Chapter 21

On Monday, the informant jumped out by himself, and it was their biology teacher Xu.

When everyone was drowsy, Teacher Xu probably wanted to make a joke to refresh everyone, so he said: "Haha, last week I saw Zheng Kai from your class playing with others on the skating rink, come back and talk to you Zheng Kai." The teacher said. If you say that you are nervous now, you are nervous, but you should relax properly."

The look of the whole class is:
Lin Mei was suddenly very worried about Teacher Xu, what to do with his personality.

Because of this informer, the whole class has been tense for several days. Even Lin Mei quietly asked if she had heard the girl mention Zheng Kai's conversation with someone. She shook her head and said, "I just found out." I know, I really didn't hear any rumors before.She also wanted to say that Zheng Kai was worthy of being the squad leader, and he did a good job of keeping secrets.

Because everyone's attention was attracted by Teacher Xu like never before, Teacher Xu was very engrossed in the next 15 minutes. The content within the scope of my drawing! I have worked out all the questions, and they are all exercises after class! You must remember to read them!"

After class, Lin Mei called Zhou Yu: "Do you want to buy bread?"

Several new varieties of bread have been added to the school’s bread. There is sweet creamy coconut in the bread core, which will flow out when you bite into it. There is also a bread with a disposable chopstick inside and sprinkled with coconut.

Zhou Jie went out arm in arm with her, and just happened to meet Zhu Hai in the corridor, and she heard that she would also go together.

As the three walked out, they talked about what happened in biology class just now.

Zhu Hai said: "Actually, I think Zheng Kai is quite unlucky. Teacher Xu only knows those few people in our class."

Lin Mei thought so too. Zheng Kai is the class monitor and is usually very active. It is estimated that every teacher knows him, so Teacher Xu can recognize him at a glance outside.If it were an unremarkable student, it might not be discovered.

In short, Zheng Kai is really unlucky.

So in the following period of time, Zheng Kai has been sullen, as if being chased by a loan shark.I stopped fighting after class, and stopped joking with my buddies.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and running between classes has become something that everyone avoids.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of the second period in the morning, and the teacher had just left the classroom, Zheng Kai went to the podium and patted the table and said, "Hurry up and finish class! Let's do some exercises!"

Everyone complained when they went downstairs, and when they reached the first floor, they felt the biting cold, like an ice cellar.Walking out of the teaching building, there was a whistling cold wind around the head, which made people shiver, and the whole body trembled, and even the head was a little awake.

"It's so cold..." Zhu Mei went for a run wearing a coat wrapped in a scarf and a hat. There are many people who are fully armed like her, but there are also people who want to run lightly, so they only come out wearing a sweater and coat, leaving the coat upstairs , as soon as he came out, he yelled happily, and ran up unconsciously.

Everyone was still stomping their feet when they formed a square line, and everyone in the line could hear everyone complaining: "Run! I'm freezing to death!"

Each class needs to count the number of people first. Zheng Kai put on a black face and sternly counted people in the team. The girls had two aunts who came and stayed in the classroom. The boys were also absent, but the boys had no aunts, so Zheng Kai black After asking with a straight face, I wrote down the name of the person, and it was counted as an absence.

The boys dared not speak out. Everyone knew that Zheng Kai was in a bad mood recently. Hearing that he was scolded by Teacher Zheng, Teacher Zheng even called his parents.For the sake of Zheng Kai's unlucky situation, no one cares about him anymore.

The playground was ventilated everywhere, and my hands and feet were stiff from the cold before it warmed up after running, and the cold wind made my face hurt.After running two laps, everyone hurried back to the classroom.

As soon as I entered the classroom, the warm wind came oncoming.

At this moment, everyone feels extremely happy.It was nice to have a heater.

Teacher Zheng said to them: "In order to keep your feet from freezing in the classroom, the school rushed to install the heater. Look, don't you study hard to be worthy of the school?"

Teacher Zheng told them earnestly that in order for them to get good grades in the exam, the school has really thought of everything for them. Recently, she said that electric water heaters will be installed in the school, so that everyone can bring a cup to the school at any time. Take hot water to drink.

Can you not study hard?

Everyone nodded silently below.

After school, Zheng Kai pushed his bicycle outside.He Qi stopped him from behind to catch up and said, "Are you too scary recently?" He kicked Zheng Kai lightly, comforting him and said, "Don't think too much, it's not a big deal? Or say Then who blamed you?"

The person Zheng Kai was talking about was the life committee member of the fourth class.Although Zheng Kai didn't say her name, the head teacher of Class [-] has already found out. He heard that Teacher Yu was very angry and said that if she didn't pass the exam this time, she would be removed from the life committee member of that girl.That would be a shame.

He Qi wondered if that woman had a fight with Zheng Kai?The two broke up?
Zheng Kai said deeply: "I'm only thinking about getting the grades in the exam now, and I don't think about anything else."

He Qi nodded humbly, thinking that this must be a breakup.

The arrangement for the mock exam will come out soon.In order to let students and parents pay attention to this matter, Mr. Zheng arranged to hold a parent-teacher meeting in the self-study class on Thursday afternoon.

It's rare that Lin Mei and the others left school early.Teacher Zheng said: "I still say that, I will take care of those who are willing to learn, and those who are not willing to learn, you can just do it yourself."

Mother Lin said that she would go directly from the library to the attached middle school today, and that Lin Mei could go home directly.

There are steamed sweet potatoes in the pot at home. Lin Mei is used to eating first when she goes home. She scoops up a sweet potato and eats it first before going to do her homework.At seven o'clock, Mother Lin came back from the parent-teacher meeting, and she came out of the house and said, "I made sweet potato porridge, fried hot and sour potato shreds, a vinegar bean sprouts, steamed buns are also heated, let's eat? "

"Eat!" Mother Lin said in a good mood. Before she came back, she went to the vegetable market and bought salted duck.

"Your Teacher Zheng praised you by name, saying that your grades have improved steadily." Mother Lin gave Lin Mei a piece of duck meat, and said happily. "There were so many parents in the class at that time, but many people asked me how you learned at home. I said I didn't care about you, and you worked hard on your own." Mother Lin really felt very honored.Before, Lin Meike had never been praised by the teacher, and she always sat and listened to other people's children when she went to the parents' meeting.

"You study hard. I see that your teacher Zheng values ​​you very much. The parent-teacher meeting is over, and your teacher Zheng still dragged me to talk for a long time, saying that you want to pass the provincial exam. If you work hard, it shouldn't be a problem. What you learned recently Is there anything you don’t understand? Apart from physics, do you need another tutor?”

Mother Lin went to a parent-teacher meeting, and suddenly became enthusiastic. She was more concerned about Lin Mei's grades, and she was more optimistic about her daughter's future.That day I called my uncle and said, "My child wants to take the Provincial Sixth Examination...the teacher said that the child can do it...hahahaha...I think so too, as long as she lives well in the future..."

In the room, Lin Mei remembered that before she went to study abroad, her mother used to call people like this, and she was very happy to call for several days.The people over there may just compliment her in passing, saying that she will be able to bring Mama Lin to the United States to live in a villa in the future.

However, after she graduated, Ms. Lin also learned a lot during the few years she was away. Tell her, foreign countries use foreigners a lot. It is not easy for you to live there as an outsider. Come back. They can also find you a job.

Lin Mei didn't say that before graduation, she had nightmares for half a year, insomnia, hair loss, and almost thought she was suffering from depression.She was afraid of going back to China. She spent nearly 60 to [-] yuan studying abroad, and she was so tired that she was about to vomit blood from a gastric ulcer. She really exhausted all her efforts, but the final results were not as good as she imagined.She felt she wasted a lot of time.

Because in addition to studying, she must spend more energy on life.She felt that she was simply spending money to come abroad to find fault.She didn't come to study at all.

What broke her three views the most was that when she was working hard and tired, there were still people who could live easily by her side and spend money as much as they wanted without taking it seriously.The people here include rich second-generation, official second-generation, and some from ordinary families like her.

She sometimes wonders alone in the middle of the night, is she too serious?There's nothing wrong with being relaxed and confused. Is it worth putting yourself under so much pressure?
But every time she would think again, would it be better not to come out?Before she came out, she never thought that the life of studying abroad would be like this.Seven things to open the door early in the morning, firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.Life is so trivial, it is not romantic at all, it is not talking and laughing with foreign students in jeans and carrying books, nor is it elegant reading in a beautiful library.

At that time, she was able to stay, but she was not very confident that she would have a good job. It might take ten years or even longer to take over Mama Lin.

But returning home seemed like a failure, she didn't achieve anything, and went back in despair.

Lin's mother's words made her seem to suddenly become the child with a mother to rely on.After hanging up the phone, she burst into tears and relaxed.

Even if it is not successful, at least she can go home, and her mother wants her.

The time for the mock exam is set on this Saturday and Sunday, and the exam will be completed in two days.The student number is the test number, all messed up.So Lin Mei was assigned to take the exam in Class [-], while Zhou Jie and Zhu Hai went to Class [-] and stayed in Class [-].

Ever since Zhu Hai knew that he was still taking the exam in this class, he breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great, I don't need to go to another class."

Even if the layout of each classroom is exactly the same, each class has its own different atmosphere. Of course, going to another class for the test is not as familiar and relaxing as taking the test in your own class.

Teacher Zheng said: "It's just right for you to go to another class for the exam. By then, all the high school exams will be assigned to other schools. By then, they will be all unfamiliar schools and classes. You should get used to it now, so that you don't get used to it again." Because of this nervousness, I can’t answer the paper well.”

On the first day, Chinese and mathematics are in the morning. Mathematics is a comprehensive paper that takes half of the score together with geometry.Teacher Xu said during the mobilization before the exam: "It's all the questions that have been taught. If anyone can't do it, it's because they didn't listen carefully in class."

Afternoon is politics and English.It is equivalent to saying that after the exam on Saturday, more than half of the tasks are completed.

On Sunday morning, there are physics and chemistry, and in the afternoon, there are small papers on history, geography and biology.

Teacher Zheng announced the good news on Friday: "This year's senior high school entrance examination reform, history, geography and biology will not be taken, or will be combined into one big paper. You are more relaxed than last year."

The lower the score, the smaller the weight of each subject. Similarly, the pressure of review will be reduced accordingly.

So as soon as Mr. Zheng finished speaking, the whole class burst into cheers!

Someone at the bottom said: "Then why don't you take the exam at all!"

Think too beautiful!
Lin Mei remembered that history, geography and biology were indeed comprehensive volumes, as were physics and chemistry.Recently, she thought of a historical question again. In her impression, it was a certain withdrawal of the Red Army or the route of the Long March. A map asked people to fill in the place names.

So she circled all the important maps that the teacher said in the history book!I plan to memorize them all!

At 07:30 on Saturday morning, Lin Mei went to school to take the exam.I also ran into Zhu Hai on the stairs. When the two walked to the door of the first class together, Zhu Hai said: "Then you go in, don't be nervous for a while."

Not nervous, not nervous at all.

I'm actually a little nervous...

Lin Mei breathed out lightly, and walked into the classroom of Class One with a slight heart.

The classroom was almost full of strangers. She found the student number and sat down. It was a good position in the center. The invigilator could see it from anywhere in the classroom at a glance, so she didn't want to cheat.

The most popular positions during the test are against the wall and at the end.In the teacher's blind spot.

Even if Lin Mei didn't intend to cheat, she felt that it was unlucky to sit here.

The classroom of class one is not the same as the classroom of class three.A lace was drawn on one side of the blackboard in front, which said the duty group and homework to be handed in.There was also a pot of dusty plastic flowers on the podium, and a map of China was pasted on one wall.

On the blackboard behind is a lot of chicken soup for the soul, which seems to be modern poems and prose excerpted from books such as readers.Anyway, there is nothing to do, Lin Mei looked at it curiously, and felt that the style of the first class seemed to be much gentler than theirs.

The blackboard at the back of Lin Mei's class still wrote the admission scores of the high schools copied by Zheng Kai last time.There are also people from other classes who go to their classes to watch it. I heard that it was promoted by the head teacher of the other class, saying: "If you have time, go to the classroom of Class [-] to see which school you can get into."

With the words of the teacher, the third class has many more visitors.Later, Zheng Kai copied it again on purpose. Not only was the handwriting bigger and more neat, but he also deliberately thickened the edges with yellow chalk to make it more conspicuous.

Exam at eight. At 07:30, everyone has arrived.Mei Lu and He Qi were also taking the test here in the same class as Lin Mei, and her acquaintance Li Tuhai was also taking the test here.But Lin Mei greeted Mei Lu, but He Qi seemed to be quite familiar with Tu Hai, and the two happened to sit quite close to each other.

The invigilator came at [-]:[-].Teacher Xu from Biology and Teacher Yu from Physics.

They looked at their watches, and it was almost 45:[-] to start handing out the papers. Teacher Yu said on it: "No writing is allowed, and whoever writes will collect the papers and throw them out! You can write at [-] o'clock. You can read the questions first."

At 10:[-], the bell rang for the end of self-study.There are still [-] minutes.

Teacher Xu counted the extra papers on the stage, and said to everyone: "Look at your papers, see if there are any torn papers, and if the printing is not clear, change them quickly, don't waste time."

After that, two people wanted to raise their hands to change papers. Teacher Xu trotted down from the podium, first checked that the papers in the hands of the students who changed papers were indeed problematic, and then gave him the new papers.

Lin Mei took off the watch and put it on the corner of the table.She hasn't used a watch for a long time, and always uses her mobile phone to check the time.It was Ms. Lin who said that she was studying hard recently and wanted to buy her a good watch. In the end, she asked someone to bring a seagull watch. The small dial was still gold-plated, and she was not used to it.

But it is a good watch, and Lin Mei intends to cherish it.

At eight o'clock, when the class bell rang, Teacher Yu said from above: "You can start writing."

Lin Mei immediately picked up a pen and wrote the answers to the few questions that she had just thought about in her mind. Everyone in the classroom was writing furiously, and only the sound of writing could be heard.

Teacher Yu and Teacher Xu are watching from the podium, and the other is patrolling below.

Not long after the exam started, something happened that someone brought a pen out of water. Teacher Yu took a pen from the table next to him and said to another student: "You don't need this one now?" The student nodded, and Teacher Yu took the pen To the person who has no water for the pen, say: "Bring a pen when you come to the exam. What will you do when it comes to the high school exam? Go out and buy it?"

No one cares about things that have nothing to do with it.Lin Mei just listened to it, and devoted all her energy to reading the questions.Her review is very solid, basically all the content that needs to be recited can be said. This time, there is only one text content to fill in the blanks, and one author to fill in the blanks. It may be the content of the previous second or first grade. She can't remember anything other than , everything else is guaranteed to be correct.

After she finished writing, she also checked it again, so as not to have the kind of bad thing that she obviously knew, but accidentally wrote it wrong, and she would definitely vomit blood.

Halfway through the exam, Teacher Zheng came in quietly to take a look, but Lin Mei didn't notice it until Teacher Zheng left and whispered to Teacher Yu: "Then I'll go first." Teacher Yu nodded to her, and she didn't know that Zheng The teacher has already come.

The composition is well-written, as the teacher said, point questions at the beginning, deduct questions in the middle, and point questions at the end, such as three points and one line, at least to ensure that the basic points will not be lost. Whether the other writing is good or not is another matter.

After the bell rang for the end of the second period, Teacher Yu and Teacher Xu started calling for the papers to be collected, saying, "No more writing is allowed! Writing any more is considered cheating!"

After all the papers were collected, everyone felt like they had passed the test.

Lin Mei couldn't think of eating bread at all today, but she was afraid that it would be troublesome if she was hungry again during the math test, so she went downstairs to buy a bread and a bag of milk, and walked upstairs while eating.Now the place where the milk is sold has a large pot, half of which is filled with hot water, and all the bags of milk are soaked in hot water, so that it can be taken out warm and can be drunk directly, which can be regarded as cleaning and disinfection.I won't drink cold milk in the winter, and I will have a stomachache after drinking it.

Back in Class [-], I found that a few students were cleaning up under the command of the teacher, and swept up some draft paper and napkins that had been thrown on the ground during the exam just now.The head teacher of Class [-] frowned and said, "You should also pay attention to your hygiene. There are trash cans in the classroom, so it would be so clean to throw them in the betel."

She should be very annoyed by these students coming to her class for exams and throwing things around.

Lin Mei saw a boy who finished eating bread and wanted to throw the packaging bag into the trash behind the door, but accidentally bounced outside. Under the eyes of the head teacher of the class above, he hurried to pick up the packaging bag in desperation Come in and throw it in the trash.

Maybe the head teacher of class one complained. When the math papers were handed out, the head teacher of class five came and stood there looking at the people in her class.Lin Mei guessed that the boy who littered just now belonged to Class Five.

When the papers were handed out this time, the bell had already been rung, so everyone didn't waste any time and hurriedly focused on answering the questions.Lin Mei, the invigilator above, did not know her, so she guessed it might be a young teacher in the second or first grade.

The invigilator said: "Don't be careless, read the questions more, review them more, and calculate them several times. You should know that the answers to some questions are wrong as soon as you calculate them, so you don't have to write them up, and check again quickly. Didn’t you check the question wrong? Did you use the wrong formula?”

The invigilator may also be a math teacher.She walked around the classroom slowly with her arms folded, especially the few rows behind the classroom.Lin Mei also invigilated the exam after work, although it was an exam organized by the company itself.This kind of special transfer in the last few rows is because the latter few rows are prime locations for cheating.When she was proctoring the exam, someone in HR told her to go back and hang around if she had nothing to do, creating a kind of deterrence, so that some cheaters would not dare to cheat.

Compared with Chinese, the math papers are much easier to do. I have seen all the question types and know what formulas to use. Just like the invigilator said, unless the answers are carelessly calculated, there is no possibility of problems.Except for the two geometry, she wasted some time at the beginning because she didn't know where to draw the auxiliary line, everything else went smoothly.

Lin Mei answered the paper faster than the Chinese this time, and there were still 10 minutes left after finishing all the papers.She checked the calculation over and over again, for fear of losing points if she miscalculated the answer to any question.

After returning home from the exam, Mother Lin didn't say a word about how she did in the exam at noon, but kept giving her vegetables.Today at noon, Lin's mother made croquettes, stewed a big pot of vegetables, and also made fried chicken with green peppers, tomato and egg soup, which Lin Mei couldn't want to eat.

After dinner, Mother Lin asked Lin Mei, "Do you want to take a nap?"

Lin Mei shook her head and said, "No, I'll get dizzy after falling asleep." She took the political book and memorized it.

She had memorized all the key points in the politics textbook, but now that it was time for the exam, she suddenly felt her mind was blank.When I asked her to read, the more she read, the more nervous she became, and she didn't dare to tell Mother Lin.

Fortunately, everything went well during the afternoon exam.Although I felt that my mind was blank, but when I saw the answer sheet, I wrote it all out.The three elements of productivity, this time she doesn't have to make up anything.

After the first day of the exam, she estimated her own score, and felt that the average score of these four subjects was above [-], which was not a problem.Unless there is some big problem that she ignored and didn't find.Probably not, though.

In the evening, she will continue to study. Mother Lin told her to rest early, "If you don't rest well, you won't pass the exam. Come out and watch TV."

Lin Mei looked at the advertisement for a while and said, "It's just a mock exam. I'm not nervous at all. Just let me read books. I'm a little anxious if I don't read books now." If you don't read books and watch TV, you will feel guilty.

"Go, go." Mother Lin waved her hands helplessly and said, "It's surprising that my daughter can't do well in the exam."

(End of this chapter)

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