Rebirth of the noble lady

Chapter 296 Ah 9, Never Regret

Chapter 296 Ah Jiu, Never Regret

Facing such a scoundrel, what else can Yun Qianyue do?He could only surrender and said: "Okay, okay, I promise you, there will be meat for three meals a day in the future, and you don't need to bring any fairy minks. I will work hard to gain weight until you reach the level you want."

Feng Qing nodded in satisfaction: "This is how you behave."

Yun Qianyue glanced at Feng Qing, why did she feel like she was being coaxed by a child, who is coaxing whom: "Then don't let me down."

Feng Qing put Yun Qianyue on the ground, hugged her tightly again, and ate the tofu without any shyness, touching everything that should be touched all over her body.

"Ah Jiu, are you possessed by a hooligan? Didn't you say that I'm as skinny as a rib, and I don't feel like it? Why do you still touch it like this?"

On the one hand, he disliked it terribly, but he was doing different movements with his hands. What kind of trouble was he trying to do?

You can't just do whatever you want just because you like him, you haven't passed the door yet, after you pass the door, won't you be punished.Why at this time, Yun Qianyue is suddenly a little glad that Fengqing is an eunuch?After all, she has experienced the relationship between men and women. Regarding that aspect, Yun Qianyue is not the kind of big girl who doesn't know what to ask, or she wants to find a crack in the ground shyly.

Feng Qing snorted softly: "After all, it's you, it's better to touch her. If others don't dare to expect me to look at her more, then it can be called touching her."

Yun Qianyue was a little speechless: "Should I feel honored or tragic when you say this?"

"Anyway, if you provoke me, you will never run away in this life."

Feng Qing gently bit Yun Qianyue's earrings, which made Yun Qianyue tremble all over, and her whole body was as sensitive as a storm coming to the city, biting the root of her tongue lightly to keep her mind clear: "Ah Jiu, Don't, don't do that."

"Little thing, you are mine." Feng Qing stopped moving, but whispered in Yun Qianyue's ear with a heavy breath: "From now on, no matter what time you are, you are mine, yes I am alone, and I will never even think about running away in my whole life."

It was a nasty and moving vow of eternal love, but Yun Qianyue heard a bit of pleading and sadness from Feng Qing's tone, and her heart couldn't help but pick up slightly.

By the moonlight and the candlelight, Yun Qianyue looked at Feng Qing's eyes, shining like stars, what a pair of beautiful eyes, even the beauty of everything in the world is so bleak compared with it, But these star-like eyes shouldn't be more sad.

At that moment, Yun Qianyue knew that Feng Qing looked evil and crazy on the surface, but in fact he was always alone in his heart, he was very afraid of losing, he didn't care about everything, just because he didn't want to suffer from loss again , coupled with his unknown identity and mission, he couldn't care less.

Thinking of this, almost instinctively, Yun Qianyue stretched out her hand and gently wrapped Feng Qing's waist.

"Ah Jiu. I'm right here, and I won't leave for the rest of my life, unless you don't want me."

This is a promise, but a promise, one sentence is enough, too many promises will only spoil the word, like a lie to coax people to be happy, Ah Jiu, I will not deceive you, I just want to be with you Together.

Feng Qing leaned her chin gently on Yun Qianyue's head in a posture that was one head taller than Yun Qianyue's, and closed her eyes: "You said this. Don't go back on your word."

If you don't repent, and are willing to hold my hand with me, grow old together, and never give up, how can I be willing to repent.

With a smile on her face, at that moment, Yun Qianyue was as calm as a lotus in water, but it was about to bloom: "Okay, Ah Jiu, we have made a deal, we will never regret it."

Three days later.

Yun Qianyue came to the plum blossom courtyard again.

Wu Yiniang seemed to know that Yun Qianyue would come, so she got out of the room, stepped on the snow, and looked at the plum tree she planted at the gate of the yard, fascinated for a moment.

I remember that these plum trees are not only the name of this yard, but also a gift from Yunfeng. Yunfeng once said that his face is comparable to plum blossoms blooming in winter, invincible and admirable Compassionate heart.

But now, when Wu Yiniang thinks about it carefully, those meaningless words are just Yunfeng's flattery to please her. She used to be so stupid and flamboyant. On the face, such a person is the least fearful, so how can he be admired?It's all about this face.

But I foolishly believed it. Together with Feng Xue, I don’t know how long these plum blossom trees have been precious, and I took care of them myself, just because my husband said that plum blossoms are like her, but now it seems that things are different from people. , Fifth Yiniang only thought it was a joke, and couldn't laugh anymore.

Under the leadership of the nanny, Yun Qianyue came on the snow and disturbed Wu Yiniang's thoughts: "Fifth Yiniang."

Fifth Yiniang withdrew her thoughts, turned around, and said with a slight smile: "Qianyue, you are here."

Yun Qianyue looked at the plum blossom tree, stepping down the snow, wearing a gray fox fur and simply decorated Wu Yiniang, I have to say that this Wu Yiniang is really a natural beauty, she looks very beautiful, even in the After so many shocking experiences, her body collapsed and her face turned pale, but her beauty was not affected a little bit, it was still as touching as when we first met, only a little less vulgar and a little more elegant gas.

An experience that can almost destroy a person's life, and the changes in people's lives, are really earth-shaking. This is the case for Wu Yiniang, Yun Liu, and myself.Sometimes, such a painful disaster can really make a person reborn, but the premise is that you can bear the fatal pain of rebirth.

I have to say that this kind of Wu Yiniang is not only not as easy to handle as before, but also becomes more lovable. At least Yun Qianyue prefers people with such a temperament, regardless of gender.

"Fifth Aunt, how are you thinking?"

Fifth Yiniang let out a sigh of relief: "I've considered it, and I promise you that I will temporarily take over the position of the Mistress of the Yunfu."

Yun Qianyue raised her eyes, but said one more thing: "Have you thought about it? If you do this, even if you don't help the second brother, you are still standing on the opposite side of the elder brother and sister-in-law, that is, the opposite of the Su family .”

Fifth Yiniang couldn't help laughing, her laughter jingled like silver bells, and it was melodious: "You are the one who persuaded me next, and now you are the one who persuades me to really think carefully, Qianyue, don't you think you are like this?" Is it a little confusing?"

Yun Qianyue shook her head: "I just don't want you to regret it again. Because at that time, there is no way to regret it."

(End of this chapter)

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