know if Teacher Zhao is here today?"

Lin Mei shook her head honestly and said, "How would I know this?" She glanced at what Du's father and Du's mother had mentioned, and thought that Teacher Zhao might not accept it.

She felt that Mr. Zhao was not the kind of person who was so lofty that he refused to accept gifts, but the problem was that Du's father and Du's mother made this matter too attractive.This time, not only the people in the class saw it, but also the teachers in the school saw a lot.Mr. Zhao was splashed with sewage just now, and the bucket of Du Hui's parents probably wouldn't be able to clean it up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

In the end, Du Hui still carried the things into the dormitory.Soon the whole boys' bedroom knew that even if Du Hui said no, his parents still prepared good things for Mr. Zhao, two soft Zhonghua cigarettes, two bottles of Moutai, and a box of bird's nest.Surely it wasn't Du Hui who smoked it, right?
Two days later, Lin Mei and the others heard another thing from Mr. Dong, that Mr. Zhao's house was also left with cigarettes and alcohol.That is, all the teachers live in that building, and everyone who goes upstairs and downstairs has seen it.

When Mr. Zhao's child came back to see it in the evening, he called his father and brought it up.

But you know what you should know.

Teacher Dong said with a smile: "I'm not as popular as your teacher Zhao, no one gives me anything."

On the day when there was a physics class, Du Hui brought the things to the classroom early in the morning.As soon as Teacher Zhao came in for class, before the class bell rang, Du Hui quietly went over to whisper a few words to Teacher Zhao.

Teacher Zhao nodded calmly.Then after class, he beckoned Du Hui over.

Du Hui immediately went over with two paper bags that were not light at all. Teacher Zhao walked slowly from the classroom to the corridor with his arms around his shoulders. Patted Du Hui on the shoulder: "Okay, take it back to your parents. If your grades are good, I will definitely keep you in class one. If you don't get good grades, it's useless to send you anything. Forget about reading in class, I'm now I don't have time to worry about this. Go back."

Du Hui asked Mr. Zhao to say that he was dizzy, so he hurriedly carried the paper bag back to the dormitory, and then called his parents.Du's father scolded him bloody on the phone: "You are stupid! Why did you ask you to send it to you and bring it back? You can directly send it to your teacher Zhao's office!"

Everyone in the dormitory listened silently, and Du Hui explained to Dad Du very weakly: "No...Our Teacher Zhao said that this would not be a good influence. Many people in his current position are waiting to catch his pigtails, Dad and I Let me tell you, last time there was a..."

"Then send it to your teacher's house!" Father Du was too lazy to listen to Du Hui's nonsense.

Du Hui hummed and chirped, to be honest, although he was afraid of Du's father, he was even more afraid of Mr. Zhao.Teacher Zhao told him all the truth in such a "gentle" way, saying that gift giving is not good, if it is not good, then he will still give it. Wouldn't that make Teacher Zhao angry?
Someone in the dormitory advised Du Hui to put his things at the door of Mr. Zhao's house like everyone else, and then forget about it.

Du Hui thought about it, but he still didn't dare, and planned to wait for the wind to pass before sending the things.Now I have to put it in the dormitory first, and tell his father to send it out.

Teacher Zhao is now busy giving the exam papers for the second grade.The third grade is about to take the college entrance examination, and he will also send out some papers for them to do, to help them find out.And in April, he will have to produce this year's college entrance examination papers.

So now he really has no time to deal with these things.So they threw it all to Lin Mei and other class committees, and even the physics class had to be replaced by others.Because when the papers are out, you can't come back to class, you can't even go home, it's all closed.

Lin Mei heard that Teacher Zhao was going to disappear for nearly two months, and suddenly felt that the key in her hand was extremely hot.

Teacher Zhao gave Lin Mei the keys to the office and his desk, and said to her: "There is no need to be too strict in the class. At this time, those who are willing to learn can learn, and those who don't want to learn as long as he doesn't dance, sing and fight in class. Don’t worry about reading novels and playing cards!”

That's why Mr. Zhao is so forthright.

Teacher Zhao pointed her to the key and said: "In this cabinet, there are six sets of papers that I printed for you, from the first set to No.30. Ask them to make two sets every week, just do it for the self-study class, and treat it as an exam. Take it back when you are done, and I will find someone to correct it. Whom will I ask then, and you take that person to get the paper."

Lin Mei nodded in understanding.

Teacher Zhao gave her a "benefit" after giving her instructions, "There are still a few papers under this cabinet, which are the college entrance examination questions of Tsinghua University, Peking University and Fudan University last year and some cram school questions I collected. If you want to do it, just take it. Make a few copies and do it. Don’t give it to anyone! Don’t give it to everyone as if it’s a candy! If you have a good one, you can copy it for them, but don’t show it to others.”

Lin Mei once again expressed her understanding, and said that she would be dedicated and conscientious when Teacher Zhao was away.

(End of this chapter)

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