Chapter 13

Uneasy Zhou's father secretly called his daughter's classmate Lin Mei while Zhou Jin went back to the room to do homework. At this time, Jackson's singing was still echoing in the room.

Mother Lin received a call calling Lin Mei, and then quietly listened to the microphone with her.

"Lin Mei, hello, I'm Zhou Jing's father." Zhou's father said very politely.

"Hello, Uncle Zhou." Lin Mei was also very well-behaved.

"I want to ask, has Zhou Jie mentioned to you... that I want her to study abroad? Do you know what she thinks about this matter?" Zhou's father was not so nervous when he saw the superiors.

Lin Mei decided to say something nice for Zhou Yu, she said, "Uncle Zhou, actually Zhou Yu didn't object to this matter."

Father Zhou became even more disturbed: "Oh..."

"She's just a little scared and not used to it. After all, it's a strange country. She's going there alone, and she's very uneasy. Although her mother is there, they haven't seen each other for a long time," Lin Mei said.

"She and her mother have never met, they only talk on the phone." Father Zhou explained, after he finished speaking, he felt that it was normal for her to be uneasy about sending Zhou Jie to someone she had never met.

Mother Lin gave Lin Mei a surprised mouth shape, and Lin Mei nodded, making a pity of "Yeah, it's so miserable".

The mother and daughter exchanged glances and continued to listen.

Zhou's father said nervously, "Then...that's what she told you?" He was really negligent and forgot to consider his daughter's mood!
Lin Mei said: "Uncle Zhou, you usually comfort Zhou Jing more, she really doesn't want to leave you."

"Oh, oh..." Dad Zhou said, "Then Lin Mei, can you keep uncle a secret? Don't tell Zhou Yu that I called you. Thank you, uncle."

Lin Mei nodded: "Okay, Uncle, I won't say anything." Seeing Zhou Yu on Monday, she said.

Father Zhou was about to hang up the phone when he remembered that Zhou Hao suddenly listened to rock music today and asked Lin Mei, "Lin Mei, there is something else I want to ask you. Where did you go to play today?"

"Oh, I wanted to learn how to dance, so Zhou Yu took me to buy tapes." Lin Mei confessed.

"Oh, you want to learn to dance now? Do you want to sign up for classes? To relax?" Father Zhou thought for a while, should he also enroll Zhou Ying in a ballet class, and take it with Lin Mei, with two little girls as companions, Zhou Ying If you are always bored at home and listen to this kind of song, you will learn badly.

"Well, yes. See you again, Uncle Zhou." Lin Mei said.

"Goodbye, goodbye, Lin Mei, tell your mother for me, uncle has hung up."

Lin Mei took the microphone and said, "He hung up."

Lin's mother didn't know that Zhou Jie's family was like this, "Zhou Jie's father is quite concerned about his daughter. Has her mother gone to the United States?"

Lin Mei said: "I heard that when Zhou Jie was still very young, Zhou Jie's mother wanted to study in the United States, so she quit her job."

Mother Lin nodded and said, "Her mother is very hardworking. Zhou Jie is much like her mother."

Lin Mei: "Huh? Where does it look like?"

Mother Lin said: "Zhou Yu came to our house to look for you last year, and I saw that this child has more rules than you. But you have caught up now." Mother Lin comforted her daughter, and then said: "She has a good attitude towards learning. .”

Lin Mei guessed that it should be due to Zhou Jin's earnestness.However, she always thought that it was Zhou Jie's strict requirements that made Zhou Hao develop such a habit.According to what my mother said, it may also be hereditary from Zhou's mother.

After arriving at school on Monday, Lin Mei found that the problems between Zhou Jie and her parents seemed to be less serious.In the first two weeks, Zhou Jie was full of depression like a girl in the second grade.Now her depression is gone.

This week it's Lin Mei's turn to clean up.After school, Lin Mei had to stay on duty, Zhou Que said, "It's okay, I'll wait for you." Then she leaned against the window with a beautiful and delicate notebook and read it with gusto.

Lin Mei glanced past while mopping the floor: "What are you looking at?"

It was only when she approached that she heard Zhou Jie humming a song. While humming, she shook her head and beat the time, her whole body was filled with musical cells.

"Just beat it Beat it" Zhou Jie hummed engrossedly, as if he was immersed in the music.

The notebook in her hand contained the lyrics that had been properly copied, and she had copied several pages.

"Have you finished listening?" Lin Mei actually wanted to ask, did Zhou Yu copy down all the lyrics on that CD?That's a lot.

After cleaning, the two went downstairs with their schoolbags on their backs. Lin Mei borrowed Zhou Jin's book to read, and the two went downstairs slowly, arm in arm.

Lin Mei found out that Zhou Jie wrote Michael Jackson's life and all his released records seriously on the first page of the book.

Although Jackson became famous in the United States very early, he was introduced to China in the middle and late 90s, and there were very few songs that came in.

Zhou Yu said: "I told my mother to ask her to buy Mike's original CD for me in the United States." She had never asked Zhou's mother for anything, and this was the first time.

"Are you in love with him?" Zhou Yu pushed the bicycle, and the two slowly walked out of the school gate.

"I think he is very courageous." Zhou Yu said, "I thought about it seriously. In fact, I don't want to go to the United States. A large part of the reason is because I don't want to see my mother. If my mother insisted that I go to find her, Maybe my dad said it, and I won't be so repulsive."

Zhou Jie thought, if Zhou's father simply wanted to send her abroad, and only a friend or relative of Zhou's father received her there, she would not be so opposed.

Lin Mei listened quietly to Zhou Que's words.

"Later I thought, she has nothing to do with me at all. She said she was my mother, but she never came back to see me, and kept calling me. She never wrote me a letter. My father said that was her before. It’s been a hard life, too, and I don’t have time to write letters.” Zhou Yu sneered disdainfully, “I wonder now, does she think she’s doing me justice by taking me over?”

Lin Mei said, "Then what are you going to do now?"

Zhou Hao laughed and said, "I've made up my mind. If they tell me to go, I'll go. No matter what my mother thinks, going to America is good for me. I will go there to study, and I will let my dad Give all the money to me, not to her. Who knows how she is doing there? I read a lot of books about studying abroad, and now she is only living with that man, and they are not married at all. It is ridiculous that she is still right The man's two children are fine, I heard that the girl is now going to the party every night until three or four o'clock, and she has to drive to pick her up every night because it is not safe at night."

"When did she treat me like this?" Zhou Yu asked Lin Mei in a cold and aggrieved tone.

"She thinks it's okay to take me over? It will save trouble? It will be worthy of me? She is dreaming!" Zhou Yu said.

Watching Zhou Hao get on her bicycle and merge into the traffic, Lin Mei felt like seeing history.She turned around and went home, thinking on the way when Zhou Jie went to the United States in the second semester of the third year of junior high school, did she also have the same idea?

Afterwards, she and Zhou Jie were shopping, and Zhou Jie occasionally saw a magazine with a photo of Jackson printed on it in the newsstand next to it, so she went to buy that magazine, and then she kept flipping through that magazine until they broke up and went home. A simple two-page report on Jackson.

But Zhou's father suddenly no longer insisted on letting Zhou Jie go to the United States.Zhou's mother called back less and less, and Zhou Yu even overheard Zhou's father and Zhou's mother arguing across the phone line.

"I guess she doesn't want me to go again. I told her that I wanted Mike's CD, and she said it was expensive and unnecessary, so let me concentrate on my studies." Zhou Hao pouted.

After a weekly exam, Zhou Jin's grades dropped.

But Zhou Jie didn't care.

The temperature started to drop and it was getting colder.Lin Mei put away her skirts and changed into jeans and a jacket. She often wears a school uniform jacket now.One is fit, and the other is convenience and dirt resistance.

Moreover, she found that more and more people were wearing the first-grade school uniforms in the school. On the third floor, she often saw boys and girls wearing school uniforms with two white stripes.

Lin Mei entered the class and saw that Zhou Yu had arrived and was writing something on the desk.Lin Mei took out the books for the morning self-study, saw the papers that were handed out yesterday in the schoolbag, and went over to ask Zhou Jing: "Have you finished the papers?"

Zhou Que waved her over excitedly.

Lin Mei walked over and saw Zhou Jie writing a letter. The letter paper was the kind of beautiful letter paper with patterns and colors sold in boutiques, and it exuded a fragrance.What surprised Lin Mei the most was that Zhou Que wrote the letter in English.

"Help me to see if there is anything wrong." Zhou Yu said, "I'm going to write a letter to Mike! I went to the post office and asked that it can be sent to the United States. The address can be passed on to them."

Lin Mei read it again, and to be honest, she thought the idea was great!Zhou Jie wrote very simply, that is to say, she likes Jackson's songs very much, the meaning and melody in the lyrics, and admires Mike very much, thinking that he is a great singer worthy of admiration.She will always support him and hope he will sing more and better songs in the future.

"It's great." Lin Mei returned the letter to Zhou Qing.For the first time, she discovered that it hadn't occurred to her to write to Jackson.She only started listening to his songs after college and attended online tributes after Jackson's death.But after returning to the present, she never thought of writing to Jackson.

Zhou Hao's shining eyes made her understand that even if she returned to this age again, she would not have the vigor she should have at this age.

This is an age where you can do anything as long as you like it.

Adults always say it's impossible, because there are obstacles of one kind or another.

But teenagers don't say that.Because they can't see the obstacles at all.

If Lin Mei was Zhou Jin, she would first start worrying about her declining grades and the complicated relationship between her parents.Chasing stars, especially a singer from a distant foreign country, separated by an ocean and with a language barrier, no matter how much she likes, she just listens to his songs.

But, write!Such an approach might only exist in her imagination.

Zhou Jie has put it into practice!

Zhou Hao put the letter away, remembered the paper that Lin Mei said just now, and immediately turned pale with shock: "My paper is not written! Lend me yours!"

Lin Mei hesitated for a while, but still gave her the paper.

When Zhou Que was copying the papers, Lin Mei asked her cautiously, "Did you...didn't write the papers at home recently?"

"I can't write it in." Zhou Yu looked up at Lin Mei, revealing a little anxiety, "I am annoyed when I read books now, and I am annoyed when I think of memorizing texts, vocabulary, and writing papers."

Lin Mei snorted, and asked her cautiously after a while: "Then... what are you going to do?"

Even though Lin Mei has not been a child for many years, she still remembers how much the child hates being "taught" by others.Especially when you know you are doing something wrong.Being taught a lesson is like being exposed face to face.

Parents and teachers are okay, relatives who are not close, friends of parents, random "elders" met on the road, older children, etc.The lessons of these people will only have the opposite effect.

Actually they know everything.When Lin Mei was taught a lesson before, she thought to herself, "You think I don't understand? I know I need to study and improve my grades, but what can I do if I can't improve my grades? I can only teach people with big principles!".

At that time, she thought that the so-called "caring" people who were admonishing others just wanted to enjoy themselves on the high ground.Hey, you did something wrong, I can scold you, I can have fun by training you.You can't refute yet, because what I said is right.Your rebuttal means that you are ignorant, obedient, and good people.


So Lin Mei hated being "persuaded" by such kind people from the past.Still annoying to this day.People who really care about her don't just say fake things.

Based on her own experience, Lin Mei wanted to discuss her thoughts with Zhou Jie.

She thought that it was impossible for Zhou Jie not to worry about the drop in grades.

Zhou Que turned the pen and did not speak.

The class bell rang, and Zhou Yu returned the paper to her.Lin Mei returned to her seat and sat down, and Teacher Zheng came in.

"The papers I sent to you last week will be used in class this week. These papers are the Chinese examination papers of some key high schools in the city. If you want to be admitted to those high schools, you must take these papers seriously." Teacher Zheng said.

Mr. Zheng did not forget what he said to Lin Mei last time.She found out the Chinese papers of the senior high school entrance examination for the last three years from a total of ten high schools in the city, and then printed and distributed them as homework.

A thick stack.

Lin Mei is like a treasure.Xinhua Bookstore does not have this kind of papers, and only teachers like Mr. Zheng can find them.But without access and careful collection, if ordinary teachers don't want to put in the effort, students won't be able to see these papers at all.

Lin Mei thought that since there were Chinese, there must be mathematics and other subjects.She had the courage to ask Teacher Zheng, and Teacher Zheng promised to help her look for it, and gave her the math paper directly, saying: "Your Teacher Xu also has this paper, and I think she will let you do it too. You Take it first, don't make a fuss."

Lin Mei was so excited that she wanted to repay Teacher Zheng by sending something.Of course, she also gave gifts. The simpler one is to go to the supermarket and buy a shopping card worth hundreds of 1000 yuan and send it there. It is simple, convenient and trouble-free.

The problem is that the current supermarkets don't know if there is such a service.

Lin Mei went home and asked Mother Lin, saying that she wanted to buy a shopping card for Teacher Zheng.

Mother Lin thought for a while and said, "It's okay, this idea is quite popular now."

Lin Mei realized that she was really stupid. Gift giving is a culture with a long history.If there is a supermarket, there must be a shopping card.

"You are studying well now, thanks to Teacher Zheng. You should give me something." Mother Lin said, and looked at Lin Mei in surprise, "Did you learn this idea from your uncle?"

Lin Mei said hehe: "...I heard my uncle said it during Chinese New Year before. Hehe."

Mother Lin said: "Then you don't have to worry about it, I will come. It is indeed more convenient to send a card, which is better than referring to your teacher's house in a big bag."

Lin's mother said she would not let Lin Mei take care of it, and she was not allowed to inquire about it. Lin Mei asked again in two days, and Lin's mother said: "Children have a lot of eyes, learn from you."

Lin Mei wanted to thank Teacher Zheng, but it was simply a thank you, and she didn't intend to bleed heavily.Seeing that Lin's mother didn't say anything, she told her: "Don't give too much!" When I turned around, I would scare Teacher Zheng again.

Mother Lin laughed all of a sudden, "Okay, Xiaokou! Got it! You don't write the paper anymore?"

There are still two months to the Chinese New Year.The teachers at the school became even more nervous. In order to help them tighten the strings, the weekly exam was released.

Weekly exams, as the name suggests, are exams once a week.It does not simply point to paper tests, but also includes "interviews" such as random questions in class.

In a weekly exam, Lin Mei's chemistry score jumped from 78 last time to 93.

Weekly exam results are transcribed on a blackboard at the back of the classroom.Lin Mei is now an out-and-out dark horse, and every time her score improves after her birth, it will surprise people.

Lin Mei herself was taken aback. Zhu Hai looked at the bright red score of 93 on her test paper and said, "How did you learn..."

Lin Mei really wanted to say that it was because of this question.The chemistry teacher's papers this time are all the content of the last two weeks, and there is nothing from before.

The focus of her review is also set in this way, because she also found that the focus of the teacher's questions is pushed from the back to the front, and the most recently learned questions have the largest proportion.So after she knew that she was going to take the exam, she focused on reviewing the content of the last two weeks, and gave up on the previous ones.

Who knew this would happen?

The result is frighteningly high scores.

But she knew that telling the truth would only appear to be "pretentious" and make people want to beat her up, so she said, "My mother hired a tutor for me."

Zhu Hai: "Oh, no wonder."

Zhou Yu quietly asked her after school: "Where did you hire a tutor?"

Lin Mei reacted and asked her: "Do you also want to hire a tutor?"

Zhou Hao nodded and said, "I talked to my dad. I said I couldn't learn it recently, and he told me to relax and not worry. I told him that I wanted to hire a tutor, and he agreed."

Lin Mei had no choice but to say frankly: "I didn't hire a tutor. I was talking nonsense at the time. But someone in our courtyard hired a tutor. Let me ask you about it?"

Even if he heard that Lin Mei had lied just now, Zhou Jie's tolerance was much stronger than before.Lin Mei remembered that if it was Zhou Yu from before, she would definitely have asked her why she lied, and it would be fine if she told the truth.

Now Zhou Yu nodded and said, "You're right. I heard from Lu Lu that Mei Lu and the group don't like you."

Lin Mei smiled: "Why don't they like me?"

"Your grades are improving too fast." Zhou Yu sneered, "Didn't you pay attention? Last time you almost suppressed Meilu in Chinese."

Lin Mei was really taken aback this time, she recalled and said, "No."

"Almost, you are 82, Mei Lu is 84, and you are only short of filling in the blanks." Zhou Yu said, "Now I heard that Mei Lu studies at [-] am every day, and her mother found a lot of workbooks and papers for her."

Lin Mei found out that this is an "unaccustomed", isn't this the healthy competition that Mr. Zheng is most looking forward to?Her dark horse jumped out and put pressure on the good students like Meilu, making them work harder.

However, there are indeed clear barriers among the students in the class.Boys and girls, class committee members and ordinary students, the third echelon of academic performance, the worst ones play together, and the average grade is failing.The middle class is a wave, with an average score of around 70 points.The top students in the class are the third group, and this group usually has a high degree of overlap with the class committee.

Lin Mei jumped from the middle grades to the group of top students.But her current grades are still not stable, and she is far from the "top student" in everyone's mind.

Zhou Yu was originally a top student who was not a class committee member. Her tutor was good, and she was a bit of a high-altitude flower in the class, but she was more detached.

Now that her grades have suddenly dropped to mid-level, she is actually in a hurry.

Soon, Lin Mei heard that Zhou Jie had found a tutor.Three times a week, from 08:30 to 20:[-], the tutor gives her lessons at her home, and the scope of tutoring is the four main subjects.[-] yuan per class.

"I'm a college student. My dad said that this kind of tutoring is just right. He hasn't left the school too far. He just took the college entrance examination. He is still familiar with our current subjects and can teach me a little beyond the outline." Zhou Yu said, "But This man stutters! He can repeat a sentence four or five times, and I understand him, and he keeps asking 'do you understand'."

(End of this chapter)

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